Cargo screening tool for detection of dangerous goods adopted by PIL

PIL adopts cargo screening tool for detection of dangerous goods
PIL adopts cargo screening tool for detection of dangerous goods

Pacific International Lines (PIL) has adopted Hazcheck Detect, a smart cargo screening tool that detects misdeclared and undeclared dangerous goods in containerised shipments.

Hazcheck Detect specifically screens cargo booking details for keywords and includes an industry library to enable suspicious bookings to be identified that may be misdeclared or undeclared dangerous goods and other compliance cargo.

Booking data is sent to Hazcheck Detect through an API, screening all information Continue reading “Cargo screening tool for detection of dangerous goods adopted by PIL”

First electric flying ferry set to transform Stockholm’s waterborne public transport

The world’s fastest electric ship, the Candela P-12 Shuttle, is set to hit Stockholm’s waters next year, heralding a new era of transport. The innovative hydrofoiling electric ferry will reduce emissions and slash commuting times and the city believes it will make waterborne public transport more attractive than trains, buses and cars.

The marine technology company Candela released the first pictures of what will be the world’s fastest, longest-range and most energy efficient electric ship ever. The Candela P-12 Shuttle, as the innovative vessel is called, will be shuttling citizens between the sprawling Stockholm suburb of Ekerö and the city center in the coming year. Continue reading “First electric flying ferry set to transform Stockholm’s waterborne public transport”

First UK e-marine hub for electric boats launches in Plymouth

UK's first "e-marine hub" launched in Plymouth
UK’s first “e-marine hub” launched in Plymouth

The UK’s first ‘e-marine hub’ of shoreside charging facilities for electric vessels have been unveiled in Plymouth. The series of high-power DC electric charging stations have been switched on in prominent locations along the perimeter of the Plymouth Sound National Marine Park. This includes the world’s first 150kW charging facility at Mount Batten, the UK’s first 75kW site at MDL’s Queen Anne’s Battery and a 25kW installation at the Barbican landing stage.

Further installations are now being developed along the city’s waterfront, Continue reading “First UK e-marine hub for electric boats launches in Plymouth”

Hydrogen fuel cell startup receives government funding to tackle maritime decarbonisation

Bramble Energy PCBFC™ Stack
Bramble Energy PCBFC™ Stack

Bramble Energy – a hydrogen fuel cell technology startup – has secured just under £1million (£994,050) in government funding as part of the BEIS (Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy) Energy Entrepreneurs Fund. The money will be used to further develop their hydrogen fuel cell technology, to replace diesel engines in boats, potentially saving 50,000 tonnes of CO2 per year. The unique fuel cell will be the basis for a fully compliant demonstrator vessel, crucial for the rapid adoption of hydrogen within inland waterways. Continue reading “Hydrogen fuel cell startup receives government funding to tackle maritime decarbonisation”

World’s first autonomous ship completes successful voyage in Japan

Photo credit: Nippon Foundation
Photo credit: Nippon Foundation

The demonstration test of what is claimed to be the world’s first fully autonomous ship navigation system was successfully carried out in January in Japan according to the Nippon Foundation.

The large ferry has autonomously navigated over a 149 mile (240 km) stretch of Japan’s Iyonda Sea at the speed of 26 knots (30 mph or 48 kph) and also performed the docking procedures at the end of its voyage.

The technology used in the demonstration was developed by Mitsubishi Shipbuilding, a subsidiary of Nippon Foundation, and it was used Continue reading “World’s first autonomous ship completes successful voyage in Japan”

Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice published by Maritime UK

Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice published by Maritime UK
Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice published by Maritime UK

Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems UK Industry Conduct Principles and The Code of practice has been used by manufacturers, service providers, and others as part of their day-to-day work. Many manufacturers have reported clients requiring compliance with the Code as a basis for contractual negotiations. Continue reading “Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice published by Maritime UK”

Cygnus 1 ultrasonic thickness gauge certified to Class 1

Cygnus Instruments Ltd - Cygnus 1
Cygnus Instruments Ltd – Cygnus 1

The Cygnus 1 ultrasonic thickness gauge is certified to Class 1, Div 1 (“Zone 0”) for ATEX, IECEx and CSA-US. The Cygnus 1 is specifically designed for measuring metal thickness to determine wastage or corrosion in Zone 0, Zone 1 hazardous and potentially explosive environments. It has a highly durable, shock-proof and splash-proof (IP65 rated) construction – this heavy-duty unit is supplied ready to use, and offers up to 12 hours continuous testing before recharge is necessary, with no plant shutdown or hot work permit required.

The exterior houses a set of components, viewed via a bright LED display with polarised filter, in either metric or imperial measurement to suit the user’s preference. These features include an echo strength indicator to aid measurement, measurement self-verification to ensure Continue reading “Cygnus 1 ultrasonic thickness gauge certified to Class 1”

ABS releases an overview of the emerging battery technologies in the maritime industry

Interest in emerging shipboard battery technologies has seen a rise in recent years. The possibility for reducing energy costs and environmental impact makes battery technology valuable for maritime use. Batteries can be used in a wide variety of applications, like peak-shaving in hybrid systems to help engines work at optimal loading and increase efficiency.

They can be used to run motors or as a backup power source to reduce generator load. This could lead to reduced fuel costs for both propulsion and electric power generation. Battery systems work well with discontinuous renewable energy sources such as solar or wind energy, allowing their energy to be converted and stored for use at times when electric power generation is not available. Continue reading “ABS releases an overview of the emerging battery technologies in the maritime industry”

New report highlights significant acceleration in maritime digitalisation

New report highlights significant acceleration in maritime digitalisation
New report highlights significant acceleration in maritime digitalisation

Inmarsat in partnership with Thetius has published a new report pinpointing the impact of Covid-19 in helping to force the acceleration of global maritime digitalisation. The report, ‘A Changed World: The state of digital transformation in a post-Covid-19 maritime industry’, captures a sector fast-tracking IT based solutions from November 2019. It also characterises Covid-19 as a “universal disruptor and catalyst for digital transformation”.

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a large increase in the adoption of digital tools across the industry. But there is more to digital transformation than adopting digital tools; genuine transformation is still some years away. There is zero doubt that the pandemic has accelerated the process given that average daily data consumption per vessel increased from 3.4 to 9.8 gigabytes between January 2020 and March 2021. Continue reading “New report highlights significant acceleration in maritime digitalisation”

Lloyd’s Register and UK P&I Club launch new Port State Control checklist app

Lloyd’s Register and UK P&I Club launch new Port State Control checklist app
Lloyd’s Register and UK P&I Club launch new Port State Control checklist app

Lloyd’s Register (LR) and UK P&I Club have released a new and improved Port State Control (PSC) checklist app. The app helps ensure that ship personnel are trained in how to inspect, maintain and operate life-saving equipment and that equipment is ready for use at all times. The app also includes a list of common deficiencies to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and help reduce the risk of PSC detentions.

The full list of checklists featured include ILO MLC, ISM & ISPS, Life Saving Appliances, Marine Fire Safety, Marine Pollution Prevention and Port State Control into one, easy-to-use app. Checklists on the new and improved app are continuously updated to reflect new or amended legislation as it comes into force, so users remain up to date. Continue reading “Lloyd’s Register and UK P&I Club launch new Port State Control checklist app”

UK aspirations to establish regulatory framework for autonomous shipping become clearer

UK aspirations to establish regulatory framework for autonomous shipping become clearer
UK aspirations to establish regulatory framework for autonomous shipping become clearer

The UK Department for Transport (DfT) has announced it is set to ‘unleash the UK’s potential as a world leader in future technologies’ with proposals to support the development of autonomous ships and shipping. The UK government is proposing to amend the current legal framework to take powers in primary legislation to regulate all Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) regardless of size, including craft that would not traditionally be considered ships.

The benefits of this approach would be to:
Continue reading “UK aspirations to establish regulatory framework for autonomous shipping become clearer”

Maritime UK launches its Coastal Powerhouse Manifesto

Maritime UKs Coastal Powerhouse Manifesto is available to read now
Maritime UKs Coastal Powerhouse Manifesto is available to read now

Maritime UK and the Local Government Association Coastal Special Interest Group (LGA Coastal SIG) have urged the UK government to come up with a clear strategy to stem the brain drain by launching a new Coastal Powerhouse Manifesto.

The Coastal Powerhouse Manifesto sets out proposals to boost connectivity to the rest of the country, extend freeport benefits to all coastal areas, install a shore power network across the coast to charge tomorrow’s Teslas of the seas, and develop new skills in coastal communities, including digital skills.

Maritime UK chair, Sarah Kenny, said, “There is nothing inevitable about coastal decline. These areas are Britain’s gateway to the world Continue reading “Maritime UK launches its Coastal Powerhouse Manifesto”

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