Here is a selection of technical and specialist videos about ships and boats. These videos have been carefully selected and chosen by IIMS, but the Institute cannot accept any responsibility for the content provided by third parties, or any errors and omissions in the videos.
Technical & Specialist Videos

In this video Milind Tambe from Troupe 7 discusses pre salvage casualty surveys and their execution. Video length: 36 minutes.

Stainless steel in marine applications and its susceptibility to corrosion by Mike Lewus. Video length 61 minutes.

Marine alloys, their corrosion behaviour and how to avoid it by Carol Powell. Video length 56 minutes.

World's most advanced hydrofoil boats fly above water. With razor-sharp hydrofoil catamarans that help them hit speeds of 60 miles an hour. Video length: 14 minutes

What it takes to manufacture million dollar propellers moving the world’s largest ships. Video run time: 16 minutes.

Here is a discussion about how salvage companies rescue some of the largest vessels after they run aground, capsize, or sink. Video run time: 17 minutes.

An overview about how engineers are using technology to improve the safety and reliability of commercial and military ships. Video run time: 16 minutes.