IMCI, the Brussels-based International Marine Certification Institute, has issued a statement to say that all products that are certified under the Recreational Craft Directive (RCD) by IMCI will be able to be placed on the UK market with the CE mark until 1 January 2022.
According to new guidance released by the UK government, industry will be able to use the CE marking until 31 December 2021 if any of the following apply:
– CE marking is applied to goods on the basis of self-declaration
– a mandatory third-party conformity assessment was carried out by an EU-recognised Notified Body (including a body in a country with which the EU has a relevant mutual recognition agreement)
– the certificate of conformity previously held by a UK Approved Body has been transferred to an EU-recognised Notified Body
However, industry can only place CE marked goods that meet EU requirements in Great Britain while UK and EU requirements are the same. This will be the case on 1 January 2021 and there are neither UK nor EU plans to diverge at this time.
The Recreational Craft Directive was discussed a the European Boating Industry general meeting. You can read an article here: Members of European Boating Industry met online for their second yearly General Assembly