Special IIMS enclosed space entry course

Of all those who board ships and enter enclosed spaces, the surveyors are most at risk. In many cases the spaces they are about to enter are an unknown entity, therefore they are totally dependent on the ship’s management team having these spaces properly prepared with a trained rescue party adequately equipped and standing by.

It is now a matter of record that ships have more incidents, accidents and fatalities involving enclosed spaces than any other component of the marine sector. These accidents and subsequent fatalities are predominantly the result of people entering, working in, or ironically attempting rescue from those spaces.

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IIMS LYSCWG Western Mediterrannean section set to gather in Palma

Delegates at the 2016 IIMS Palma event doing some practical tonnage measurement work
Delegates at the 2016 IIMS Palma event doing some practical tonnage measurement work

Once again, the expanded IIMS Large Yacht & Small Craft Working Group has planned a two day training event to coincide with the Palma Superyacht Show, which will take place on 27/28 April 2017 mostly in and around the Puerto de Palma area.

This event has proved popular in recent years, not just with Palma based surveyors, but it has drawn members from all over Europe and further afield too. Non IIMS members are most welcome to come and join too. The IIMS team has worked hard to attract a great speaker line up and programme with what look like being interesting and informative presentations over the two days. Delegates will also have some time to walk the Palma Superyacht Show on the first day of opening (Friday 28 April).

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IIMS Conference, Baltimore Maryland, 3/4 February 2017 announced

IIMS US Regional Director, James Randy Renn, has finalised plans for the Institute’s annual American marine surveying Conference, which will take place on 3rd and 4th February 2017 from 08.30 to 16.30 daily.

The extensive two day programme covers a wide range of topics and subjects that will appeal to surveyors from all sectors of the industry. For the first time, delegates are able to join the Conference remotely too by video conferencing as well as being present face to face. See below for details.

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IIMS Small Craft Working Group Super Training day programme announced

The Horizon Suite at Action Stations, Portsmouth Historic Dockyard will host the IIMS SCWG 'Super' Training Day
The Horizon Suite at Action Stations, Portsmouth Historic Dockyard will host the IIMS SCWG ‘Super’ Training Day

The SCWG ‘Super’ Training day programme, taking place on Monday 24 October, has been released.

The venue is the Horizon Suite, Action Stations, 19 College Road, Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, Portsmouth PO1 3LJ. There is ample paid car parking within a few minutes’ walk of the venue.

Action Stations, set within the Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, is a most iconic venue for what promises to be an excellent training day.

Thanks to Matrix Insurance Services Ltd and Cygnus Instruments Ltd for their kind sponsorship of the event.

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Western Med training event proves popular and successful

Pictured is the group of surveyors who met for training in Palma
Pictured is the group of surveyors who met for training in Palma

A large and enthusiastic group of 20 plus IIMS member surveyors and non members arrived on the island of Mallorca for a two day training event in Palma on 28 and 29 April organised by the Western Mediterranean Small Craft Working Group under the leadership of John Walker. The event was once more timed to coincide with the rapidly growing and increasingly important Palma Superyacht Show.

The opening day was run by John Excell, IIMS Chairman of Yacht & Small Craft surveying, and was given over to an introduction to the IIMS Certifying Authority Continue reading “Western Med training event proves popular and successful”

Small Craft Surveyors Forum announces its Seawork seminar schedule

The Small Craft Surveyors Forum, member organisations of which are RINA, IMarEST, IIMS, SCMS, NI, YDSA, has announced plans for its annual seminar taking place at the Seawork show on Wednesday 15 June.

Seawork has a new location in Mayflower Park, Southampton and the seminar will be held onboard the Ocean Scene, which is moored inside the confines of the event itself.

The afternoon programme of events starts at 13.00 and runs until 16.30. The event is free to attend, but you are asked to reserve your place so that we have numbers for health and safety, seating and catering. Continue reading “Small Craft Surveyors Forum announces its Seawork seminar schedule”

New Generation AHTS & Rig Moves course

anchorAnchor handling requires special equipment and skills, not only in performance of the anchor handling operations, but also in preparing the projects. In this three day AHTS & Rig Moves course from 17-19 May 2016 delegates will study and learn all they need to know about this specialist field. The location is Amsterdam, The Netherlands. IIMS members and non members are welcome to apply.

The course gives an overview of the necessary skills, technology and requirements. Hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, hydrography, naval architecture, nautical engineering and safety engineering are the sciences that play an important role in Anchor Handling operations and design of the AHT’s, the procedures and connections.
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Big year ahead for IMCA’s CMID Vessel Accredited Inspector scheme

IMCA’s CMID users saw a host of improvements in 2015 with the release of version 9 of the document and the launch of the accredited vessel inspectors (AVI) scheme.

The feedback from the user community on version 9, its expanded question sets and re-introduction of supplements has been very positive. The only area of concern surrounds the desire of some users for the option to produce reports which are not watermarked, for vessel inspections which, for whatever reason, cannot be uploaded to the eCMID database.

In an effort to improve both quality assurance and security integrity in the system, the Joint Industry CMID Steering Committee made the decision to watermark all versions of the CMID that were not uploaded to the eCMID database. In fact, a number of inspectors have reported that their clients have registered vessels on the eCMID database in order to get a ‘clean’ report – thereby meeting the aim of this Continue reading “Big year ahead for IMCA’s CMID Vessel Accredited Inspector scheme”

IIMS launches new specialised courses through MSA

As part of its training strategy for 2016, the International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS) has announced the launch of four specialised courses through its subsidiary the Marine Surveying Academy, which are open to members and non members alike.

All four courses will be held at the Novotel Hotel close to Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam and delivered by Ton Bos, the principal course lecturer. All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance and IIMS members will be awarded 5 valuable CPD points.

About Ton Bos
Ton is a Master of Science in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, a Master in Business Administration and a Eur. Ing. Ton has over 30 years worldwide project experience and is a lecturer at the Delft University of Technology. He teaches and lectures all over the world. Continue reading “IIMS launches new specialised courses through MSA”

IIMS launches handy guide publishing programme

The IIMS has launched a new series of reasonably priced handy guides
The IIMS has launched a new series of reasonably priced handy guides

The International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS) has launched a series of self help handy guides under the title ‘What a marine surveyor needs to know about’.

The guides are available in a compact and handy A5 size. The series is launched initially with four titles, but over the next year, it is expected to expand to cover over thirty different subjects and topics.

Typically the guides are published at various price points between £20 and £30, equivalent to about US$30 to US$45. The publications are currently only being sold directly from IIMS in paperback, but will also soon be available electronically to download as e-books through the web site as well as via Kindle.

Commenting on this striking new initiative, Mike Schwarz, IIMS CEO, said, ”It occurred to me that there is a gap in the market place for a range of sensibly priced books that would be of direct benefit to IIMS members as well as many other surveyors and those associated with the marine and maritime world in general. The range of scheduled specialist topics is vast and I expect the series to grow to 30 plus booklets over the coming year.“

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Boat DIGEST project for end of life boats nears completion

The EU funded Boat DIGEST project on end of life boat dismantling and recycling is set to finish after summer this year.
The EU funded Boat DIGEST project on end of life boat dismantling and recycling is set to finish after summer this year.

Started in autumn 2013, the EU funded Boat DIGEST project on boat dismantling and recycling is set to finish after summer this year.

The outcomes and findings of this initiative will be presented during the final conference on Wednesday, 23 September from 10:00 to 14:00 in Brussels (Belgium) at Rue de La Loi 227 (ground floor at Catalan Region premises).

Representatives of the European Union, industry, Member States, NGOs, dismantling companies and journalists are invited to the event, which is free of charge and open to everyone with an interest in boat dismantling.

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Small Craft Surveyors Forum Seminar at Seawork

scsfThe Small Craft Surveyors Forum annual conference at Seawork Exhibition in Southampton was held on board the “Ocean Scene” with the theme “Workboats and Surveyors”. Over 40 interested persons were on board to hear from the distinguished speakers: Richard Morris and Gary Venning on RNLI surveying their lifeboats by condition based maintenance (CBM); Jenny Vines from MCA giving an update on the Workboat Code; and Simon Mockler from DNV-GL on issues of design, propulsion and personnel transfer of offshore wind farm support vessels.

The RNLI sphere of activity includes 236 lifeboats stations and 430 lifeboats. Traditionally lifeboat refits were calendar based with boats kept afloat having a refit every 3 years and for those Continue reading “Small Craft Surveyors Forum Seminar at Seawork”

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