CHIRP Maritime Feedback edition 66 published

Edition 66 of the CHIRP Maritime Feedback is available
Edition 66 of the CHIRP Maritime Feedback is available

CHIRP Maritime Feedback, an independent and confidential reporting system for the maritime industry, has published its latest ‘Feedback Maritime’ publication (February 2022) to provide lessons learned and raising awareness of safety issues. Among others in this edition, CHIRP Maritime Feedback highlights an accommodation ladder failure whilst the ladder was being recovered after a pilot had boarded and discusses important issues related to maintenance, design and human factors.

In addition, this issue of CHIRP Maritime Feedback demonstrates poor safety standards upon a floating armoury vessel – many issues, both regulatory and good practice are focused upon. There are also reports concerning a near-fatal fall from a quayside, unsafe lifting Continue reading “CHIRP Maritime Feedback edition 66 published”

Updated IMO procedures for Port State Control: What’s new?

Updated IMO procedures for Port State Control reviewed
Updated IMO procedures for Port State Control reviewed

IMO has published updated guidance procedures for Port State Control (PSC) with IMO Resolution A.1155 (32), which was adopted on 15 December 2021. SQE MARINE explains what’s new in the revised resolution, which replaced the previous version Resolution A.1138 (31).

What are the IMO Procedures for PSC?

IMO procedures for PSC provide detailed guidance to Port State Authorities, featuring the following :

1. Chapter 1 – General
Includes provisions for PSC general information, ships of non-Parties, ships below convention size, definitions, professional profile of Continue reading “Updated IMO procedures for Port State Control: What’s new?”

Container loaded with discarded lithium batteries catches fire

Photo of the fire damage caused by the burnt discarded lithium batteries taken by the U.S. Coast Guard
Photo of the fire damage caused by the burnt discarded lithium batteries taken by the U.S. Coast Guard

The U.S. Coast Guard has issued a safety alert and is warning about the hazards of transporting discarded lithium batteries after a container illegally loaded with them caught fire while en route to the Port of Virginia, where it was set to be loaded onto a ship.

Thankfully the container was not loaded on a ship at the time. Rather, the container was being transported on a chassis from Raleigh, North Carolina when the discarded lithium batteries caught fire on the highway on August 19, 2021, resulting in loss of the cargo and significant damage to the shipping container. Continue reading “Container loaded with discarded lithium batteries catches fire”

Consortium set to assess and report on containership fire safety for EMSA

DBI set to lead the consortium to look at containership fire safety
DBI set to lead the consortium to look at containership fire safety

A consortium led by the Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology (DBI) will deliver a Formal Safety Assessment study on containership fire safety to the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). The project aims to identify cost-effective risk control options for cargo fires on board container vessels.

Considering the constant increase in containership sizes and the frequency of fire originating in containers, the study will quantitatively assess the fire risks on board such vessels and Continue reading “Consortium set to assess and report on containership fire safety for EMSA”

Risk alert for container cargo operations issued by Steamship Mutual

Safe container cargo operations are the subject of a risk alert from Steamship Mutual
Safe container cargo operations are the subject of a risk alert from Steamship Mutual

The Steamship Mutual has issued a Risk Alert focusing on container cargo operations to highlight that training and reinforcement of safe work practices is of paramount importance not only to ensure an individual’s personal safety but also to ensure that the work area remains safe for others.

The Club notes that incidents involving serious injuries and fatalities during ccontainer argo operations on vessels are not uncommon and refers to contributory factors that can led to an incident and lessons learned from previous cases. Continue reading “Risk alert for container cargo operations issued by Steamship Mutual”

MCA publishes new guidance on enclosed space entry

Enclosed space entry guidance published by the MCA
Enclosed space entry guidance published by the MCA

Seafarers will be better protected as new UK rules come into force to tighten up safety for those involved in enclosed space entry onboard vessels. The updated legislation goes further than that currently required under international maritime law and is part of the ongoing commitment by the UK to seafarer welfare.

Enclosed spaces include chain lockers, cargo holds, duct keels and water tanks – or any area that has been left closed for any length of time without ventilation.

Six people have died over a ten-year period from 2009 to 2019 in UK ports Continue reading “MCA publishes new guidance on enclosed space entry”

How to properly stow and secure cargo containers guidance issued by AMSA

AMSA publishes stow and secure cargo containers guidance
AMSA publishes stow and secure cargo containers guidance

AMSA has recently published stow and secure cargo containers guidance. AMSA aims to remind operators of the importance of stowing and securing cargo containers, and the potential danger to container ships navigating near intense low-pressure systems that occur off the east coast of Australia.

East Coast Lows are intense low-pressure weather systems that occur off the east coast of Australia. These systems are also referred to as complex lows or Tasman lows. Strong southerly winds, Continue reading “How to properly stow and secure cargo containers guidance issued by AMSA”

ABS Autonomous Vessels whitepaper proposes a goal-based framework for future rules to enable autonomous vessel operations

Autonomous vessel operations proposal outlined in ABS Autonomous Vessels whitepaper
Autonomous vessel operations proposal outlined in ABS Autonomous Vessels whitepaper

The ABS Autonomous Vessels whitepaper is designed to support the industry’s increasing adoption of autonomous capabilities with a focus on safe implementation. It sets out 10 goals to create a framework for the design and operation of autonomous vessels and addresses key issues in implementation.

The ABS Autonomous Vessels whitepaper also includes an update on the outcome of the IMO’s Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) Regulatory Scoping Exercise, an important step on the road toward the development of requirements governing autonomous operations.

“To allow operations of fully autonomous vessels, Continue reading “ABS Autonomous Vessels whitepaper proposes a goal-based framework for future rules to enable autonomous vessel operations”

IIMS March 2022 News Bulletin published

It has been a busy news month, both in terms of Institute news but also as far as marine-related news is concerned. This bulletin has some information of importance to the marine surveying profession.

Highlights of the monthly news bulletin include:
– Obituary: Jeffrey Casciani-Wood 1930-2022
– Time to bring your CPD points up to date for last year
– Rosie Webb appointed as Office & Web Administrator at IIMS Head Office
– IIMS Canada Branch AGM and Seminar 12th March Continue reading “IIMS March 2022 News Bulletin published”

Unfortunate events led to oil spill on deck

Britannia PandI club has been recently made aware of an oil spill on deck
Britannia P&I club has been recently made aware of an oil spill on deck

Britannia P&I Club recently became aware of an incident where a number of unfortunate events, including the fall of the vessel’s spare main engine cylinder liner, led to an oil spill on deck.

A ballasted crude oil tanker arrived at its load port early in the morning and contacted the local Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) who instructed the vessel to drift ten nautical miles off the coast to await berthing. The vessel’s main engine was kept on ten minutes’ notice and used to occasionally reposition the ship while drifting. The following night the wind picked up with reported gusts of up to 60 knots and the master decided to use the main engine to counter the heavy rolling. Continue reading “Unfortunate events led to oil spill on deck”

Tackling the issue of underwater noise

Korean Register issues guidance to help the marine industry tackle underwater noise from ships.
Korean Register issues guidance to help the marine industry tackle underwater radiated noise from ships.

The Korean Register (KR) has issued new class notation and guidance to help the marine industry tackle noise from ships.

“Several countries and ports have already introduced regulations relating to underwater radiated noise and some ports, such as the Port of Vancouver, are offering discounts on port user fees for vessels that meet the standards,” said a KR official.

”If our customers’ vessels have obtained KR’s class notation for underwater radiated noise, they will also be able to benefit from these advantages while reducing their impact on the maritime environment.” Continue reading “Tackling the issue of underwater noise”

Engine fault due to effect of low-sulphur fuel on injection control unit says report

Coking debris found in the cavity on the fuel oil side of the servo piston. Photo credit: TAIC
Coking debris found in the cavity on the fuel oil side of the servo piston due to low-sulphur fuel Photo credit: TAIC

A Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC) report reveals that the Singapore-flagged ship Funing had been unable to generate full power because a fuel injector control unit (ICU) had suffered fuel leakage and become clogged with coking debris from the use of low-viscosity low-sulphur fuel.

On 5 July 2020, the log carrier Funing finished loading its cargo at the Port of Tauranga and began preparations for departure. At about 2200 the officer of the watch contacted the engineers and informed them that departure was planned for midnight. When the main engine was tested in the astern direction, the main engine fault log indicated there was a fuel injection quantity piston failure. The engineering team attempted to rectify the fault but were unable to before the vessel departed its berth at about 0018, when the fault reoccurred again Continue reading “Engine fault due to effect of low-sulphur fuel on injection control unit says report”

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