The death of two IIMS stalwarts announced

The past week has been one of great sadness for me personally, the IIMS head office team, Institute members, and the wider maritime industry with the announcements of the passing of two IIMS champions. Last week, I received news of the passing of Peter Morgan HonFIIMS. Peter died on 4 April. And then just a week later, news that John Excell HonFIIMS had lost his brave battle and succumbed to a long illness reached me. The news of both deaths affected me greatly.

Detailed obituaries are being prepared for both men and will appear in the June 2021 Report Magazine.

But for now, let me try and make sense of what has been the toughest of weeks as both men were well known to me and many others. Indeed, both in their own ways gave so much to the Institute and will be sorely missed.

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Downloadable MAIB Spring 2021 Safety Digest of accident reports published

The Spring 2021 Safety Digest has been published by the Marine Accident Investigation Branch. It features 25 case studies involving a range of vessels and accidents. The Safety Digest talks through each scenario and reveals the lessons that arise from each case.

Chief Inspector of Marine Accidents, Andrew Moll, writes in his welcome and introduction “I would like to start by thanking Fran Collins, David Fuller and Roger Brydges for writing the introductions to the merchant, fishing and leisure sections of this Digest. Their perspectives on maritime safety make compelling reading.

At the MAIB, we try to keep our safety messages fresh. Continue reading “Downloadable MAIB Spring 2021 Safety Digest of accident reports published”

RYA licensing arrangement in Spanish waters after Brexit

The Spanish flag being flown on a vessel at seaSince Brexit there have been a few individuals who have been working almost non-stop to find solutions and trying to prevent incorrect facts being reported in the news and on social media platforms. The last few days have seen some news articles published in Mallorca that have been fundamentally incorrect and inaccurate and many boat owners in the Balearics are receiving mixed and confusing messages over RYA licensing and what they can and cannot do.

These are the facts as confirmed by multiple legal opinions:
Why has the acceptance of RYA Licensing in Spain changed?
From the 1st of January 2021, as a result of Brexit, the Spanish ceased to accept all RYA and ICC [international Continue reading “RYA licensing arrangement in Spanish waters after Brexit”

Potential new costs of trading second-hand vessels between the UK and EU highlighted

British Marine and the RYA have now received further information from both the EU Commission and the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) on the trade of pre-owned CE marked recreational craft between the UK and EU following the UK’s exit from the European Union.

Both the UK and EU have confirmed that any vessel being traded second-hand between the UK and EU will be required to meet the obligations set out in either the Recreational Craft Directive (RCD) in the EU or the Recreational Craft Regulations (RCR) in the UK when placed on either market after the 1 January 2021.

Continue reading “Potential new costs of trading second-hand vessels between the UK and EU highlighted”

HM Treasury confirms decision to maintain recreational boaters’ entitlement to use red diesel beyond April 2022

The lobbying campaign, mounted by The Cruising Association, Royal Yachting Association (RYA) and British Marine which the three supported in various ways, has argued successfully that having two colours of diesel would cause fuel supply problems and impact on safe sailing in the UK.

The decision allows for easy refuelling in England, Wales and Scotland and will avoid the logistical and environmental difficulty for the fuel supply industry of changing from red to white diesel, they say. Now pleasure craft in Great Britain will be able to use red diesel and pay fuel suppliers the difference between the red diesel rate and the white diesel rate, on the proportion intended for propulsion use.

For heating purposes, a vessel with a separate tank will still be able to use red diesel at the lower duty rate. The Continue reading “HM Treasury confirms decision to maintain recreational boaters’ entitlement to use red diesel beyond April 2022”

IIMS publishes the March 2021 Report Magazine edition 95

The Report Magazine, edition 95, published by IIMS
The Report Magazine, edition 95, published by IIMS

The International Institute of Marine Surveying has published edition 95 of The Report Magazine, March 2021. The 108 page publication has placed an editorial emphasis on two topical and concerning issues:
1) shipping container incidents at sea and;
2) the unintended consequences of Brexit affecting the marine surveying profession in certain parts of the EU.

The highlights and main feature articles of this edition of The Report Magazine are:

– The CTU code – why we need it
– VAT on boats post Brexit explained
– Container stack collapses (causes and solutions)
– New insights into MSC ZOE in shallow water that require further action to prevent future container loss
– Tackling the scourge of container ship fires
– The Estonia disaster continues to be a bottomless source of learning
– Costly claims for crane failures caused by human errors
– From composite evolution to vessel construction revolution
Continue reading “IIMS publishes the March 2021 Report Magazine edition 95”

CWind launches world’s first hybrid surface effect ship CWind Pioneer

CWind Pioneer. Image courtesy of CWind
CWind Pioneer. Image courtesy of CWind

CWind Pioneer is the world’s first hybrid powered Surface Effect Ship (SES) and has been delivered by CWind, a leading provider of project services, CTVs and GWO-accredited training courses to the offshore wind industry.

Named the CWind Pioneer to demonstrate its position at the forefront of crew transfer vessel innovation, the vessel was developed in response to an industry-wide push to develop and deploy innovative technologies that reduce CO2 emissions, while cost-effectively servicing windfarms located further offshore. The CWind Pioneer achieves this through a hybrid diesel and battery electric power system which enables the vessel to operate purely on battery power while in harbour or at standby in the windfarm, resulting in a decrease in fuel burn and CO2.

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Cruising Association says boat owners are caught ‘in perfect storm’

Boat owners caught in a perfect storm post Brexit. Photo: Cruising Association
Boat owners caught in a perfect storm post Brexit. Photo: Cruising Association

Robin Baron, chairman of the Cruising Association RATS committee, has said that cruising yachtsmen are in the middle of ‘a perfect storm’. His words come at the end of months of COVID-19 restrictions, a VAT ‘trap’ and new visa rules exacerbating everything. Amid a surge of enquiries about Brexit which has seen the Cruising Association run a seminar and respond to multiple questions from members in unfolding territory, Baron has settled on a plan to at least help members negotiate visa arrangements. He’s looking to exert pressure from within.

Since 1 January 2021, people can only stay 90 days in any 180-day period within the Schengen area. The 180-day reference period is not fixed. It is a moving window, based on the approach of looking backwards at each day of the Continue reading “Cruising Association says boat owners are caught ‘in perfect storm’”

New chief executive appointed by Inland Waterways Association

The Inland Waterways Association has appointed Phil Hornsey as its new chief executive. Hornsey is an experienced leader with a strong strategic, development and marketing background. He has a 20-year career across corporate and not-for-profit sectors.

As director of membership and community at British Rowing, Hornsey led the national delivery of programmes to engage, support and grow the sport, achieving record levels of participation, paying members, and unrestricted income for the organisation. Prior to joining British Rowing, Hornsey held senior management positions at O2, EE and Betfair.

“I am delighted to take on the role of CEO at the Inland Waterways Association,” says Hornsey. “IWA has a critical role to play in the future of the waterways for all users and, having spent many years on and around rivers and canals in Continue reading “New chief executive appointed by Inland Waterways Association”

Consultation about safe disposal of time expired flares opened by MCA

The Department for Transport (DfT), in collaboration with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), has published a consultation about the safe disposal of time expired marine pyrotechnics (flares) from the pleasure boat sector. The consultation remains open until 15 March 2021.

The consultation seeks feedback to decide the next course of action when, in Dec 2021, the MCA’s current interim arrangements for flare disposal are set to end. The consultation doesn’t hold back in assessing where the problem of who pays for the pollution has arisen, saying the industry has failed to organise itself effectively.

Continue reading “Consultation about safe disposal of time expired flares opened by MCA”

New safety requirements for local pleasure vessels in Hong Kong

The Marine Department of Hong Kong has published a circular about the recent safety requirements and regulations for all local pleasure vessels, which will be applied from 1st of April 2021.

According to the circular all pleasure vessels licenced to carry more than 12 passengers that are let for hire or reward shall have on-board a suitable first aid kit, as stipulated in “Code of Practice IV” Chapter X – Part 2 with effect from 1st April 2021. Continue reading “New safety requirements for local pleasure vessels in Hong Kong”

Who knows where the time goes?

A new entry to my blog is long overdue. As an aside, the title of this blog –  ‘Who knows where time goes’ – is one of my favourite songs, written by the talented and much missed Sandy Denny, and sung by her when with Fairport Convention, one of my favourite bands. Perhaps that plug will get me a free ticket to a future gig? But although I digress shamelessly, the fact is that one day simply merges into the next due to the pandemic and the current lockdown in the UK, as time slips easily by. With the inability to do much at the moment, a work day in the week is little different to the weekend it seems. Our lives are disrupted and mundane, but for good reason. Let’s hope this pandemic clears through soon. And yes, these are challenging times, not just for many working marine surveyors who are finding it hard to go about their lives as normal, but for many others too. Please stay safe and if you are working at this time, do carry out enhanced risk assessments. Continue reading “Who knows where the time goes?”

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