Announcing the Ian Nicolson Lecture: Your invitation to attend

Image credit: The Helensburgh Advertiser
Image credit: The Helensburgh Advertiser

One of the more interesting nonagenarians you are likely to meet is Ian Nicolson C.Eng. FRINA HonMIIMS, a marine surveyor based in Scotland, who is not your average ninety-plus-year-old. For one thing, he has been marine surveying for over 70 years – in itself a remarkable feat.

IIMS is delighted to be hosting the Ian Nicolson Lecture “Lessons learned from 78 years of marine surveying” live on Thursday 13th April between 10.30 and 12.30 (UK time). The lecture is open to anyone who wishes to attend. Continue reading “Announcing the Ian Nicolson Lecture: Your invitation to attend”

Provisional announcement of a 2023 IIMS UK Conference in June

Chilworth Manor Hotel near Southampton
Chilworth Manor Hotel near Southampton

You are invited to join us for the first truly hybrid IIMS Annual Conference on 6-7 June 2023. The last face-to-face IIMS Annual Conference took place way back in 2019. With the pandemic receding, IIMS has decided it is long overdue and plans to test the Conference waters again. So, the Institute is delighted to announce the 2023 Annual Conference, AGM and Dinner which is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 6 and Wednesday 7 June.

All are welcome and encouraged to participate in the event, either face-to-face or by Zoom Continue reading “Provisional announcement of a 2023 IIMS UK Conference in June”

Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week 2022

Captain Andrew Moll OBE shares some safety critical advice with boat users to mark the start of carbon monoxide awareness week 2022, reminding them of the hazards posed by this poisonous gas.

Many of us take steps in our homes to stay safe from carbon monoxide by installing CO alarms and having an annual boiler service, but are the same precautions being taken when out on the water?

The Marine Accident Investigation Continue reading “Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week 2022”

Transport of lithium-ion batteries – a continuous threat

The publishing of a whitepaper by insurance providers TT Club along with its fellow Thomas Miller managed business, UK P&I Club, and technical and scientific consultancy, Brookes Bell, brings greater awareness of the dangers inherent in the transport of lithium-ion batteries, particularly by sea. The increased demand for ‘green power’ for a wide range of portable devices such as mobile phones, mobility aids and recreation, manufacturing and power storage, through to larger products, such as electric vehicles will undoubtedly result in the production and transport of these batteries rising exponentially in the coming years. Continue reading “Transport of lithium-ion batteries – a continuous threat”

CRT publishes Boater Report 2022

The Boater Report 2022 has been released by the CRT
The Boater Report 2022 has been released by the CRT

The Canal & River Trust has published its Boater Report 2022 into how it generates its income and how that money is invested on behalf of its licence holders. Income for the year remained broadly stable and the Trust was able to increase the amount spent on core maintenance and repair works

The Boater Report 2022 highlights examples of the work the Trust carries out to keep the waterways safe and open for navigation, including 451 planned repairs and 52 arising and emergency repairs. Over the year the Trust replaced 132 lock gates, dredged 37km and removed almost 125,500 tonnes of silt. Continue reading “CRT publishes Boater Report 2022”

Former Discovery Yachts director ordered to make £1m payout

An ex director of Discovery Yachts Group will have to pay over a million pounds in compensation to a couple who sued the company over their leaking boat. Both Discovery Yachts Group and Discovery Yachts Ltd, are in liquidation – but Discovery Group’s ex-director Sean Langdon, 58, will now have to pay £1.12m compensation in person after losing a lawsuit.

Andrew France and his wife Maria bought the 58-foot Discovery sailing yacht ‘Elusive’ for £1.5 million in January 2017.
They sued Southampton based boat broker Discovery Yachts Sales Ltd (DYS) and Discovery Yachts Group Ltd Continue reading “Former Discovery Yachts director ordered to make £1m payout”

Crew unfamiliarity with fixed fire-extinguishing system contributed to towboat fire

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has released an investigation report on the towing vessel Capt. Kirby Dupuis, which experienced an engine fire on November 9, 2021.

On November 4, 2021, at 0600, the Capt. Kirby Dupuis departed Paducah, Kentucky (near mile 950), bound upriver for Steubenville, Ohio (near mile 68), pushing thirteen dry cargo barges filled with sand, rock, and steel. The vessel had a crew of six: the captain, pilot, a “deckineer”, and three deckhands. The deckineer was completing a company training program to be qualified as an engineer.

On the morning of November 9, the towboat was transiting with both engines about 1,275-1,290 rpm Continue reading “Crew unfamiliarity with fixed fire-extinguishing system contributed to towboat fire”

Disposal of marine pyrotechnics from the UK pleasure vessel sector to change

New arrangements for disposing of redundant marine pyrotechnics, known as flares, are being rolled out by the pleasure vessel industry in the UK. This will replace the voluntary and temporary scheme which His Majesty’s Coastguard has been providing since 2010 from 17 of its stations and the RNLI at its headquarters in Poole, Dorset. The new arrangements, supported by both British Marine and the Royal Yachting Association, will provide a website showing links to businesses offering disposal services across the United Kingdom.

On the 31 December 2022, the current HM Coastguard scheme will end and the Maritime and Coastguard Continue reading “Disposal of marine pyrotechnics from the UK pleasure vessel sector to change”

New interim Chief Executive of Maritime and Coastguard Agency appointed

Damien Oliver has been appointed interim CEO of the MCA
Damien Oliver has been appointed interim Chief Executive of the MCA

Damien Oliver has been appointed as the interim Chief Executive of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA). He begins his new role on Monday 17 October, following the retiremet of MCA Chief Executive Brian Johnson.

MCA Chairman and board member Christopher Rodrigues said: “Damien has had a number of high-profile roles within the MCA since joining in 2001 and he will bring a wealth of maritime experience and knowledge.

“Damien has been responsible for major projects and programmes, procurement, commercial management and innovation, maritime business development which includes the UK Shipping Register and Shipping Concierge within the MCA. Continue reading “New interim Chief Executive of Maritime and Coastguard Agency appointed”

Marine Engineer Gives Time to Maritime Volunteers

MVS members onboard Melita with Glen Jones form DOCKSPEC Marine Ltd. (The Bigger Picture Agency)
MVS members onboard Melita with Glen Jones form DOCKSPEC Marine Ltd. (The Bigger Picture Agency)

Glen Jones, a marine engineer who has worked all over the world on some of the largest vessels afloat has relocated his business to the North East and pledged his expertise and support to a local nautical charity.

Originally from the shipbuilding town of Barrow in Furness, Glen studied for his qualifications from apprentice to Chief Engineer at South Shields Marine College, a career spanning more than 30 years in the marine industry. His career from sea to shore took him through deep sea voyages, shore side placements in Singapore, Cyprus and latterly Dubai, where he worked for Drydocks World Dubai Continue reading “Marine Engineer Gives Time to Maritime Volunteers”

New proposed Workboat 3 code from the Maritime & Coast Guard Agency is open for consultation

New proposed Workboat 3 code from the Maritime & Coast Guard Agency is open for consultation
New proposed Workboat 3 code from the Maritime & Coast Guard Agency is open for consultation

Rules governing workboats, pilot boats and remotely operated vessels have been revised and remade to support innovation in industry. The revised Merchant Shipping (Workboats, Pilot Boats and Remotely Operated Unmanned Vessels) Regulations 2022 and accompanying Workboat 3 Code is now going out for consultation across the marine industry. Continue reading “New proposed Workboat 3 code from the Maritime & Coast Guard Agency is open for consultation”

Canal & River Trust Annual Report 2021/22 published

The Canal & River Trust 2021/22 Annual Report & Accounts document a continued rise in use of the towpath with nearly 800 million individual visits across the year and a record summer for boating once the waterways were able to re-open in May 2021 for unrestricted navigation. It is also the second year to be severely affected by Covid-19.

Accounting for variances relating to the pandemic, income for the year remained broadly stable, and the Trust was able to increase the amount spent on core maintenance and repair works Continue reading “Canal & River Trust Annual Report 2021/22 published”

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