Liberia: New checklist for safety inspections of Liberian ships

New checklist for safety inspections of Liberian ships
New checklist for safety inspections of Liberian ships

Liberia Maritime Authority has published a marine notice with an update to safety inspections of Liberian ships.

The update now includes an annex with a separate form for additional checklist to be used for passenger ships only. The notice was published 30 September and supersedes Marine Notice INS-001, dated 05/24.

The checklist for passenger ships contains 14 parts with questions focusing on: Continue reading “Liberia: New checklist for safety inspections of Liberian ships”

IMO amendments to the ESP Code: Certification by hull inspection firms

amendments to the ESP Code: Certification by hull inspection firms
Amendments to the ESP Code: Certification by hull inspection firms

The International Maritime Organization has issued resolution MSC.553(108) with amendments to the 2011 ESP Code: Certification by hull inspection firms. The amendments will come into force on January 1, 2026.

These changes specifically focus on the approval and certification processes for firms that conduct thickness measurements of hull structures. Hull thickness measurements are essential for determining the structural integrity of ships and ensuring their safe operation. The amendments apply to different types of bulk carriers and oil tankers, and aim to ensure that the firms responsible for these Continue reading “IMO amendments to the ESP Code: Certification by hull inspection firms”

Essential guide to tanker ship coatings

tanker ships rely on specialized coatings for their onboard tanks to safeguard against corrosion and contamination.
tanker ships rely on specialized coatings for their onboard tanks to safeguard against corrosion and contamination.

According to Britannia P&I Club, who have produced this essential guide to tanker ship coatings, tanker ships rely on specialized coatings for their onboard tanks to safeguard against corrosion and contamination.

The Club has published a guidance tanker ship coatings which explores the different types of coatings, including stainless steel and pure epoxy, giving details of their properties, advantages, and limitations.

A reliable and effective tank coating prevents water and corrosive agents from coming into Continue reading “Essential guide to tanker ship coatings”

Grounding of Bulk Carrier John J Boland in Michigan Due to Inadequate Clearance Guidance says NTSB

Image credit: John J Boland discharging cargo from its port side using its self-unloading boom in Lorain, Ohio after the grounding. (Source: NTSB)
Image credit: John J Boland discharging cargo from its port side using its self-unloading boom in Lorain, Ohio after the grounding. (Source: NTSB)

Inadequate operating company guidance on underkeel clearance led to the April 2023 grounding of a bulk carrier in Lake Huron, the National Transportation Safety Board reports.

The John J Boland grounded twice as it was completing final loading in Port Dolomite, Michigan on 21 April 2023. The crew discovered flooding and damage to the hull after it was underway. The vessel sustained over $775,000 in damage. Continue reading “Grounding of Bulk Carrier John J Boland in Michigan Due to Inadequate Clearance Guidance says NTSB”

Loss of propulsion of ro-ro cargo vessel Mazarine: Transport Malta Report

The vessel Mazarine dramatically stuck on Wolf Rock
The vessel Mazarine dramatically stuck on Wolf Rock

Transport Malta’s Marine Safety Investigation Unit has published an investigation report into the loss of propulsion and subsequent grounding of the Maltese-registered ro-ro cargo vessel Mazarine, on Wolf Rock off Land’s End, UK on 10 July 2023.

At about 1040, the Maltese-registered, ro-ro cargo vessel, Mazarine ran aground on Wolf Rock, UK. The vessel sustained structural damage to the underwater section of the hull. In addition to the hull perforations, several deformations were observed, mostly on the port Continue reading “Loss of propulsion of ro-ro cargo vessel Mazarine: Transport Malta Report”

Lloyd’s Register issues new survey requirements for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers

Lloyd's Register issues new survey requirements for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers
Lloyd’s Register issues new survey requirements for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers

Periodical survey requirements for Special, Intermediate and Annual Surveys of bulk carriers and oil tankers are being updated by Lloyd’s Register. This is to align with the latest revision of the IMO ESP Code (as amended by IMO Res. MSC.525(106)) and IACS Unified Requirements (UR Z10.1, UR Z10.2, UR Z10.4 and UR Z10.5). The new survey requirements will become applicable at the Special or Intermediate Surveys, commenced on or after 1 July 2024 (based on the first day of attendance). This update is applicable to shipowners, ship operators, ship managers and ship masters. Continue reading “Lloyd’s Register issues new survey requirements for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers”

DNV updates its rules for ships and offshore structures

DNV has unveiled updated rules governing the classification of ships and offshore structures
DNV has unveiled updated rules governing the classification of ships and offshore structures

DNV has unveiled updated rules governing the classification of ships and offshore structures, emphasizing support for decarbonization technologies and operational clarity through new in-operation class notations.

According to Margrethe Andersen, Head of External Communications, Maritime, with the in-operation notations, DNV has developed the first classification framework with dedicated Fleet in service notations that enables owners and operators to showcase how they are differentiating themselves in the market by deploying advanced procedures Continue reading “DNV updates its rules for ships and offshore structures”

Safety and Shipping Review 2024: Record low for fleet loses

Safety and Shipping Review for 2024 has been published PHOTO CREDIT: ALLIANZ COMMERCIAL
Safety and Shipping Review for 2024 has been published PHOTO CREDIT: ALLIANZ COMMERCIAL

Allianz Commercial’s Safety and Shipping Review for 2024 has been published, which finds that the sector will have its work cut out to maintain this status quo in future.

According to Allianz, the fact that shipping is increasingly subject to growing volatility and uncertainties from war and geopolitical events, the consequences of climate change, as well as ongoing risks resulting from the trend for larger vessels, means the industry will have to face significant challenges. Captain Rahul Khanna, Global Head of Marine Risk Consulting, Allianz Commercial said: “The speed and extent of the way the industry’s risk profile is changing is unprecedented Continue reading “Safety and Shipping Review 2024: Record low for fleet loses”

IMPA Safety Campaign: Securing pilot ladders at intermediate length is vital

IMPA Safety Campaign raises awareness of pilot transfer arrangements
IMPA Safety Campaign raises awareness of pilot transfer arrangements to be compliant

The latest International Maritime Pilots’ Association (IMPA) Safety Campaign raises awareness of the need for pilot transfer arrangements to be procured, inspected, maintained and rigged in compliance with SOLAS regulation V/23, taking complete account of the ISO 799 standards. IMPA highlights the need for securing pilot ladders at intermediate length and conduct mandatory training, inspection and maintenance.

The results of the 2023 IMPA Safety Campaign show that historical trends in non-compliance continue. The headline non-compliance rate remains over sixteen percent, and the main determinant of noncompliance remains pilot ladders. Pilot ladder observations are included in more than fifty percent of reports of non-compliant arrangements. Continue reading “IMPA Safety Campaign: Securing pilot ladders at intermediate length is vital”

SSB No. 06/2024 on maintenance of fire safety systems and equipment issued by Transport Canada

ship safety bulletin SSB No. 06/2024 published by Transport Canada
ship safety bulletin SSB No. 06/2024 published by Transport Canada

Transport Canada has issued a ship safety bulletin SSB No. 06/2024 regarding maintaining fire safety systems and equipment.

This bulletin is to remind the marine community about maintaining fire safety systems and equipment.

The bulletin emphasizes the following points:
– Visually check systems and equipment as required. ​
– Confirm that systems and equipment are accessible and available for immediate use. ​ Continue reading “SSB No. 06/2024 on maintenance of fire safety systems and equipment issued by Transport Canada”

MV CAPE KORTIA fire investigation report

MV CAPE KORTIA fire in the engine-room
MV CAPE KORTIA fire in the engine-room report published

Transport Malta’s Marine Safety Investigation Unit has issued an investigation report on the MV CAPE KORTIA fire in the engine-room, which started on 20 January 2023 at the port of Rodman, Panama, leading to the loss of all power.

A wiper noticed a leak of oil on the second platform inside the machinery spaces. Walking closer to investigate, he discovered a fire and smoke over diesel generator no. 4. By the time the situation was reported to the bridge and the main engine stopped, dense smoke had already dispersed inside the machinery spaces. Initial attempts by the crew members to apply boundary cooling helped minimise the Continue reading “MV CAPE KORTIA fire investigation report”

New Zealand regulators prosecutes RoRo operator for maintenance issues

report into the incident aboard the RoRo ferry Kaitaki published
Report into the incident aboard the RoRo ferry Kaitaki published

New Zealand regulators have taken the highly unusual step of filing charges against the operator of a large inter-island ferry after the RoRo ferry Kaitaki, suffered a power failure. The charges now in a New Zealand court came after an extensive investigation by the regulator Maritime New Zealand as well as a critical report from the country’s Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC) which called on Maritime New Zealand to address critical safety issues.

In a preliminary report into the incident aboard the RoRo ferry Kaitaki, TAIC found the operator KiwiRail Continue reading “New Zealand regulators prosecutes RoRo operator for maintenance issues”

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