Ship surveying is being revolutionised by drone technology says ClassNK

Last September, ClassNK designated ‘survey technology innovation’ as one of four focus areas listed in its new R&D Roadmap, with drones identified as a key technology.
Last September, ClassNK designated ‘survey technology innovation’ as one of four focus areas listed in its new R&D Roadmap, with drones identified as a key technology.

As part of an on-going focus on safety in enclosed spaces, ClassNK describes how it has carried out detailed drone tests to revolutionize ship surveying. In spring this year, ClassNK introduced guidelines on the use of drones in class surveys, covering procedures and technical considerations for safe operation, as well as requirements for drone service suppliers.

Although drones with multiple propellers on the same plane are currently the most widespread design, research is taking place into alternative arrangements with tilt rotors and propellers in a tetrahedral configuration. Meanwhile, significant progress has been seen in autonomous operations using higher precision positioning, and considerable advances in machine image recognition and processing.

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AMSA has revoked its certificate for an unstable livestock carrier

AMSA expects the vessel will be subject to a detailed examination by the operator and classification society.
AMSA expects the vessel will be subject to a detailed examination by the operator and classification society.

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has revoked the Australian Certificate for the Carriage of Livestock (ACCL) for the Panamanian flagged livestock carrier, MV Jawan, because the vessel’s approved stability data cannot be relied upon when the vessel is loaded.

The Jawan was (again) scheduled to depart from Portland on a journey from Australia to Pakistan on Monday after the vessel’s classification society Bureau Veritas, on behalf of the flag state, provided their assessment of the ship’s stability.

However, when moved from berth, the ship demonstrated a motion that suggested the ship lacked stability. The master of the vessel requested the vessel Continue reading “AMSA has revoked its certificate for an unstable livestock carrier”

Boat made from plastic bottles wins environmental green award

Michael Bennet (l) from PGT Reclaimed Vietnam presents the Green Apple Award to Plaswood's Katherine Lorek-Wallace and Hubbub's Adam Robinson Photo: The Green Organisation
Michael Bennet (l) from PGT Reclaimed Vietnam presents the Green Apple Award to Plaswood’s Katherine Lorek-Wallace and Hubbub’s Adam Robinson Photo: The Green Organisation

Polythene film recycler, RPC bpi recycled products and environmental charity, Hubbub, have won a Green Apple Environment Award 2018 for its 100% recycled plastic boat.

The Poly-Mer is made from Plaswood, a lumber made entirely from recycled materials, used as an educational tool for school children to raise awareness of the growing levels of plastic pollution in Britain’s waterways.

“To be singled out for a Green Apple Award is an honour,” said Katherine Lorek-Wallace, Plaswood general manager at RPC bpi recycled products.

“It is also testament to the ingenuity and creativity of Hubbub and our unique product. We have always Continue reading “Boat made from plastic bottles wins environmental green award”

ITIC warns expert witnesses to be on their guard and beware

ITIC says, “In addition to potential liabilities, even an ‘innocent’ expert can face substantial legal costs dealing with a claim. At best, only a proportion of these costs will ever be recovered.”
ITIC says, “In addition to potential liabilities, even an ‘innocent’ expert can face substantial legal costs dealing with a claim. At best, only a proportion of these costs will ever be recovered.”

International Transport Intermediaries Club (ITIC) has warned that the role of expert witness should not be undertaken lightly and that all professionals acting in this capacity should be aware that they could face legal action for negligence.

In the latest issue of its online newsletter, The Wire, ITIC cites a case involving an explosion on board a yacht at a marina which resulted in an insurance claim being made against the owner. An expert appointed by the insurers to investigate the cause of the loss concluded that the explosion and fire were the result of a deliberate act by the owner.

The insurers rejected the claim for a number of reasons, and the owner challenged the Continue reading “ITIC warns expert witnesses to be on their guard and beware”

Lack of communication led to serious main engine problems is key finding

Photo credit: Swedish P&I Club
Photo credit: Swedish P&I Club

The Swedish P&I Club has published a case study following serious damage caused to a ship’s main engine. As a consequence of poor communication water contaminated the lubrication oil causing severe damage to the engine.

Engineers on a bulk carrier were conducting scheduled maintenance on one of the ballast pumps. They had closed all the isolating valves to the ballast pump and put up notices about the job in the engine room and engine control room, but not on the bridge. They didn’t finish the job on the first day, so continued the next day.

The next day the Master asked an officer to print out the alarm list for the ballast water management system, prior to arriving at the next port as a port state inspection would take place. To get the list the officer had to start the ballast water management system, which he did.

The bilge high level alarm was activated in the engine room. An oiler checked the bilges and could see Continue reading “Lack of communication led to serious main engine problems is key finding”

Hyperloop and HHLA are set to trial a new container by tube system

Hyperloop, Elon Musk’s high-speed-rail startup, has announced a new partnership with Hamburger Hafen und Logistik Aktiengesellschaft (HHLA) to explore ways to move shipping containers to and from inland sites with Hyperloop’s maglev-in-a-tube technology.

Initially, the joint venture plans to build a transfer station for testing purposes at an HHLA terminal in Hamburg and develop a Hyperloop transport capsule for standard shipping containers.

“With the Hyperloop transport system, HHLA is pursuing the goal of developing an additional component of efficient logistic mobility Continue reading “Hyperloop and HHLA are set to trial a new container by tube system”

Finnish luxury yacht builder Nautor will unveil its latest Swan at Düsseldorf

Finnish producer of luxury yachts, Nautor, plans to unveil the latest in its Swan series at the Düsseldorf Boat Show 2019 in January. Also on show will be an improved Swan 54 with new engine throttle, redesigned anchor locker and enhanced access to the engine with one single larger panel on the port cabin.

The newest model, the Swan 65, is suitable for cruising with family and friends but equally capable of racing. Designed by Germán Frers, the mid-sized yacht enhances Nautor’s existing “performance bluewater” line of yachts, following the same design philosophy and parameters as her larger sister, the Swan 78.

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Report published by MAIB on the capsize and sinking of fishing vessel Solstice with loss of one life

At 1938 on 26 September 2017, the 9.9m fishing vessel Solstice capsized in calm weather conditions about 7 miles south of Plymouth. The skipper and crewman were rescued from the vessel’s upturned hull about 5½ hours later, but the vessel’s owner was trapped and drowned in the wheelhouse. Solstice later sank.

The scallop dredger had recently been modified to operate as a stern trawler and its owner, skipper and crewman were in the process of hauling a heavy catch on board when the capsize occurred. The net’s cod-end was full of fish, moss and sand, and started to roll uncontrollably along the transom as the vessel heeled in the light swell.

Continue reading “Report published by MAIB on the capsize and sinking of fishing vessel Solstice with loss of one life”

International Group of P&I Clubs Annual Review 2017/18 published

The thirteen P&I Clubs which comprise the International Group between them provide marine liability cover for approximately 90% of the world’s ocean-going tonnage. In their recently released Annual Review 2017/18, Hugo Wynn-Williams, Chairman made the following statements in his introduction:

Tonnage up — reinsurance cost down
Another increase in Group-entered tonnage, and a fourth year of savings in the cost of the Group reinsurance purchase, albeit more modest than in recent years, were among the notable and welcome features of 2017/18 for
the Group clubs and their shipowner members.

World fleet growth continues to slow
World fleet growth continued to slow during 2017/18, from just under 4% to just under 3% as at July 2018, a far cry from the 8-9% growth rates experienced in 2010-12. Total Group-entered tonnage as at February 2018 had
increased to just over 1.209 billion GT, up from 1.16 billion GT a year earlier.

Freight markets continue to challenge
The freight markets have experienced a modest upward trend in Continue reading “International Group of P&I Clubs Annual Review 2017/18 published”

What future for freight on the UK canal network?

Cargoes on the Trent, the Aire & Calder Navigation and the Sheffield & South Yorkshire Navigation included coal, stone, oil, gravel and sand. But one by one these traffics disappeared
Cargoes on the Trent, the Aire & Calder Navigation and the Sheffield & South Yorkshire Navigation included coal, stone, oil, gravel and sand. But one by one these traffics disappeared

Four years ago the Canal & River Trust launched a last-ditch attempt to revive commercial freight carrying on the larger waterways before it died out completely. How has it fared since then?

Back in the 1990s, any guide describing the canals and rivers of Yorkshire and the north eastern part of the network would make a point of emphasising how these large-scale waterways were still busy with freight barges loading several hundred tonnes each and helping to satisfy the nation’s transport needs – unlike the small-scale canals of the Midlands and most of the rest of the system, where regular commercial freight had died out a quarter of a century earlier.

Cargoes on the Trent, the Aire & Calder Navigation and the Sheffield & South Yorkshire Navigation included coal, stone, oil, gravel and sand. But one by one these traffics disappeared, not necessarily for Continue reading “What future for freight on the UK canal network?”

AMSA warns of safety measures for high pressure fire-fighting systems

Photo credit: AMSA
Photo credit: AMSA

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has issued a marine notice to inform all shipowners, operators, masters and crew of the hazards when working with high-pressure fire-fighting systems and the safeguards that may be implemented to prevent injury.

A seafarer was severely injured when he attempted to carry out maintenance work on part of a 13 bar high-pressure fire-fighting system on a fire-fighting tug. Before the incident, the seafarers had conducted maintenance work on the manifold on the other side of the vessel without any accidents. The assumption was based on the fact that the system was not pressurised.

During his maintenance routine, the seafarer tried to remove the Continue reading “AMSA warns of safety measures for high pressure fire-fighting systems”

IIMS US Baltimore Conference 2019 speaker schedule announced

James Renn, IIMS US Regional Director, has assembled a fine and wide variety of speakers covering a multitude of surveying topics for the two day Conference to be held on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 January 2019 at MITAGS-Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies, Linthicum Heights, Baltimore, Maryland. This event, becoming something of a regular annual occurrence, is open to IIMS members and anyone from any other surveying organisation. Furthermore, more distant delegates are invited to join online via zoom and take an active part, receiving a copy of the presentation videos that will be made on both days (after the event).

Entitled “New Products for Old Practices” this Conference gives delegates the opportunity to network with fellow surveyors and to chat Continue reading “IIMS US Baltimore Conference 2019 speaker schedule announced”

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