MCA opens consultation for the inclusion of new guidance for meeting the needs of persons with reduced mobility on small passenger vessels

A consultation has opened for meeting the needs of persons with reduced mobility
A consultation has opened for meeting the needs of persons with reduced mobility

On 5 January 2022 the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) published a consultation on an amendment to update MGN 306(M) Designing and Operating Smaller Passenger Vessels: Meeting the needs of persons with reduced mobility. The reason for looking to publish an amended version of the MGN is to update it in certain areas due to changes in legislation, documentation, practice and to obtain the views of interested parties. Continue reading “MCA opens consultation for the inclusion of new guidance for meeting the needs of persons with reduced mobility on small passenger vessels”

Recent MCA documentation amendments released in December 2021

The UK maritime regulator, the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA), has issued and distributed the following new documentation over the past few weeks.

02 December 2021
SI 2021 No. 1316 – The Merchant Shipping (Radiocommunications) (Amendment) Regulations 2021
View details Continue reading “Recent MCA documentation amendments released in December 2021”

Consultation for the carriage and charging of electric vehicles on Ro Ro ferries is now open

The consultation seeks your views on the draft Marine Guidance Note MGN 653(M) Electric Vehicles Onboard Passenger Ro-Ro Ferries. The increase in electric vehicle (EV) numbers in the UK has led to increasing demand for transit of EV onboard passenger Ro-Ro ferries (Ro-Pax). Currently, there are limited requirements specific to the charging of electric vehicles onboard UK vessels. However, noting the increasing popularity of electric vehicles it has become apparent that there is a potential for users of these vehicles to expect charging to be available onboard, and for operators of such vessels to consider offering this facility. This marine notice provides guidance for the safe carriage and charging EVs. Continue reading “Consultation for the carriage and charging of electric vehicles on Ro Ro ferries is now open”

New chapter for safe disposal of marine flares from the pleasure boat sector

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency is to work with industry to develop local self-regulated schemes for the safe disposal of redundant pyrotechnics ( marine flares) from the pleasure vessel sector. It follows a consultation (which concluded on 15 March) with the industry, industry regulators and boat-owners to seek ways considered acceptable to all for the effective means of disposing of flares.

The MCA supported a proposal for an industry-led, self-regulated disposal service that complies with existing legislation. It was also felt this was an opportunity for small regional businesses to tailor a disposal service that meets local needs, enabling an effective geographical spread of options available to boat-owners. Continue reading “New chapter for safe disposal of marine flares from the pleasure boat sector”

MCA publishes MGN 436 new guidance to mitigate serious injury on small vessels

New guidance on mitigating the risk of serious injury from whole body vibration on small vessels has been published today in MGN 436 (Amendment 2) by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA).

Whole Body Vibration (WBV) and Repeated Shock (RS) injuries are a known issue of travelling on small vessels at high speeds. When they occur, they can be life-changing or even fatal. MGN 436 (Amendment 2) is aimed at operators of small vessels and focuses on mitigating strategies, following several serious incidents in recent years. It provides guidance on ways to alleviate risk of injury, both severe and chronic, for crew and passengers.

This latest update to the guidance reflects the evolving knowledge and best practice including the use of shock mitigating technology and Continue reading “MCA publishes MGN 436 new guidance to mitigate serious injury on small vessels”

MAIB report into immobilisation and flooding of dredger Shearwater following repeated collisions published

MAIB report into immobilisation and flooding of dredger Shearwater following repeated collisions published
MAIB report into immobilisation and flooding of dredger Shearwater following repeated collisions published

At about 2000 on 9 April 2020, the UK registered dredger Shearwater was immobilised after its propeller shafts were fouled by a towline being used to tow the barge Agem One. The dredger and barge collided with each other repeatedly resulting in the flooding of the dredger Shearwater, before the towline parted and Agem One drifted away. There was no pollution or injury.

Shearwater had been towing Agem One in an alongside configuration on a coastal passage when a significant swell was encountered. This made the alongside tow untenable, causing Shearwater’s crew to switch to an astern tow. Within minutes of
switching, the 80m towline failed. Shortly after reconnecting the towline, it failed again, and the decision was made to abort the planned passage and seek shelter at Kinlochbervie. Continue reading “MAIB report into immobilisation and flooding of dredger Shearwater following repeated collisions published”

Consultation on the Merchant Shipping (High Speed Offshore Service Craft (HSOSC)) Regulations 2021 and accompanying code open

The Merchant Shipping HSOSC Regulations 2021 and accompanying code of practice apply to HSOSC of less than 500gt, allowing no more than 60 persons to be on board subject to a vessel’s safety certification
The Merchant Shipping HSOSC Regulations 2021 and accompanying code of practice apply to HSOSC of less than 500gt, allowing no more than 60 persons to be on board subject to a vessel’s safety certification

The Merchant Shipping HSOSC Regulations 2021 and accompanying code of practice apply to HSOSC of less than 500gt, allowing no more than 60 persons to be on board subject to a vessel’s safety certification. This mirrors the International High Speed Craft Code (HSC) for vessels over 500gt.

1.1. This consultation seeks your views on a new Statutory Instrument (SI) and Code for High Speed Offshore Service Craft (HSOSC) which will provide a domestic legal underpinning for High Speed Offshore Service to operate and to transport ‘Industrial Personnel’ (IP) to and from offshore energy installations to carry out the construction and maintenance of them. Continue reading “Consultation on the Merchant Shipping (High Speed Offshore Service Craft (HSOSC)) Regulations 2021 and accompanying code open”

Random spot checks by MCA reveal a high number of fishing boat deficiencies

Vessel image used for illustration purposes only
Vessel image used for illustration purposes only

More than a fifth of fishing vessels subject to a random spot inspection have either been detained or prohibited from being used for fishing  by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, being cited as fishing boat deficiencies. The targeted campaign saw surveyors from the MCA visiting ports in Scotland and the South West of England, inspecting 212 vessels at random.

All sizes of vessel were inspected during the unannounced inspections held across seven days in June. A total of 1,249 deficiencies or non-compliant items were found across all those inspected with just 14 being fully compliant with the regulations.

Continue reading “Random spot checks by MCA reveal a high number of fishing boat deficiencies”

UK Maritime Safety Week 2021 is underway

This year’s Maritime Safety Week 2021 from 5 to 9 July
This year’s Maritime Safety Week 2021 from 5 to 9 July

This year’s Maritime Safety Week 2021 from 5 to 9 July is an opportunity for all key organisations – including HM Coastguard, charities and port authorities – to share best safety practices and knowledge, and challenge each other to enhance their already rigorous standards.

With lockdown restrictions easing and more people than ever holidaying in the UK this year, keeping the public safe on our coast, lakes and waterways is paramount.

To mark the beginning of the fourth annual Maritime Safety Week, Maritime Minister Robert Courts visited the Port of London Authority (PLA) to see first-hand its maritime pilot training space and meet some of the pilots trained to board commercial vessels to ensure safe passage. The PLA manages 95 miles of the Thames and is the UK’s busiest waterway. Continue reading “UK Maritime Safety Week 2021 is underway”

MCA launches consultation on entry into enclosed space regulations on ships

MCA launches consultation on entry into enclosed space regulations on ships
MCA launches consultation on entry into enclosed space regulations on ships

This consultation from MCA seeks your views on the proposed merchant shipping and fishing vessels entry into enclosed space regulations 2021, which would replace the merchant shipping (entry into dangerous spaces) regulations 1988. The proposed enclosed space regulations incorporate safety of life at sea (SOLAS) amendments, as outlined within section 2 of the consultation document.

Your views are sought on:
– implementation of SOLAS amendments into UK legislation;
– extending to vessels not currently regulated by SOLAS, and;
extending to fishing vessels

Please note the list of exemptions to the proposed regulations, contained within the consultation document page 25 (proposed regulation 10 exemptions). Continue reading “MCA launches consultation on entry into enclosed space regulations on ships”

Consultation about safe disposal of time expired flares opened by MCA

Consultation about safe disposal of time expired flares opened by MCA
Consultation about safe disposal of time expired flares opened by MCA

The Department for Transport (DfT), in collaboration with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), has published a consultation about the safe disposal of time expired marine pyrotechnics (flares) from the pleasure boat sector. The consultation remains open until 15 March 2021.

The consultation seeks feedback to decide the next course of action when, in Dec 2021, the MCA’s current interim arrangements for the safe disposal of time expired flares are set to end. The consultation doesn’t hold back in assessing where the problem of who pays for the pollution has arisen, saying the industry has failed to organise itself effectively.

Continue reading “Consultation about safe disposal of time expired flares opened by MCA”

MCA targets uncoded race yachts

Action will be taken against uncoded commercially operated race yachts, the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) has warned, following the conclusion of legal proceedings against two vessels.

The MCA has agreed to discontinue prosecution against two boats on the condition both enter into a written agreement to ensure their vessels are coded when engaged in any commercial activity.

The outcome reaffirms the agency’s committed position to ensuring all vessels hold the correct documentation and that uncoded race yachts are punished. Continue reading “MCA targets uncoded race yachts”

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