Update on emergency power supply testing non-compliance issued by Tokyo MoU

The Tokyo MoU has released a Safety Bulletin advising that there have been numerous observations by Port State Control Officers (PCSOs) where the “simulated blackout” testing of the Emergency Generator is demonstrated as fully functional, but during an actual power blackout, the system does not meet the requirements of SOLAS Ch. II-1, Reg. 42 / 43.

PSCOs have observed an alarming number of ships that were able to demonstrate a satisfactory test of the emergency generator utilizing a Continue reading “Update on emergency power supply testing non-compliance issued by Tokyo MoU”

InterManager issues call for industry-wide accident reporting

Captain Kuba Szymanski, InterManager Secretary General
Captain Kuba Szymanski, InterManager Secretary General

Accidents onboard ships are not decreasing, according to latest accident statistics submitted to the International Maritime Organization by InterManager.

The Association says the number of seafarers injured in falls has remained fairly consistent year on year, as has the number of injuries resulting from rescue and survival craft accidents. However, the Association warns that the casualty rate for enclosed space accidents has almost doubled. InterManager has submitted its figures, which span several decades, to the 10th session of the IMO’s Sub-Committee Continue reading “InterManager issues call for industry-wide accident reporting”

Leading shipping organisations express concern over certain CII flaws

organisations express concern over certain CII flaws
Organisations express concern over certain CII flaws

Six major shipping organisations (BIMCO, CLIA, INTERCARGO, INTERMANAGER, ICS, and INTERTANKO) have issued a joint statement expressing their concern over some flaws of the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) regulation.

With the IMO’s initial Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) ratings delivered from Flag States to shipowners, organisations have noted the CII scheme’s inadequacies. Thus, they will continue to work to ensure a CII methodology that is accurate, reliable, and implemented in a manner that fully reflects the intent of the IMO Strategy for the world’s fleet of commercial ships. Continue reading “Leading shipping organisations express concern over certain CII flaws”

BIMCO informs of the dangers of transporting palm kernel shells

Credit: BIMCOBIMCO informs of the dangers of transporting palm kernel shells

According to BIMCO, recent events at the port of Ishinomaki, Japan, involved two workers found unconscious during cargo operations aboard a bulker ship transporting palm kernel shells. While the incident is under investigation by the Japanese Coast Guard to determine any connection between the cargo and the workers’ condition, it underscores the importance of understanding the hazards associated with transporting palm kernel shells. Continue reading “BIMCO informs of the dangers of transporting palm kernel shells”

Be aware of the risks of fumigated cargo

Be aware of the risks of fumigated cargo
Be aware of the risks of fumigated cargo

Hong Kong Merchant Shipping has issued an information note to draw lessons learned from a fatal accident which happened on board a Hong Kong registered general dry cargo ship during discharging a fumigated cargo of logs at Zhangzhou, China.

The incident
A Hong Kong registered general dry cargo ship berthed at the port of Zhangzhou, China to discharge the fumigated logs. In the morning of the day of the accident, a stevedore entered the spiral ladder space of the almost fully loaded No.1 cargo hold from the access entrance on the main deck to unhook the lifting slings of an excavator which was transported from No.2 cargo hold to the hold by the shore crane. Continue reading “Be aware of the risks of fumigated cargo”

10 Golden Safety Rules to live by launched

10 Golden Safety Rules published
10 Golden Safety Rules published

Together in Safety, a consortium of maritime organisations and companies, has launched 10 Golden Safety Rules to help shipping improve its safety performance.

The 10 Golden Safety Rules were developed by the Together in Safety Coalition following a review of fatal incident reports across all sectors of the shipping industry. They comprise 10 areas for all companies and every seafarer to adopt in their everyday work to prevent injuries and fatalities.

Dr. Grahaeme Henderson OBE, Chair of Together in Safety, emphasized that shipping is fundamental Continue reading “10 Golden Safety Rules to live by launched”

CHIRP Annual Digest 2023 published

The CHIRP Annual Digest 2023 is available to download now
The CHIRP Annual Digest 2023 is available to download now

Recently published, the CHIRP Annual Digest 2023 is the ninth edition to be released by CHIRP Maritime. The publication covers the reports and cases that were published during 2023 along with additional articles on safety topics.

The Digest extends to 78 pages and celebrates CHIRP Maritime’s 20th anniversary. The publication presents a collection of safety-focused incident reports and insightful articles derived from real-life experiences in the maritime industry. The Digest is organized into themed sections, providing readers the flexibility to explore topics of interest. Continue reading “CHIRP Annual Digest 2023 published”

Testing Times Report

The Testing Times report examines the issues with bunker the bunker supply chain
The Testing Times report examines the issues with bunker the bunker supply chain

The Testing Times report has been written by Thetius on behalf of Lloyd’s Register assesses the vital role of ship fuel oil assessment and quantity verification.

Despite many changes across the maritime industry, fossil fuels remain central to global trade and the ocean economy. Variations in bunker fuel quality have been a pressing issue for some time, and the problem of off-spec and poor-quality bunker fuel looks set to deteriorate further before things improve.

The Testing Times report, written by maritime innovation consultancy Thetius, examines the contemporary issues in the bunker supply Continue reading “Testing Times Report”

Carbon capture and storage: Risks and opportunities

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a long-established technology
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a long-established technology

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a long-established technology but its profile has grown as a potentially significant solution to achieve rapid decarbonisation. What are the associated risks and opportunities for the shipping industry?

Traditionally, CCS has most often been used for the enhanced recovery of oil from depleted reservoirs. More recently, its profile has grown as a necessary solution to decarbonise hard-to-abate industries such as energy, cement and steel production. Shipping can be added to this, as onboard carbon capture is likely to be required as alternative zero emission fuels are unlikely to be available in the necessary quantities and prices to achieve the IMO’s 2050 and interim targets. That captured CO2 will need transporting from the capture site Continue reading “Carbon capture and storage: Risks and opportunities”

World merchant fleet report 2022: Everything you need to know

World merchant fleet report 2022 published by Equasis

The 110 page world merchant fleet report by Equasis provides a picture of the global shipping fleet in 2022, derived from data contained in the database. The report examines the structure and characteristics of the fleet and its performance. The statistics are grouped into themes which could be of interest to the industry and regulators, as follows:
1. The Merchant Fleet Population
2. Classification Societies
3. P&I Clubs and Insurance Companies Continue reading “World merchant fleet report 2022: Everything you need to know”

Shipping Industry Flag State performance table 2023/2024

The 2023/2024 Shipping Industry Flag State performance table, published by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), indicates continuing positive performance by the vast majority of Flag States which are responsible for the safety and environmental performance of the world’s merchant ships.

It is strongly emphasised by ICS that the age of an individual ship is not an indicator of quality, and that the condition of an individual ship is ultimately determined by how it is maintained.

– The new Flag State Performance Table shows an increase in positive performance indicators amongst smaller Flag States. Continue reading “Shipping Industry Flag State performance table 2023/2024”

Enclosed spaces on ships claim the lives of eight people in one week

Enclosed spaces on ships claim eight lives in just one week
Enclosed spaces on ships claim eight lives in just one week

With eight deaths in a week as a result of enclosed spaces on ships, InterManager has called on the shipping industry to work together to improve safety in these challenging onboard areas.

Three seafarers and five shore workers died over one week in accidents in enclosed spaces on ships, bringing this year’s known deaths to a total of 31, although the reporting process can be slow. InterManager, the international trade association for the ship and crew management sector, keeps records of these incidents on behalf of the wider shipping community, sharing them with regulators in its role as a non-governmental organisation (NGO) member of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Continue reading “Enclosed spaces on ships claim the lives of eight people in one week”

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