Cargo Integrity Group calls for risk-based measures to prevent pest contamination

The international freight transport organisations of the Cargo Integrity Group are calling for urgent action from actors in global supply chains to reduce the risk of pest transference through international cargo movements. The five partners in the Cargo Integrity Group, known as CIG, recognise the vital importance of focusing on the threat of invasive pests to natural resources across the world, and of the urgency in crafting risk reduction measures that address the situation.

This call to action follows the intentions by pest control experts under the auspices of the International Plant Protection Convention Continue reading “Cargo Integrity Group calls for risk-based measures to prevent pest contamination”

Guidelines for fuel oil sampling and designated sampling points

Guidelines for fuel oil sampling and designated sampling points
Guidelines for fuel oil sampling and designated sampling points

During MEPC-75 meeting, that was held in November-2020, new amendments to MARPOL Annex VI were adopted through Resolution MEPC.324(75). These amendments will enter into force on 1 April 2022. It introduces new requirements for fuel oil sampling points and outline methods for sampling fuel oil to validate its sulphur content.

Essentially, there are three types of fuel oil samples as defined in the IMO guidelines:
-sample of the fuel delivered to the ship during the bunker operation, i.e. ‘MARPOL delivered sample’ (MEPC.182(59))
– sample of the fuel oil in use on a ship, i.e. ‘in-use sample’ (MEPC.1/Circ.864/Rev.1) Continue reading “Guidelines for fuel oil sampling and designated sampling points”

Autonomous ships and safety at sea white paper published

Autonomous ships and safety at sea white paper published
Autonomous ships and safety at sea white paper published

One Sea, the industry alliance that brings together leading exponents of autonomous ship technology, has published an autonomous ships and safety at sea white paper

The paper examines the safety advances achieved by and expected from autonomous ship technology, with the aim of driving the consultative process forward towards a revised set of maritime regulations. It considers today’s safety framework, cybersecurity, views from ship owners and operators, consequences for labour and insurance, and the classification implications for varying levels of autonomy, before offering a proposal for next steps by the industry.

Continue reading “Autonomous ships and safety at sea white paper published”

Cargo tank explosion and fire on chemical tanker Stolt Groenland report published

Cargo tank explosion and fire on chemical tanker Stolt Groenland report published
Cargo tank explosion and fire on chemical tanker Stolt Groenland report published

On 28 September 2019, a cargo tank containing styrene monomer on board the MAIC (Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands) registered chemical tanker Stolt Groenland ruptured due to runaway polymerisation. The catastrophic rupture released a large quantity of vapour to the atmosphere, and it subsequently ignited. Fire-fighting efforts by the emergency services took over six hours and involved more than 700 personnel and 117 units of fire trucks, pumps and fire tugs.

The rupture of the styrene monomer tank resulted from a runaway polymerisation that was initiated by elevated temperatures caused by heat transfer from other chemical cargoes. The elevated temperatures caused the inhibitor, added to prevent the chemical’s polymerisation during the voyage, to deplete more rapidly than expected. Athough the styrene monomer had not been stowed directly adjacent to heated Continue reading “Cargo tank explosion and fire on chemical tanker Stolt Groenland report published”

RMI recommends all immersion suits to be checked rather than spot checks following a number of defective items

RMI recommends all immersion suits to be checked rather than spot checks following a number of defective items
RMI recommends all immersion suits to be checked rather than spot checks following a number of defective items

The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) has published a Marine Safety Advisory notice. In it RMI stresses the importance of properly inspecting and maintaining all immersion suits, following a number of recent cases of defective equipment found onboard RMI flagged vessels.

Since 2019, when RMI shared a marine safety advisory focusing on the importance of following the manufacturer’s instructions for maintaining immersion suits, there have been multiple additional instances of defective or improperly maintained suits on RMI-flagged vessels, one of which resulted in a PSC detention by the US Coast Guard. In that case, “29 of 32 immersion suits were unserviceable due to unsealed seams,” and these suits were only five years old.

On a second occasion during a flag State inspection, an inspector found 38 out of 39 immersion suits not fit for use. In this case, the Continue reading “RMI recommends all immersion suits to be checked rather than spot checks following a number of defective items”

What to know about hatch cover maintenance

What to know about hatch cover maintenance
What to know about hatch cover maintenance

In association with McAusland Turner, The Shipowners Club has published advice on effective hatch cover maintenance for dry cargo ships including preventative action against ingress of water. According to the Club, one of the key requirements in cargo vessel operations is ensuring that the cargo is delivered to the discharge port in the same condition in which it was loaded. Despite improvements in the methods for ensuring that hatch covers are weathertight, claims for wetted cargo that has resulted from water ingress through hatch covers are still being experienced.

In order to ensure that hatch covers are closed sufficiently it is vital that the correct procedures are followed every time the hatches are closed and opened. This can be achieved by ensuring that crew are duly familiar with the manufacturer’s operating instructions, the company’s on board operation procedures, risk assessments and any other relevant policies related to these operations. Occasionally, Continue reading “What to know about hatch cover maintenance”

Fatality of crew member after head trapped in hatch cover panel report published

Fatality of crew member after head trapped in hatch cover panel report published
Fatality of crew member after head trapped in hatch cover panel report published

The Japan Transport Safety Board (JTSB) has published its report into the death of a boatswain while the cargo vessel FIRST AI was mooring off Kyoto in September 2019 when his head was trapped in a hatch cover panel while performing hatch cover closing duty.

A master, Officer A, a chief engineer, a boatswain, and six other crew members boarded the Vessel. While the ship was mooring at Maizuru Port in Kyoto, at around 10:45 on September 9, 2019, Officer A and the boatswain began closing the hatch covers in preparation for departure after finishing the unloading tasks.

While visually checking the condition of the hatch cover on the port upper deck during the closing of the hatch cover, Officer A noticed that the rubber packing 2 for sealing the hatch cover near the Arm that had been temporarily repaired during the previous navigation had flaked. Hence, he instructed the boatswain, who was operating the closure at the hatch cover handling stand on the starboard side of the Continue reading “Fatality of crew member after head trapped in hatch cover panel report published”

MAIB’s Annual Report 2020 published

MAIB's Annual Report 2020 published
MAIB’s Annual Report 2020 published

“I am pleased to introduce MAIB’s annual report 2020. It was another busy and successful year for the Branch improving safety at sea by our sustained output of safety investigation reports, safety digests, and safety bulletins despite lock-down conditions affecting work for much of the year. The Branch raised 1,217 reports of marine accidents and incidents and commenced 19 investigations in 2020,” said Capt Andrew Moll in his opening statement.

In 2020, the MAIB published two investigation reports into the collapse of container stacks on large container ships, both of which were transiting the North Pacific Ocean in heavy weather at the time. Such accidents are challenging to investigate due to the multiple inter-related factors involved and that critical evidence could be lost overboard during the accident. There have been more accidents involving Continue reading “MAIB’s Annual Report 2020 published”

Report published on the a fatality due to improper crane lifting

Report published on the a fatality due to improper crane lifting
Report published on the a fatality due to improper crane lifting

Belgium’s FEBIMA has published an investigation report into the fatality of a crew member onboard the general cargo ship ATLANTIC PROJECT II while in the Port of Antwerp in February 2021. The investigation stressed that the contingency plan on crane lifting operations was not fully implemented.

On February 8th, 2021, stevedores were unloading the MV ATLANTIC PROJECT II while moored at the Port of Antwerp. When tween-deck cargo hold N°3 on PS was empty, the tween-deck pontoons had to be removed by the ship’s crew, using ship’s gear, to allow access to the cargo stowed below.

After the first pontoon was hoisted and moved using the ship’s crane to its stacking position at the aft part of the Continue reading “Report published on the a fatality due to improper crane lifting”

Shipping Risk Survey results published by BDO

Shipping Risk Survey results published by BDO
Shipping Risk Survey results published by BDO

Traditionally, maritime risks have been relatively predictable such as human error, mechanical failures and natural disasters. The continual growth of international trade and the introduction of new technologies mean that shipping industry risks are evolving fast. But is risk management within the sector evolving to meet these challenges? The industry’s recent experiences, for example in managing the grounding of mv Ever Given in the Suez Canal and the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrate significant embedded resilience within the sector. However this does not mean that there are not opportunities to improve risk management practices in the shipping industry. BDO’s 2020 shipping risk survey results showed that where shipping industry leaders may once have viewed risk Continue reading “Shipping Risk Survey results published by BDO”

Report issued by MAIB on fatal crush incident during transfer from workboat Beinn Na Caillich to a feed barge

Report issued by MAIB on fatal crush incident during transfer from workboat Beinn Na Caillich to a feed barge
Report issued by MAIB on fatal crush incident during transfer from workboat Beinn Na Caillich to a feed barge

The MAIB have issued a report into the fatal crush incident involving workboat Beinn Na Caillich. At about 1510 on 18 February 2020, the Ardintoul fish farm assistant manager drowned after falling into the water from a feed barge access ladder during a boat transfer. He stepped from the deck onto the ladder while Beinn Na Caillich was still moving forward and was crushed between the boat and the barge. A fish farm technician on board the barge attempted to stop the injured assistant manager from falling in to the water by holding onto the back of his personal flotation device and oilskin jacket, but the severely injured casualty slipped out of them. Despite the assistant manager being recovered from the water and the determined efforts of the fish farm workers, emergency services, and medical staff, the assistant Continue reading “Report issued by MAIB on fatal crush incident during transfer from workboat Beinn Na Caillich to a feed barge”

Med Tuncer: Fire in enclosed lifeboat while testing batteries report issued

Med Tuncer: Fire in enclosed lifeboat while testing batteries report issued
Med Tuncer: Fire in enclosed lifeboat while testing batteries report issued

Transport Malta has published an investigation report on the fire on a lifeboat while carrying out tests onboard the Maltese-flagged tanker Med Tuncer in May 2020. The investigation identified a very high short circuit current within the batteries as a probable cause of the incident.

While the oil and chemical tanker Med Tuncer was moored at the Oil Tanking Terminal in Antwerp, Belgium, at 0815 on 14 May 2020, the electrician onboard stepped inside the enclosed, freefall lifeboat to carry out tests on the batteries. During the tests, a fire broke out inside the lifeboat. The fire alarm was raised, and the crew swiftly extinguished the fire. Fire and smoke damage were largely restricted to the interior of the lifeboat and control panel. Continue reading “Med Tuncer: Fire in enclosed lifeboat while testing batteries report issued”

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