Recent MCA documentation amendments released in December 2021

The UK maritime regulator, the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA), has issued and distributed the following new documentation over the past few weeks.

02 December 2021
SI 2021 No. 1316 – The Merchant Shipping (Radiocommunications) (Amendment) Regulations 2021
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Sunseeker set to adopt Module F scheme of certification across its range

Sunseeker International is to adopt the Module F scheme of certification
Sunseeker International is to adopt the Module F scheme of certification

Sunseeker International is to adopt the Module F scheme of certification for its range, believed to be the first UK boatbuilder to adopt the endorsement. All of Sunseeker’s models will be certified by RINA by the end of 2022.

The certification is approved under the Recreational Craft Directive (2013/53/EU) and will apply to the boatbuilder’s entire range by the end of 2022.

For vessels between 12m and 24m, the certification will require two modules of assessment to be applied for. Sunseeker has appointed notified body RINA to carry out the work.

“Going beyond the minimum requirements of the Recreational Craft Directive, to involve a higher level of scrutiny from a third party, demonstrates Sunseeker’s commitment to achieving the highest level of compliance and production quality; ultimately it’s about delivering excellence, to remain best- in-class,” said Ewen Foster, Sunseeker chief technical officer. Continue reading “Sunseeker set to adopt Module F scheme of certification across its range”

New VAT legislation is good news for UK boat owners

The UK government has confirmed that from 1 January 2022, recreational boat owners will not be required to pay a second amount of UK VAT if their vessels have been outside the UK for more than three years.

Boat owners returning their vessels to the UK can claim relief from import VAT under returned goods relief (RGR) if they meet all the conditions for the relief. One of these conditions is that the goods or effects must normally be re-imported into the UK within three years of the original date of export. Continue reading “New VAT legislation is good news for UK boat owners”

50 Vessels join the Fishing First Safety Management Project

The Seafarers’ Charity is pleased to report that the project to develop safety management onboard fishing vessels to the standard of the Fishing Safety Management (FSM) Code is well underway.

The new service called Fishing First Safety Management System by SafetyFolder, is being developed to improve safety in the UK fishing fleet and, at the same time, increase supply chain transparency.

50 fishing vessels have joined the project which started in the South West of England and are receiving professional support to develop Continue reading “50 Vessels join the Fishing First Safety Management Project”

The Canal & River Trust has begun a trial of hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) fuel in its workboats

Photo courtesy Canal & River Trust
Photo courtesy Canal & River Trust

The fuel is being seen as a greener alternative for boats and boating businesses with the Trust pointing out the adoption of fuels such as hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) will reduce carbon emissions from the boat engines while not requiring changes in either engines or supply infrastructure.

“On the waterways, we hope that hydrotreated vegetable oil will provide a ‘quick win,’ a more sustainable, cost-friendly swap that will enable boaters and boating businesses to easily reduce their emissions,” said Matthew Symonds, Trust national boating manager. “The trial of the fuel in our workboat fleet will provide valuable information on practicalities and performance.” Continue reading “The Canal & River Trust has begun a trial of hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) fuel in its workboats”

Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice published by Maritime UK

Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice published by Maritime UK
Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice published by Maritime UK

Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems UK Industry Conduct Principles and The Code of practice has been used by manufacturers, service providers, and others as part of their day-to-day work. Many manufacturers have reported clients requiring compliance with the Code as a basis for contractual negotiations. Continue reading “Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice published by Maritime UK”

UK Office for Product Safety & Standards has released new statutory guidance updates

UK Office for Product Safety & Standards has released new statutory guidance updates
UK Office for Product Safety & Standards has released new statutory guidance updates

The UK Office for Product Safety and Standards has updated a number of Statutory Guidance documents, which are all applicable to the marine industry for both Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The individual documents can be downloaded by following the links below. The list of guidance that has been updated and is now applicable and in force is as follows: Continue reading “UK Office for Product Safety & Standards has released new statutory guidance updates”

Specialist aluminum boatbuilder recognised

The UK’s Wight Shipyard Co, a specialist aluminum boatbuilder, has been formally presented with a Queen’s Award for Enterprise for International Trade. The award was presented by Mrs Susie Sheldon JP, Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of the Isle of Wight, to Peter Morton, Chief Executive of The Wight Shipyard Co. in a ceremony at the thriving yard in East Cowes. The award was in particular recognition of their outstanding short-term growth in the export market. Continue reading “Specialist aluminum boatbuilder recognised”

Most sustainable electric Spirit yacht handed to new owner

Spirit Yachts, located in the UK, has launched its new Spirit 30, its most sustainable electric spirit yacht yet. This 9.15m fully electric yacht is the company’s first hull to have flax lay-up and bio-resin incorporated into its build. Responding to demand for a smaller Spirit design, the first Spirit 30 has now been handed over to its new owner in the UK. Continue reading “Most sustainable electric Spirit yacht handed to new owner”

MPC offers advice to personal watercraft regulation consultation

The Maritime Professional Council (MPC) of the UK has responded to a recent Department for Transport (DfT) consultation on whether personal watercraft (PWC) users should be subject to the same safety obligations that exist for the operators of ships.

In principle, the MPC supports the DfT’s proposals that would ensure PWC come within the scope of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 (MSA) and has made a number of constructive observations aimed at achieving regulations that are fit for purpose. Continue reading “MPC offers advice to personal watercraft regulation consultation”

Canal & River Trust 2020/2021 Annual Report published

Canal & River Trust 2020/2021 Annual Report published
Canal & River Trust 2020/2021 Annual Report published

The Canal & River Trust 2020/21 Annual Report and Accounts document a year dominated by Covid-19, from the pandemic’s operational and financial impact on the Trust, to the lifeline the waterways and towpaths provided throughout for millions of people across England and Wales. The Canal & River Trust 2020/2021 Annual Report also looks ahead to the 2021/22 Government Grant Review, and demonstrating the waterways’ benefit to the nation.

The Trust’s income was £215.4 million in 2020/21 (2019/20: £216.1m), reflecting the actions taken in recent years to ensure that its income, vital for looking after the ageing waterways infrastructure, is secure. Whilst overall spend on charitable activities decreased year-on-year by £10.8m to £183.3m, partly the result of provisions for Toddbrook Continue reading “Canal & River Trust 2020/2021 Annual Report published”

Consultation for the carriage and charging of electric vehicles on Ro Ro ferries is now open

The consultation seeks your views on the draft Marine Guidance Note MGN 653(M) Electric Vehicles Onboard Passenger Ro-Ro Ferries. The increase in electric vehicle (EV) numbers in the UK has led to increasing demand for transit of EV onboard passenger Ro-Ro ferries (Ro-Pax). Currently, there are limited requirements specific to the charging of electric vehicles onboard UK vessels. However, noting the increasing popularity of electric vehicles it has become apparent that there is a potential for users of these vehicles to expect charging to be available onboard, and for operators of such vessels to consider offering this facility. This marine notice provides guidance for the safe carriage and charging EVs. Continue reading “Consultation for the carriage and charging of electric vehicles on Ro Ro ferries is now open”

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