The Small Craft Surveyors Forum annual conference at Seawork Exhibition in Southampton was held on board the “Ocean Scene” with the theme “Workboats and Surveyors”. Over 40 interested persons were on board to hear from the distinguished speakers: Richard Morris and Gary Venning on RNLI surveying their lifeboats by condition based maintenance (CBM); Jenny Vines from MCA giving an update on the Workboat Code; and Simon Mockler from DNV-GL on issues of design, propulsion and personnel transfer of offshore wind farm support vessels.
The RNLI sphere of activity includes 236 lifeboats stations and 430 lifeboats. Traditionally lifeboat refits were calendar based with boats kept afloat having a refit every 3 years and for those Continue reading “Small Craft Surveyors Forum Seminar at Seawork”