Fully electric boat on Loch Lomond helps steer National Park towards Net Zero

National Park Rangers on Loch Lomond can now be seen but not heard as they cruise the water on a new fully electric boat. The zero direct emissions vessel is the latest addition to the National Park Authority’s marine fleet and is believed to be the first of its kind in the UK. Unlike the distinctive hum heard from a traditional diesel powered boat, the electric maintenance boat on Loch Lomond is almost silent as it moves across the loch, creating less disturbance to surrounding wildlife and zero water pollution. The boat is three times more efficient than a traditional petrol or diesel boat.

Charlotte Wallace, Climate Action Manager at Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park Authority said: “Our Mission Zero route map is bold and ambitious but that is exactly what is needed in the face of the climate crisis we are facing. Continue reading “Fully electric boat on Loch Lomond helps steer National Park towards Net Zero”

Autonomous ships and safety at sea white paper published

Autonomous ships and safety at sea white paper published
Autonomous ships and safety at sea white paper published

One Sea, the industry alliance that brings together leading exponents of autonomous ship technology, has published an autonomous ships and safety at sea white paper

The paper examines the safety advances achieved by and expected from autonomous ship technology, with the aim of driving the consultative process forward towards a revised set of maritime regulations. It considers today’s safety framework, cybersecurity, views from ship owners and operators, consequences for labour and insurance, and the classification implications for varying levels of autonomy, before offering a proposal for next steps by the industry.

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ABS publishes guidance on reduced manning requirements for safe operations

ABS publishes guidance on reduced manning requirements for safe operations
ABS publishes guidance on reduced manning requirements for safe operations

Guidance on the technology, systems and regulations needed for minimizing human presence on offshore facilities has been published by ABS. The whitepaper evaluates technology, regulations, systems and design issues. Reduced Manning on Offshore Facilities introduces some of the considerations essential for remotely operating floating facilities from a control center located nearby or onshore. To enable reduced manning without compromising safety, real-time monitoring, control automation and maintenance procedures incorporating remote diagnostics and simulations with minimal human intervention will be required.

“By utilizing new technologies, the number of personnel on board offshore assets can be reduced, minimizing personnel exposure and potentially reducing overall capital and operating costs. Since a significant reduction in manning is a fundamental shift for the industry, it Continue reading “ABS publishes guidance on reduced manning requirements for safe operations”

Industry consortium publishes Handbook for Hydrogen fuelled Vessels

Industry consortium publishes Handbook for Hydrogen fuelled Vessels
Industry consortium publishes Handbook for Hydrogen fuelled Vessels

A consortium of 26 leading companies and associations, led by DNV, has launched the “Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels” to address the uncertainties surrounding hydrogen as ship fuel. The MarHySafe joint development project (JDP) aims to create a knowledge base for safe hydrogen operations in shipping.

Green hydrogen could play a crucial role in the maritime industry’s journey towards decarbonization. Many in shipping recognize hydrogen’s potential as a fuel, but the barriers to realizing this potential are substantial. Led by DNV, a consortium of 26 partners and observers have come together in the MarHySafe JDP to examine these challenges. The Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels offers a roadmap towards safe hydrogen operations using proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC). It details how to navigate the complex Continue reading “Industry consortium publishes Handbook for Hydrogen fuelled Vessels”

River Canal Rescue wins award for Bilgeaway pollution filter

River Canal Rescue wins award for Bilgeaway pollution filter
River Canal Rescue wins award for Bilgeaway pollution filter

River Canal Rescue has won the British Safety Industry Federation’s Water Pollution Award for its Bilgeaway pollution filter. The British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) is the UK’s leading trade body for the safety sector and its annual Safety & Health Excellence Awards cover four categories; product innovation, safety solutions, customer service and water pollution prevention (the latter added in 2020).

For its entry, River Canal Rescue (RCR) explained how Bilgeaway – the world’s first environmentally-friendly bilge discharge filter – was developed to address a well-known pollution problem. Launched in January 2019, Bilgeaway traps contaminants before they’re discharged overboard by automatic bilge pumps, rendering the filter’s contents non-reactive so they can be safely disposed of, instead of going to landfill. Continue reading “River Canal Rescue wins award for Bilgeaway pollution filter”

Research project to develop automated verification of wind turbine blade defects

Research project to develop automated verification of wind turbine blade defects
Research project to develop automated verification of wind turbine blade defects

DNV has launched a new collaborative research project to develop an automated data processing procedure for verification of detected wind turbine blade defects, with the aim of building trust and generating broader acceptance of automated data processing techniques across the industry and to inform future regulation.

The research project, which is being conducted in partnership with the University of Bristol and Perceptual Robotics, will investigate the automated verification, validation and processing of inspection data, collected by autonomous drones, to improve inspection quality and performance. The project aims to contribute to the development of the UK automated inspection industry.

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DNV awards AIP for new LNG fuel tank insulation with leak detection system

DNV awards AIP for new LNG fuel tank insulation with leak detection system
DNV awards AIP for new LNG fuel tank insulation with leak detection system

DNV has granted an Approval In Principle (AIP) to PASSER Marine for the development of a new LNG fuel tank insulation system. The new concept is designed for prismatic ‘type B’ LNG tanks – which according to IMO rules require a partial secondary barrier – and includes a leakage detection system capable of safely managing and containing fuel leaks.

“The system we have developed is cost-effective and production-friendly,” said Svein Konradsen, COO of PASSER Marine AS. “The pandemic has been challenging for many companies and for the development of this particular design. The required testing has been Continue reading “DNV awards AIP for new LNG fuel tank insulation with leak detection system”

New gate rudder technology claims to make a fuel saving of save up to 30%

New gate rudder technology claims to make a fuel saving of save up to 30%
New gate rudder technology claims to make a fuel saving of save up to 30%

A more efficient gate rudder system, designed at the University of Strathclyde, will be demonstrated as part of a €6 million EU-funded research project. The GATERS project led by the University of Strathclyde under the Horizon 2020 Fund, will see the gate rudder – a novel propulsion and steering system – retro-fitted to a commercial vessel as part of a trial.

Unlike a traditional rudder which sits behind a ship’s propellers to steer the vessel, the U-shaped gate rudder – essentially two separate rudders – sits astride the propeller which, as a result, acts like a nozzle around the propeller and generates additional thrust.

Both rudders can be independently controlled to provide better steering as well as providing additional crabbing ability when docking.

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Loss prevention app developed by marine insurance company

Loss prevention app developed by marine insurance company
Loss prevention app developed by marine insurance company

The Alandia Loss Prevention mobile application, designed by Alandia’s superior Loss Prevention experts, offers an innovative hands-on solution for professional mariners for transforming everyday routines into truly proactive safety management.

Proactive maritime safety management requires efficient communication, regular reporting, and up-to-date safety know-how. Alandia, known for offering superior  prevention to its customers, has developed a mobile application to help foresee and prevent any accidents that might involve a vessel, its crew, or any damage to the marine environment.

“The main purpose of the Alandia Loss Prevention application is to minimize losses and keep operations accident-free by enhancing communication and integrating safety observation reports into daily routines,” says Martti Simojoki, Senior Loss Prevention Manager at Alandia.

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Remote inspections accelerating to meet challenging times

Remote inspections accelerating to meet challenging times
Remote inspections accelerating to meet challenging times

Bureau Veritas’ white paper, entitled “Remote inspections – A solution for the present, an opportunity for the future” is now available and can be downloaded below. It outlines how important it is for companies to rely on remote inspections to ensure business continuity and thei vision goes much wider than the maritime sector and across industry in general.

Organizations worldwide are rethinking the way they do business, following the rapid acceleration of digitalization trends and uptake of remote working. This has created both challenges and opportunities across sectors, driving a shift towards remote inspection that has revealed multiple advantages says Bureau Veritas.

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How COVID-19 has driven a technology revolution in shipping

How COVID-19 has driven a technology revolution in shipping
How COVID-19 has driven a technology revolution in shipping

Last year, satcom specialist IEC Telecom highlighted that demand for digital technology had risen tenfold as maritime businesses embraced new ways of working during the coronavirus pandemic inspiring a technology revolution. But why has it taken a pandemic to change attitudes to technology?

2020 was the year where remote working became the norm. Lockdowns and restrictions forced many businesses to close offices and move their workforce to home working. Shipping companies sent shore-based teams to work from home where possible. However, this highlighted some huge technology gaps. Those that had the right online tools and access to the cloud already could access data and information from any location and continue work. Others though, still reliant on paper-based systems and outdated technology realized they couldn’t function effectively in this new remote world, and something needed to change.

For many this prompted investment in technology and moving their business into the cloud for the first time. A recent report from Lloyd’s Continue reading “How COVID-19 has driven a technology revolution in shipping”

Dutch inland vessel to be converted and powered by zero-emissions hydrogen propulsion system

Dutch inland vessel to be converted and powered by zero-emissions hydrogen propulsion system
Dutch inland vessel to be converted and powered by zero-emissions hydrogen propulsion system

A Dutch inland vessel is going to be converted later this year to operate on a zero-emissions hydrogen propulsion system. The project is viewed as a prototype for the development of a fleet of inland and shortsea vessels that will operate in the region and be available for charter.

The 360-foot inland vessel, Maas, is part of a project being undertaken by Future Proof Shipping, a Dutch company focused on the conversion to green energy. The Holland Shipyards Group’s yard in Hardinxveld will undertake the conversion starting in the third quarter of 2021 with the vessel expected to be back in service in December. Once back in service, the Maas will operate transporting shipping Continue reading “Dutch inland vessel to be converted and powered by zero-emissions hydrogen propulsion system”

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