Inspectors and surveyors of ships exempt from new UK government border entry rules

Kelly Tolhurst Minister for Aviation, Maritime & Security Department for Transport
Kelly Tolhurst, Minister for Aviation, Maritime & Security, UK Department for Transport

This is an extract from a longer open letter by Kelly Tolhurst MP about the UK government’s new Coronavirus border rules with details of those who are exempt when entering the UK from overseas.

Dear Colleague,

Earlier this month, the Government published Our Plan to Rebuild: the UK Government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy, setting out our plan to rebuild the UK and safeguard livelihoods. We are writing to update you on our progress; notably the self-isolation / quarantine measures for international arrivals that we announced yesterday (22 May).

Step One of our carefully planned timetable for lifting restrictions was enacted on 13 May in England. As the level of infection in the UK continues to reduce, it is important we manage the risk of importing cases from abroad. To that end,
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IIMS UAE Branch online COVID-19 seminar attracts 400 plus delegates

The recent second IIMS UAE Branch webinar on COVID-19 practical effects on “Claims handling and Surveys” – are they here to stay? attracted 436 registrations from 43 countries. The initiative was well-received by the community and there was excellent feedback by attentive listeners at the peak of the participation. The initiative taken by the IIMS UAE Branch to bring value to its local and international members was evident by the community coming together for this free to attend seminar for everybody.

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RMI alerts on fire incidents onboard commercial yachts

In 2019, four fire incidents occurred onboard Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI) registered yachts that resulted in the total constructive loss of the vessel. As a consequence, RMI has shared key areas of concern and best practices.

Two incidents occurred while the yachts were moored, one happened while the vessel was underway, and one while it was in the shipyard. There were no deaths or injuries as a result of any of these fires.

Areas of concern
Although causes of the incidents are different, the RMI investigation findings highlight three major areas of concern:
1. fire prevention;
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COVID-19 Safety Working Guide – latest IIMS update

The points made in this updated COVID-19 Safety Working Guide produced by IIMS are essentially common sense suggestions and do not carry any official or authorised backing. Also, remember that advice will change periodically around the world in what is a fast moving situation. Thanks are due to Maurice Pickles, Capt Chris Kelly and the Workboat Association as additional reference sources.

The health and safety of marine surveyors, not just IIMS members, and other related personnel at this time is of primary importance and must not be compromised, especially when coming into contact with others during the course of their work. Whilst many marine surveyors are idle at this time, some have still been working in various parts of the world. But as Governments start to look at Continue reading “COVID-19 Safety Working Guide – latest IIMS update”

Registered Marine Coatings Inspector standard five year revalidation gets underway

Until the Registered Marine Coatings Inspectors (RMCI) standard was introduced in late 2014, there were no specific qualifications for marine coatings Inspectors – especially in the superyacht, leisure and pleasure vessel sectors. Over that period more than 120 industry professionals have achieved the qualification.

The formal RMCI qualification is a collaboration between the International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA) and the International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS), in conjunction with the SuperYacht Builders Association (SYBAss) and managed by the Marine Surveying Academy (MSA). The course, the qualification and the certification system were produced in response to the request from these bodies and industry.

Following a meeting of these key stakeholders, the process of RMCI revalidation was discussed and agreed. Continue reading “Registered Marine Coatings Inspector standard five year revalidation gets underway”

IIMS UAE Branch presents an interactive webinar entitled ‘Proceed with caution now and post lockdown’

IIMS UAE Branch is broadcastng an interactive webinar live on 16 April at 10.45 (UAE local time).

The theme of the webinar is ‘Proceed with caution now and post lockdown’.

The areas for discussion during the webinar include:
– Delayed and abandoned cargo
– Demurrage and detentions
– Claims for failure to take delivery
– Disputes and claims arising from charterparties – a Middle East perspective Continue reading “IIMS UAE Branch presents an interactive webinar entitled ‘Proceed with caution now and post lockdown’”

IMO Secretary-General asks for pragmatic approach in response to COVID-19

IMO Secretary-General, Kitack Lim, has issued a statement and broadcast a video (see below) on COVID-19, stressing the essential need to maintain commerce by sea and protect seafarers’ welfare.

He said, “The spread of the coronavirus has placed the entire world in an unprecedented situation. To slow the spread of the disease and mitigate its impacts, travel is being curtailed and borders are being closed. Transport hubs are being affected. Ports are being closed and ships denied entry.”

He added that, it is crucial that the flow of commerce by sea should not be unnecessarily disrupted. At the same time, the safety of life at Continue reading “IMO Secretary-General asks for pragmatic approach in response to COVID-19”

MCA approach to survey and certification of UK vessels during COVID-19 covered by MIN 612

MIN 612 details the MCA approach to survey and certification of UK vessels during COVID-19
MIN 612 details the MCA approach to survey and certification of UK vessels during COVID-19

The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) has published MIN 612, a marine information notice which sets out the policy of the MCA with respect to UK Vessels which are prevented from arranging the relevant surveys, inspections and audits required for compliance with the appropriate Statutory Instruments due to the current pandemic.

In MIN 612 the MCA sets out contingency plans to mitigate disruption to essential statutory activities during the current pandemic. The aim of the notice is to provide a basis for the continued operation of UK vessels during this time.

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Anti-fouling escapade leaves $79m superyacht partially sunk

Photo by Triangle News
Photo by Triangle News

A luxury superyacht owned by a Saudi Prince has dramatically capsized and partially sunk while it was docked at a repair yard in Perama, Greece. The yacht, Nourah of Riyad, owned by Prince Turki bin Mohammed bin Fahd Al Saud, was being lifted out of the water for repairs when it capsized.

The $79m USD yacht has 11 cabins for up to 22 guests and a crew of 18, a master suite, a VIP stateroom, a jacuzzi on deck and a cinema on board. There was no marine pollution as a result of the incident according to Greek City Times. The yacht turned at a 45-degree angle, becoming partially submerged in the water. The unfortunate and expensive accident happened as the vessel was undergoing anti-fouling Continue reading “Anti-fouling escapade leaves $79m superyacht partially sunk”

Inaugural IIMS Canada Branch Vancouver conference voted a great success

The Lonsdale Quay Hotel hosted the IIMS Canada Branch Conference
The Lonsdale Quay Hotel hosted the IIMS Canada Branch Conference

A group of 40 plus attendees (including online delegates) and marine industry experts gathered for the first full-scale marine surveying Conference to be held in Vancouver by the International Institute of Marine Surveying Canada Branch on 6/7 March. Judging by the positive feedback from those who attended, the event was a great success.

The Lonsdale Quay Hotel in North Vancouver with its quirky market and food stalls on the ground floor proved to be a highly popular choice of venue and their hospitality team worked hard to satisfy everyone with a non-stop stream of coffee, pastries and savoury food.

Unable to join in person for business reasons, Regional Director, Ed O’Connor, said a few words to open the conference, before inviting Continue reading “Inaugural IIMS Canada Branch Vancouver conference voted a great success”

Coronavirus makes an urgent rethink for the marine surveying profession mandatory

Since I recently published my most recent Coronavirus advice to marine surveyors who travel internationally for work, the situation surrounding the pandemic has worsened dramatically in just a few days. The world we knew has ended abruptly. Put simply, marine surveyors are certain not to be travelling cross-border for work given the alacrity with which most countries are racing to close their borders.

This presents a challenge to the marine surveying profession like never before and one which none of us has witnessed in our lifetimes – and there is no easy or obvious solution either.

Continue reading “Coronavirus makes an urgent rethink for the marine surveying profession mandatory”

Tips and advice for marine surveyors about Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS) is concerned for the health and well-being of its members as well as any marine surveyor, inspector or examiner travelling locally and/or internationally for work whilst Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread globally.

Already there is evidence that the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) is having a profound effect on some areas of the marine surveying profession. But the picture is fluid, changing hourly and by the day, so you are advised to check the current status before you travel for work.

How Coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads
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