Lloyd’s Register and UK P&I Club launch new Port State Control checklist mobile app

Lloyd’s Register (LR) and UK P&I Club have released a new and improved Port State Control (PSC) checklist app. The app helps ensure that ship personnel are trained in how to inspect, maintain and operate life-saving equipment and that equipment is ready for use at all times. The app also includes a list of common deficiencies to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and help reduce the risk of PSC detentions.

The full list of checklists featured include ILO MLC, ISM & ISPS, Life Saving Appliances, Marine Fire Safety, Marine Pollution Prevention and Port State Control into one, easy-to-use app. Checklists on the new and improved app are continuously updated to reflect new or Continue reading “Lloyd’s Register and UK P&I Club launch new Port State Control checklist mobile app”

UK aspirations to establish regulatory framework for autonomous shipping become clearer

The UK Department for Transport (DfT) has announced it is set to ‘unleash the UK’s potential as a world leader in future technologies’ with proposals to support the development of autonomous ships and shipping. The UK government is proposing to amend the current legal framework to take powers in primary legislation to regulate all Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) regardless of size, including craft that would not traditionally be considered ships.

The benefits of this approach would be to:
Continue reading “UK aspirations to establish regulatory framework for autonomous shipping become clearer”

Canal & River Trust wages battle to overcome invasive weeds on the Lancaster Canal

Throughout the summer and early autumn, a combination of warm weather, sunshine and extra nitrates from agricultural run-off create perfect growing conditions for duckweed, water fern, common reeds and Canadian waterweed. These fast-growing plants are spread by passing boats, canoeists, paddle boarders, anglers’ nets and walkers’ muddy boots and, left undisturbed, can form a thick green carpet on the water. This can then cause problems for boat engines, and its solid appearance makes it a potential danger for children and animals. Hotspots for the weeds are low flow areas around Lancaster, Garstang, Cabus Nook, north Preston, Radcliffe Wharf and Woodplumpton.

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New US bill proposes reforming liability for maritime accident compensation

Photo credit: Ventura County Fire Dept
Photo credit: Ventura County Fire Dept

A bill has been introduced before the US Congress designed to reform the 170-year-old regulation that limits compensation for maritime accidents. The effort is being led by California’s Congressman Salud Carbajal and Senator Dianne Feinstein and has been written to be retroactive to cover the 2019 fire aboard the dive boat Conception, which killed 34 people off the California coast.

The Carbajal-Feinstein bill updates an 1851 law that can prevent maritime accident victims and their families from receiving compensation from those responsible for the accident. Under the terms of the Limitation of Liability Act of 1851, boat owners can limit their liability to Continue reading “New US bill proposes reforming liability for maritime accident compensation”

IIMS President speaks out: Beware the challenges of surveying steel hull inland waterways craft – and other considerations

IIMS President, Geoff Waddington, has spoken out passionately in light of a number of issues that are causing concern regarding the survey of inland waterways craft, steel narrowboats and barges in the UK particularly. His advice, however, is good practice for surveyors working around the world. The result is a helpful pdf document that can be downloaded and retained as a reference source (see below).

Geoff takes up the story:
I admit that I have only limited experience of inland waterways craft. My career in the marine industry started over fifty years ago on ships. Over the last forty years of surveying both large and small craft, I have been involved with the new construction of a wide beam barge, fitting out of a narrowboat, insurance investigations involving narrowboats and small, steel inland waterways craft, and of course Continue reading “IIMS President speaks out: Beware the challenges of surveying steel hull inland waterways craft – and other considerations”

Maritime UK launches its Coastal Powerhouse Manifesto

Maritime UKs Coastal Powerhouse Manifesto is available to read now
Maritime UKs Coastal Powerhouse Manifesto is available to read now

Maritime UK and the Local Government Association Coastal Special Interest Group (LGA Coastal SIG) have urged the UK government to come up with a clear strategy to stem the brain drain by launching a new Coastal Powerhouse Manifesto.

The Coastal Powerhouse Manifesto sets out proposals to boost connectivity to the rest of the country, extend freeport benefits to all coastal areas, install a shore power network across the coast to charge tomorrow’s Teslas of the seas, and develop new skills in coastal communities, including digital skills.

Maritime UK chair, Sarah Kenny, said, “There is nothing inevitable about coastal decline. These areas are Britain’s gateway to the world Continue reading “Maritime UK launches its Coastal Powerhouse Manifesto”

Alert issued for surveyors by Steamship Mutual about corrosion in the exhaust gas scrubber system

Scrubber overboard discharge connection
Scrubber overboard discharge connection

Steamship Mutual had published a risk alert to highlight the issues around the corrosion in the exhaust gas scrubber system. According to Vijay Rao, Loss Prevention at Steamship Mutual, corrosion in the exhaust gas scrubber system is a recognised issue requiring adequate corrosion protection measures to be in place in the installation. Despite this several cases of acidic corrosion within the scrubber discharge piping system have been reported and this is an increasing cause for concern.

Steamship Mutal notes that of particular concern is the case of severe corrosion in the section of the discharge piping outboard of the scrubber overboard valve – the distance piece. Wastage and failure of this piping section could, Continue reading “Alert issued for surveyors by Steamship Mutual about corrosion in the exhaust gas scrubber system”

UK government’s maritime biennial report: April 2019 to May 2021 published

The maritime biennial report by the UK government is available to read
The maritime biennial report by the UK government is available to read

Just published, the maritime biennial report outlines the UK government’s maritime achievements for 2019 to 2021. It compares them against the priorities of the 2018 to 2019 maritime annual report.

The following text is the introduction taken from the report itself. Maritime is the key transport mode underpinning international trade, securing the vital supply of fuel and food needed to keep the nation running, and is at the forefront of responding to the global technological, environmental and economic challenges and opportunities that we are facing. Continue reading “UK government’s maritime biennial report: April 2019 to May 2021 published”

ClassNK has published guidelines for ships using alternative fuels

Classification society ClassNK has released Guidelines for Ships Using Alternative Fuels, updated with safety requirements for ships using ammonia as fuel on previously issued Guidelines for Ships Using Low-Flashpoint Fuels covering liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)/methanol/ethanol.

Ammonia has captured attention as a zero carbon fuel. Appropriate safety measures are required for ammonia as it is toxic to humans and corrosive to materials, while specific international standards for the use of ammonia as a marine fuel have not yet been established. ClassNK has described the requirements for installation, controls and safety devices of an ammonia fueled ship to minimizing risks for the Continue reading “ClassNK has published guidelines for ships using alternative fuels”

New sustainable propulsion to be offered by Rolls-Royce from 2022

Rolls-Royce has announced it is set to launch a range of sustainable solutions for yachts, starting with IMO III propulsion for production yachts from spring 2022. Along with the company announcing the first mtu-IMO-III systems for series yachts for 2022, Rolls-Royce says its mtu hybrid solutions will be on the market as of 2023, and mtu yacht engines certified for sustainable fuels as of 2023.

The first large yachts are already running with mtu systems based on the mtu Series 4000, which are certified for IMO III emissions regulations. Joining the market in April 2022 will be mtu Series 2000 propulsion systems with exhaust gas after treatment for production yachts.

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Norman Finlay Memorial Development Scheme launched to discover new talent in the small commercial vessel sector

Norman Finlay MBE receiving his award from Her Majesty The Queen in 2018
Norman Finlay MBE receiving his award from Her Majesty The Queen in 2018

A new scheme has been established that aims to support the development of talent ashore within the small commercial vessel sector. The Norman Finlay Memorial Development Scheme is designed to increase the amount of small commercial vessel seafarers and those with a passion for these types of craft moving onto advanced careers ashore within the sector.

This includes vessel owner/operator organisations as well as within the supply chain such as manufacturers, regulators, surveyors, inspectors, charterers and professional services. The stakeholders will work together to provide a variety of resources towards the development of small commercial sector seafarers.

Continue reading “Norman Finlay Memorial Development Scheme launched to discover new talent in the small commercial vessel sector”

MCA publishes MGN 436 new guidance to mitigate serious injury on small vessels

New guidance on mitigating the risk of serious injury from whole body vibration on small vessels has been published today in MGN 436 (Amendment 2) by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA).

Whole Body Vibration (WBV) and Repeated Shock (RS) injuries are a known issue of travelling on small vessels at high speeds. When they occur, they can be life-changing or even fatal. MGN 436 (Amendment 2) is aimed at operators of small vessels and focuses on mitigating strategies, following several serious incidents in recent years. It provides guidance on ways to alleviate risk of injury, both severe and chronic, for crew and passengers.

This latest update to the guidance reflects the evolving knowledge and best practice including the use of shock mitigating technology and Continue reading “MCA publishes MGN 436 new guidance to mitigate serious injury on small vessels”

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