Coal cargoes: Safety protocols for managing methane emission risks

Safety protocols for managing methane emission risks in coal cargoes
Safety protocols for managing methane emission risks in coal cargoes

According to Gitana Røyset, Claims Executive, Arendal, global coal consumption climbed to an all-time high in 2022 and is on track for a record-breaking 2023 and 2024.

This article refers to the safety measures needed to reduce the risk of fire and explosion when dealing with coal cargoes.

Gard highlights that coal is a fossil fuel with varying properties, depending on its source and handling before it is loaded aboard ship. Some coals can self-heat, and some emit methane – characteristics that can create fire and explosion risks to the crew, vessel and cargo. Gard has had several cases involving problematic coal cargoes, particularly those originating in Indonesia. Continue reading “Coal cargoes: Safety protocols for managing methane emission risks”

Fire and explosion risks posed by carriage of scrap metal

NorthStandard P&I Club explains risks posed by carriage of scrap metal
NorthStandard P&I Club explains risks posed by carriage of scrap metal

The NorthStandard P&I Club presents the risk involved with the carriage of scrap metal, as explained by Dr Neil Sanders of Burgoynes Consulting Scientists and Engineers.

According to NorthStandard, bulk carriage of scrap metal (iron and steel) bring risks involving heating, flammable gas production and fires. Dr Neil Sanders of Burgoynes Consulting Scientists and Engineers shares the potential problems with all types of scrap ferrous metals in this article. Continue reading “Fire and explosion risks posed by carriage of scrap metal”

‘Book it right and pack it tight’ IMDG code updated

UKP&I and TT have collaborated to update their publication ‘Book it right and pack it tight’
UKP&I and TT have collaborated to update their publication ‘Book it right and pack it tight’

On 1 June 2022, the latest version of the IMDG Code, Amendment 40-20, came into force. Following its publication, UKP&I and TT have again collaborated to update their publication ‘Book it right and pack it tight’ which provides key insights for all participants in the freight supply chain responsible for preparing unitised consignments for carriage by sea.

The amended guide is divided in two parts;

Part A: This covers the operational processes and documentation involved in preparing and presenting a consignment of dangerous goods for shipment and uses terms from the IMDG Code that are explained in the reference section, Part B. Continue reading “‘Book it right and pack it tight’ IMDG code updated”

Bulk cargoes casebook by The Swedish Club

Bulk Cargoes Casebook published by the Swedish Club
Bulk Cargoes Casebook published by the Swedish Club

As part of its commitment to improving safety at sea, The Swedish Club widely shares its claims experiences to help the and shipping community to understand the factors that can lead to common incidents and to learn from the decisions that were made on board at the time and to understand the lessons learned.

In this valuable edition, dedicated to bulk cargoes, The Swedish Club presents 17 cases in brief.

They are:
1.1 Charcoal: Incorrect declaration caused charcoal fire Continue reading “Bulk cargoes casebook by The Swedish Club”

The issues around the transport of microplastic pellets

TT Club have issued advice on the transport of microplastic pellets
TT Club have issued advice on the transport of microplastic pellets

There are a number of concerns surrounding the transport of microplastic pellets, but whilst the debate rages as to how to mitigate the risks to the maritime ecosystem, those arising through the entire freight supply chain need to be recognised, so says TT Club in a recent highlight.

According to Josh Finch, TT Club Logistics Risk Manager, microplastic pellets, often referred to as nurdles, form the building blocks used in the production of most plastic products. They typically measure just a few millimetres in diameter – about the size of a lentil. The release of nurdles into the sea, other waterways or the environment in general have severe ecological implications, since the pellets may be eaten by fish or other sea creatures, as well as by birds. Continue reading “The issues around the transport of microplastic pellets”

Threat of cargo losses at sea: Fresh guidelines

Growing container ship capacity and threat of cargo losses at sea coinciding has prompted ClassNK to produce guidelines
Growing container ship capacity and threat of cargo losses at sea coinciding has prompted ClassNK to produce guidelines

With growing container ship capacity and threat of cargo losses at sea coinciding, ClassNK has recently published two sets of guidelines to help improve cargo safety at sea.

The recent increase in container ship capacity – a response to the growing demand for freight container transport – has coincided with a sharp increase in the number of containers lost overboard, including some notable examples of stack collapse. While rising stack heights have surely contributed to this trend, other influential factors include wave height and size, the ship’s vertical centre of gravity (CoG), the CoG of the container stack and variability in stowage, and cargo securing equipment. Continue reading “Threat of cargo losses at sea: Fresh guidelines”

ABS publishes the January 2024 Edition of Guide for Performance Standards for Corrosion Protection

The American Bureau of Shipping has published the January 2024 Edition of Guide for Performance Standards for Corrosion Protection.

Corrosion protection requirements are specified in SOLAS Chapter II-1/3-2 for protective coatings of dedicated seawater ballast tanks in all types of ships and protective coatings of double-side skin spaces of bulk carriers, and in SOLAS Chapter II-1/3-11 for protective coatings or corrosion resistance materials of cargo oil tanks of crude oil tankers.

SOLAS Chapter II-1/3-11 specifies additional corrosion protection requirements for the cargo oil tanks of crude oil tankers contracted on or after 1 January 2013. Continue reading “ABS publishes the January 2024 Edition of Guide for Performance Standards for Corrosion Protection”

Marine Surveyors Association of Bangladesh celebrating thirty years

The Marine Surveyors Association of Bangladesh conference made the front page of the Chittagong daily paper
The Marine Surveyors Association of Bangladesh conference made the front page of the Chittagong daily paper

On Saturday 16th September 2023, I had the absolute pleasure to attend the one day conference at Hotel Agrabad, Chittagong, Bangladesh, as Guest of Honour, to help celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Marine Surveyors Association of Bangladesh (MSAB). An audience of more than 100 delegates from the marine surveying profession and wider local shipping industry had assembled to take part in the event. The conference was also broadcast live via Facebook. Continue reading “Marine Surveyors Association of Bangladesh celebrating thirty years”

Sampling liquid cargoes properly is vital advises Gard

Gard P&I Club has highlighted the importance of sampling liquid cargoes properly
Gard P&I Club has highlighted the importance of sampling liquid cargoes properly

Gard P&I Club Gard P&I Club has highlighted the importance of sampling liquid cargoes properly to protect shipowners’ interests to protect shipowners’ interests, particularly when allegations of cargo contamination arise.

Cameron Livingstone, Claims Executive, Arendal and Robert Skaare, Senior Claims Adviser, Arendal have highlighted that if a cargo is found to be “off-spec” when the vessel arrives at the discharge port, and there is no evidence of contamination from the load port, the vessel could be faced with a potentially large claim even if the vessel is not at fault. Continue reading “Sampling liquid cargoes properly is vital advises Gard”

NCB launches second container inspection initiative to battle the dangers of misdeclared cargo

National Cargo Bureau (NCB) has launched a second container inspection initiative to combat the persistent threat posed by misdeclared cargo. In a determined response to these sobering revelations and escalating concerns around ship fires, particularly those stemming from lithium-ion batteries, NCB is enhancing its inspection initiative. Several major shipping lines including Hapag Lloyd, Maersk and MSC have committed to the initiative, and container inspections have already commenced in various locations around the world. Continue reading “NCB launches second container inspection initiative to battle the dangers of misdeclared cargo”

Bananas are sensitive cargoes

Bananas, though said to be the world’s most transported and consumed fruit, are also among the most sensitive cargoes that can be carried on a ship according to Skuld. Before a banana ends up on the shelves it has been exposed to numerous external factors which all have a bearing on how the fruit is finally presented.

It is an essential part of the banana export trade that the bananas are harvested in a “green” condition. This way, the ripening progression can be controlled during transport up and until presentation to the consumer markets. The ripening process of the bananas is irreversible if the bananas are allowed to enter the “climacteric” phase before transport. Continue reading “Bananas are sensitive cargoes”

Wakashio report by the Panama Maritime Authority issued 3 years after Mauritius grounding

Overview of the damage to the Wakashio
Overview of the damage to the Wakashio

Almost 3 years after bulk carrier, the Wakashio, ran aground and spilled oil along the coast of Mauritius, the Panama Maritime Authority’s investigation report into the accident has been made public. The bulk carrier was not carrying cargo when it grounded on a reef off Mauritius’ Pointe d’Esny during a voyage from Singapore to Brazil on July 25, 2020. The incident sparked an “environmental emergency” after the ship broke up and spilled approximately 1,000 tonnes of fuel oil into the pristine waters. The report does not contain any major Continue reading “Wakashio report by the Panama Maritime Authority issued 3 years after Mauritius grounding”

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