MAIB report into immobilisation and flooding of dredger Shearwater following repeated collisions published

At about 2000 on 9 April 2020, the UK registered dredger Shearwater was immobilised after its propeller shafts were fouled by a towline being used to tow the barge Agem One. The dredger and barge collided with each other repeatedly resulting in Shearwater being holed and flooded, before the towline parted and Agem One drifted away. There was no pollution or injury.

Shearwater had been towing Agem One in an alongside configuration on a coastal passage when a significant swell was encountered. This made the alongside tow untenable, causing Shearwater’s crew to switch to an astern tow. Within minutes of
switching, the 80m towline failed. Shortly after reconnecting the towline, it failed again, and the decision was made to abort the planned Continue reading “MAIB report into immobilisation and flooding of dredger Shearwater following repeated collisions published”

Families of deadly dive boat accident victims sue US Coast Guard

Image credit: Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times
Image credit: Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times

Families of the 34 victims of a California dive boat fire have sued the US Coast Guard alleging the vessel was allowed to operate with faulty electrical and inadequate safety systems.

Built in 1981, the 75’x25′ wooden hulled Conception was engulfed in flames and sank off Santa Cruz Island September 2, 2019, killing 33 passengers and one crew. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) cited lax oversight by the owner, no roving watch as required by the Certificate of Inspection (COI), insufficient smoke detectors and poor escape routes and faulted the Coast Guard for not requiring safety management systems (SMS) on all U.S.-flag passenger vessels.

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United Kingdom National Maritime Strategy for the IMO Instruments Implementation Code

The UK Maritime Administration, collectively, commits to giving full effect to her flag, port and coastal State responsibilities and obligations, to advance maritime safety and environmental protection for our seafarers, our local communities, our economy and our international peers.

The UK National Maritime Strategy aims to support and facilitate the UK Maritime Administration’s implementation and enforcement of the III Code, and UKG Maritime 2050 by:
– Enacting and maintaining UK legislation;
– Enforcing all Instruments;
– Review and Improve performance; and
– Collaborate to grow capability and capacity;

These aims will enable the UK Maritime Administration to continually improve the adequacy of measures to give effect to the international instruments. Continue reading “United Kingdom National Maritime Strategy for the IMO Instruments Implementation Code”

Volvo set to unveil new IMO III solution for large yachts at Cannes Yachting Festival

Since January 2021, the IMO III nitrogen oxides (NOx) legislation that already applies to commercial vessels has been extended to marine leisure vessels above 24m load line length, which navigate in US waters as well as the North and Baltic Seas. Providing another step towards increased sustainability in the industry, the 2021 legislation is aimed at reducing emissions. To comply, affected yachts now need to be fitted with a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) after-treatment system. This has led Volvo Penta to work on an optimized solution for its yacht customers both for IPS and traditional inboard shaft installations.

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UK Government opens consultation to strengthen the enforcement of the dangerous use of recreational and personal watercraft

The Department for Transport has published a consultation document to modernise laws and clamp down on dangerous driving of jet skis to protect the public and coastal areas. The consultation will bring recreational and personal watercraft, such as jet-skis and speedboats, under the same laws as those who operate ships, meaning tougher sentences for those caught driving dangerously.

Under the current system, local authorities (LAs) have the power to regulate speed and nuisance driving through byelaws, with the power to fine those breaching the rules up to £1,000.

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CE marking acceptance for boats extended until 2023 by UK government

The UK government has announced an extension to the start date for the new post-Brexit certification rules for CE products by 12 months. This extension means that the CE mark will continue as a recognised trademark into next year, after the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy agreed to push back the deadline for the UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) stamp until 1 January 2023.

Any CE marked goods that meet EU requirements may continue to be placed on Great Britain’s (GB) market for another year.

The UKCA marking is a new UK product marking that is used for goods being placed on the market in GB. UKCA gives the UK control over its goods regulations and covers most goods that previously required the CE marking, known as ‘new approach’ goods. The UKCA marking Continue reading “CE marking acceptance for boats extended until 2023 by UK government”

Ensuring the insurers

The lockdowns of the past 18 months or so have given us all time to think and readjust our priorities. Like never before yacht owners and potential purchasers have been giving thought to their work-life balance, the risks of travelling and where in the world can a vacation actually take place? All of this has had a knock-on effect on the market, making yacht insurers’ lives busier than expected.

Mike Wimbridge, managing director, Pantaenius told Superyacht Investor: “I think in the chain of insurance buying people have had a little more time to reflect, rather than maybe just renew year-on-year. Throw into that the fact that some insurance markets are looking at what they write and possibly increasing prices and changing terms and conditions for risks they’re less concerned about.” Wimbridge is clear he is not talking about “bad risks”, but said some underwriters are looking at their portfolios.

Continue reading “Ensuring the insurers”

Safety bulletin issued by MCA over concerns with lifting equipment inspections on fishing vessels

A chain link used in the lifting equipment of a fishing vessel showing fractures identified during inspection
A chain link used in the lifting equipment of a fishing vessel showing fractures identified during inspection

Following a number of near misses and accidents during lifting operations onboard UK fishing vessels, the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) has published a safety bulletin.

It is a requirement of the Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Lifting Equipment and Lifting Operations Regulations) 2006 (SI 2006/2184) that the owner and/or employer shall ensure all lifting equipment is thoroughly inspected, as a minimum, at least every 12 months with regular inspections in between. Depending on the findings of the Company risk assessment, in certain applications, the frequency of inspection may need to be increased. Specifically, the attention of the inspection regime, established by the owner, may need to be increased in areas of high load, high wear rates, and high impact. Continue reading “Safety bulletin issued by MCA over concerns with lifting equipment inspections on fishing vessels”

New Marine Conservation Society report: Decarbonising the UK fishing fleet

Photo credit: Fishing for mussels. @Pauleinerhand ©
Photo credit: Fishing for mussels. @Pauleinerhand ©

The UK regards itself as a leader on the world stage as far as preventing climate change is concerned. The UK has set a high standard so far showing the way with an impressive roadmap to cut its greenhouse gas emissions. It was the first country in the world to set statutory carbon emissions reduction targets in its climate Change Act of 2008, and in 2019 passed a law on net-zero emissions.

In a new report, a group of NGOs – WWF UK, MarFishEco Fisheries Consultants, Marine Conservation Society and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) – have reviewed the UK fishing industry’s response to climate change mitigation. Shipping companies are already working hard to reduce their emissions, and the orders for retrofitting and design for energy-efficient ship propulsion systems is at an all-time high. It is likely the fishing industry will be the next focus.

Continue reading “New Marine Conservation Society report: Decarbonising the UK fishing fleet”

RYA publishes Pathways to Zero – a plan for the recreational boating sector to reach zero carbon by 2050

Pathways to Zero is a new report from the RYA reacting to the climate change emergency
Pathways to Zero is a new report from the RYA reacting to the climate change emergency

The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) has published Pathways to Zero: The RYA’s Vision for a Zero Carbon Recreational Boating Sector by 2050. It is an ambitious document and outlines the key actions and milestones that will need to be reached by both the organisation and the wider maritime sector to achieve the vision for zero-carbon in response to the climate emergency.

The report has been developed to deliver on the requirement within the RYA’s Sustainability Strategy, launched last year, to set out an Continue reading “RYA publishes Pathways to Zero – a plan for the recreational boating sector to reach zero carbon by 2050”

Port of London Authority Harbour Revision Order consultation now open for comments

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has started its formal consultation on a draft Port of London Authority (PLA) Harbour Revision Order (HRO). The consultation is open until 12 October 2021. HROs amend the existing legislative basis of a port and are consented under the Harbours Act 1964. The MMO has, since 2010, undertaken this process on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Department of Transport.

The HRO is intended to modernise the Port of London Act 1968, under which the PLA operates. It takes into account the nature of modern operations and technology in use on the river today and the continued evolution of the PLA as a modern, transparent organisation. The PLA HRO reflects revisions made after an informal, pre-submission consultation in autumn 2019. More than 50 stakeholders contributed through the informal consultation phase. Continue reading “Port of London Authority Harbour Revision Order consultation now open for comments”

The future of maritime safety report published by Inmarsat

Inmarsat has released a valuable reference document entitled - The future of maritime safety report
Inmarsat has released a valuable reference document entitled – The future of maritime safety report

What does the future hold for safety at sea and how should the maritime industry adapt to prevent serious accidents from occurring and ultimately, save lives? These questions and more are covered in the recently published future of maritime safety report published by Inmarsat.

Any vessel at sea can be exposed to many dangers, from severe weather conditions to equipment failure, piracy, and unpredictable circumstances such as the recent Covid-19 pandemic and crew change crisis, resulting in exhausted crew members.

The latest research by Inmarsat showcases three years of Inmarsat Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) vessel distress Continue reading “The future of maritime safety report published by Inmarsat”

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