Workboat Association publishes a Coronavirus Good Practice Guide

COVID-19 Good Practice Guide for Workboats published by the Workboat Association
COVID-19 Good Practice Guide for Workboats published by the Workboat Association

A new COVID-19 Good Practice Guide for Workboats has been published by the Workboat Association to help minimise the spread of COVID-19, protect people’s health and maximise efficiency when responding to an COVID-19-related emergency situation.

The Workboat Association Good Practice Guide says:

It is recommended that Workboat Operators implement the following controls within their organisations to minimise the spread of COVID-19 on board and within the workplace, protect the health of employees [seafarers], passengers and public, and to maximise efficiency when responding to an emergency situation related to COVID-19.

This Good Practice Guide has been created based upon the current industry best practice and guidance information available at the time of this documents creation 02.04.2020. This pandemic is actively and quickly evolving, so is research into the
virus; further measures may be implemented and this Good Practice Guide may be replaced.

Please see for updates.

• Designation of a COVID-19 action plan within your organisation’s Management System
• Operational Risk Assessment for COVID-19 (both on board and shoreside)
• Regular COVID-19 Management Meetings
• Preparations for the event of necessary ‘post COVID-19 case’ cleansing of a workplace or vessel
• Travel to be restricted to business-critical requirements only, use of private travel methods (Hire cars or Personal transport) shall be investigated for reasonable practicality
• Travel Letters are to be issued to those necessary to travel in the event of them being stopped by government officials (customs or police etc) and questioned
• Implementation of health screening (checks) for Seafarers, anyone with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature should be denied embarkation
The regularity and exact methodology of such screening should be decided by the vessel’s operator in line with local and project guidelines
• Luxury items on board, shall be removed from, or restricted in passenger areas
– Toilet usage shall be reduced where possible to a minimum
– Unnecessary items and the sharing of tools or stationary shall be minimised
– Use of galley equipment and cutlery/crockery shall be minimised
Certain single use products may be suitable for substitution
• All persons boarding the vessel shall immediately wash their hands using warm water and soap, in cases that this is not applicable – hand sanitiser is to be used only as a second measure.
• Seating plans (if carrying passengers) shall be reduced to conform with locally applicable distancing guidance – If this information is unknown, we suggest no closer than 1.5m minimum
• Where possible, crew should remain segregated from passengers and separate walk-ways be designated when applicable.
• Increased onboard and Shoreside stock of essential cleaning supplies and gloves Use of face masks is controversial related to the specific types available
– This includes PPE for a potentially infected person
• Daily cleaning schedules shall be raised to involve regular cleansing and disinfecting of contact areas and objects, including sanitation facilities
• Designated area identified onboard to transport any potentially infected persons back to port

It is a requirement to report any potentially affected person(s) transported by sea to the respective port health office. See

Download the Workboat Association Good Practice Guide: COVID-19-Good-Practice-Guide.-The-Workboat-Association-02.04.2020-1

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