The IIMS surveyor network is proving its worth

Strange and positive things can and do happen at times of great adversity it seems. And let’s face it, the world is facing adversity like no other most of us will have seen. I repeatedly hear from small craft surveyors around the world that they have had their busiest ever year. Yes, the rules of survey have changed, but many people in the world have decided this is the perfect time to purchase a boat remarkably. Equally cargo and commercial ship surveyors are reporting that they too are busy. But again, the rules of engagement and survey are different now.

A number of members have informed me that they are increasingly using the IIMS network to pass work on to other member surveyors who are better placed geographically to handle their client’s enquiry whilst travel restrictions make movement from one country to another almost impossible for some at this time. This is heartening news, but is exactly what the IIMS community and international network of surveyors should be about. I feel the sense of community amongst IIMS members is as strong as it has ever been. So, if you have yet to embrace this philosophy – and yes I know it is hard to pass work on to others – I would urge you to do so. Using the Marine Surveyor Search App or the search on this website means you may be able to find someone better located than you with the skill set your client is seeking.

The Institute is moving into an exceedingly busy time as year end approaches. We have made some changes to how we deliver training for our Certifying Authority coding examiners. How we are reshaping their training can be read here and the first event in what will become a series of regular online seminars takes place on 10 November.

It’s Fest time again! Yes I am excited to tell you about Marine Surveying International Fest III 2020, which will soon be upon us – the ultimate marine surveying training days of the year. Fest III is split into two 12 hour days:

Large Yacht & Small Craft Marine Surveying International Fest III takes place on 30 November
Cargo & Commercial Ship Marine Surveying International Fest III is happening on 2 December

Both days start at 06.00 London UK time.

One new presentation is delivered on the hour every hour on a marine surveying topic by an expert somewhere in the world- 12 in total. I have worked hard to develop two great speaker programmes featuring fresh and specially commissioned content. I would encourage you to review them and to join us to support the speakers who are giving up their time and knowledge for your benefit. Members pick up valuable CPD points too; but I welcome non members to get involved too. If you can’t be there in person, you can reserve the videos from either day to watch at your leisure. Those who join live get the video content as a matter of course.

Stay safe and survey well!

Mike Schwarz
Chief Executive Officer

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