Michael Grey has accepted an invitation as guest after dinner speaker at the forthcoming IIMS 25th Anniversary London Conference Gala Dinner. He will address dinner guests on the evening of 31 August 2016. The venue for this special occasion is the wonderful and atmospheric Museum of London Docklands, located at West India Dock Road in east London (by Canary Wharf).
Michael Grey will be well known to many already and is a competent and knowledgeable speaker. He is a columnist and correspondent and has been associated with the maritime industry for the whole of his working life. At sea for twelve years with the Port Line of London and the holder of a British Foreign Going Master’s certificate, Michael came ashore to work in the safety and technical department of the UK Chamber of Shipping, before moving into maritime journalism.
Michael has been Technical Editor of Shipbuilding and Shipping Record, Editor of both Fairplay International Shipping Weekly and Lloyd’s List, where he continues to write a weekly column. He is the London Correspondent of BIMCO and contributes to a large number of maritime publications in the UK and Continue reading “Michael Grey to speak at IIMS London Conference Gala Dinner”