On 28 January 2024, an able bodied seafarer (AB) on board Chemical Hunter was severely scalded by steam. The accident happened during cargo tank washing and steaming operations. Chemical Hunter had just left the port of Altamira, Mexico when the accident occurred. The vessel returned to port where the injured crew member was transferred to a hospital. Despite the first aid given on board, and the more specialised treatment in hospital, the injured crew member succumbed to his injuries about two weeks after the accident.
The safety investigation determined that the failure mechanism of the steam inlet valve to the cargo tank cleaning water heater was most likely to have been fatigue and that no sudden event precipitated the failure. When the steam valve failed, the AB was engulfed in a dense cloud of hot steam and consequently, suffered severe burn injuries. He also suffered damage to his lungs due to hot steam inhalation. The Marine Safety Investigation Unit (MSIU) has recommended the Company to verify the integrity of all the steam valves using NDT techniques and replace any valves, as necessary. Furthermore, the Company has been recommended to circulate the findings of the safety investigation within its fleet.
Conclusions of the investigation:
• The AB suffered from fatal steam scalding, following the structural failure of a steam valve.
• The metallurgical examination conducted on the failed valve body and fragments concluded that the mechanism of failure was most likely to have been fatigue.
• The steam valve exhibited signs of corrosion and delamination of the protective paint. The examination revealed signs of pre-existing multiple developing cracks on the body.
• The metallurgical examination further revealed that exacerbation of crack growth could have been aided by the stencil marks on the valve and the uneven geometry.
• The master’s decision to return to Altamira to land him ashore, in agreement with the Company, was also considered appropriate.
Read the full report, including the metallurgical examination: MT Chemical Hunter Investigation