The past week has been one of great sadness for me personally, the IIMS head office team, Institute members, and the wider maritime industry with the announcements of the passing of two IIMS champions. Last week, I received news of the passing of Peter Morgan HonFIIMS. Peter died on 4 April. And then just a week later, news that John Excell HonFIIMS had lost his brave battle and succumbed to a long illness reached me. The news of both deaths affected me greatly.
Detailed obituaries are being prepared for both men and will appear in the June 2021 Report Magazine.
But for now, let me try and make sense of what has been the toughest of weeks as both men were well known to me and many others. Indeed, both in their own ways gave so much to the Institute and will be sorely missed.
Let me start with the death of Peter Morgan. Some will have known Peter by reputation and others will have met him personally. He was a long-standing member of the IIMS management board and a Past President of the Institute (2010-2012). Despite his diminutive height, Peter was a larger-than-life character and a formidable individual.

Peter was known to me as ‘Mr Coatings and Corrosion’, something he made his specialist subject, and he was someone who you could rely on to assist with technical queries in this area. It was Peter who became heavily involved in the development and delivery of the Registered Marine Coatings Inspector (RMCI) qualification and standard. He was the lead tutor and ran the pilot course in September 2014 and several of the first courses subsequently.
Peter leaves a sizeable legacy behind him and will be sadly missed. The industry has lost a man of huge experience and he will be fondly remembered by all who knew him.
Turning my thoughts now to John Excell HonFIIMS, who as I said, has passed away after a long illness. Despite his bravery and positivity as he battled his illness, buoyed by his strong religious faith, John passed away peacefully on Sunday 11 April.

Sometimes the phrase ‘life’s not fair’ is a meaningless one, but in John’s case, it is most poignant for he was only in his early fifties and still had so much to give.
As well as building a successful career as a marine surveyor and MCA coding examiner, John contributed fully to life at IIMS and gave a huge amount back to the Institute and the surveying profession in general. He loved passing on his extensive knowledge to younger, up-and-coming surveyors. He was a member of the management board and Director of yacht and small craft marine surveying at IIMS. He was also a member of the Certifying Authority committee. A regular attendee at the annual IIMS Certifying Authority MCA audits, John was not frightened to passionately argue his point with the external auditors. John will be sorely missed by my colleagues and me, and all those who knew him
The tributes and messages of condolences that have reached me have been heartfelt, proof of the stature and measure of both men.
Rest in peace Peter Morgan.
Rest in peace John Excell
Mike Schwarz
IIMS Chief Executive Officer