RNLI lifeboat hero clocks up more than 1,000 missions

RNLI lifeboat hero, Stan Todd, has clocked up more than 1,000 missions saving many lives
RNLI lifeboat hero, Stan Todd, has clocked up more than 1,000 missions saving many lives

An RNLI crewman has clocked up more than 1,000 lifeboat launches to emergency calls – rescuing 295 people and saving 47 lives in reaching the milestone. Tower lifeboat station helmsman and former Brighton RNLI volunteer Stan Todd reached the impressive milestone in December, after clocking up more than 34 years saving lives at sea and on the River Thames in central London.

During that time he has plucked drowning swimmers from certain death, rescued sailors from sinking yachts in Hurricane winds and found frightened children drifting miles out to sea in rubber dinghies.

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SE Asia tanker hijacks rose in 2014 despite global drop in sea piracy

Tanker hijacks rose in 2014 despite global drop in sea piracy. Photo: German Navy
Tanker hijacks rose in 2014 despite global drop in sea piracy. Photo: German Navy

Tanker hijacks off South East Asia’s coasts caused a rise in global ship hijackings, up to 21 in 2014 from 12 in 2013, despite piracy at sea falling to its lowest level in eight years, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) International Maritime Bureau (IMB) has revealed. Pirates took 442 crewmembers hostage, compared with 304 in 2013.

IMB’s annual piracy report shows 245 incidents were recorded worldwide in 2014 – a 44% drop since Somali piracy peaked in 2011. Somali pirates were responsible for 11 attacks, all of which were thwarted. However, IMB warns shipmasters to follow the industry’s Best Management Practices, as the threat of Somali piracy has not been eliminated.

Worldwide, 21 vessels were hijacked last year, 183 were boarded, and 13 fired upon. Pirates killed four crew members, injured 13 and kidnapped nine from their vessels.

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Findings of IMO’s study into reducing the administrative requirements of maritime regulations released

Findings of IMO's study into reducing the administrative requirements of maritime regulations released
Findings of IMO’s study into reducing the administrative requirements of maritime regulations released

Through resolution A.1043(27), the 27th Assembly in November 2011 adopted a process of periodic review of administrative requirements in mandatory instruments, and acknowledged that releasing resources from administrative tasks for Administrations and industry alike, contributes to the Organisation’s goals of efficient regulation of safety and security of shipping and the prevention and control of pollution by ships.

The Ad Hoc Steering Group for Reducing Administrative Requirements (SG-RAR), established by the Council at its 108th session in 2012, evaluated the responses received in the public consultation and developed recommendations on how to alleviate administrative burdens that have become unnecessary, disproportionate or even obsolete. The recommendations were presented to the 113rd Session of the Council on December 3rd, 2014.

Finally the IMO has published its report into the conclusions of the public consultation that has been undertaken on the reduction of administrative burdens in maritime regulations.

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Danish Maritime Authority launches new ship survey

dma_logo_ukFrom 1 January, the Danish Maritime Authority has started to survey all Danish passenger ships in a new way. Shipping companies are positive towards the new passenger ship survey which will, to a greater extent, involve the crew and the daily safety work.

In cooperation with a number of passenger ship companies, the Danish Maritime Authority has developed a new way of surveying passenger ships. The project has just been evaluated and the involved companies and crews have received the new survey method well.

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British Marine Federation says growth continues in the UK leisure marine sector

British Marine Federation says leisure marine industry growth is set to continue
British Marine Federation says leisure marine industry growth is set to continue

According to new statistics published by the British Marine Federation at the 2015 CWM FX London Boat Show, the UK leisure marine industry sector continues to grow.

For the third consecutive year, the industry posted growth in 2013/14, with total revenue in the UK leisure, superyacht and small commercial marine industry totalling £2.93bn (a 1% increase on 2012/13).

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Ships face lower sulphur fuel requirements

Ships trading in designated emission control areas will have to use on board fuel oil with a sulphur content of no more than 0.10% from 1 January 2015, against the limit of 1.00% in effect up until 31 December 2014.

The stricter rules come into effect under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution form ships (MARPOL) Annex VI (Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships), specifically under regulation 14, which covers emissions of Sulphur Oxides (SOx) and particulate matter from ships. These requirements were adopted in October 2008 by consensus and entered into force in July 2010.

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AMSA announces Domestic Surveyor Accreditation Scheme workshop dates

The Australia Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) will be running a series of Domestic Surveyor Accreditation Scheme (DSAS) workshops in Queensland during early February 2015.

The DSAS is a scheme being implemented by AMSA, as the National Regulator, to ensure surveyors are competent to conduct and provide survey reports for domestic commercial vessels under the Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Act 2012.

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Panama Canal expansion now 84% complete as gate installation begins

The Panama Canal expansion program is gathering pace with the arrival of the massive new lock gates. Photo courtesy ACP
The Panama Canal expansion program is gathering pace with the arrival of the massive new lock gates. Photo courtesy ACP

The last gate to arrive has now completed the transfer of the eight gates to the Pacific construction side as the Panama Canal expansion gathers momentum. The transits began on October 22 to move all eight gates through the waterway aboard a barge from the Atlantic temporary dock to the Pacific, assisted by Panama Canal tugs.

Once finished, the Panama Canal expansion program will have added new locks that in total have 16 rolling gates, eight in the Pacific and eight in the Atlantic. Since August 2013, the gates have been arriving in staggered shipments from Italy on a Post-Panamax vessel to a temporary dock in the Atlantic side. The last shipment arrived in November 2014.

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Palma Superyacht Show looks forward to its third edition

The Palma Superyacht Show returns for its third edition alongside the Palma Boat Show
The Palma Superyacht Show returns for its third edition alongside the Palma Boat Show

Having made its debut in 2013, the Palma Superyacht Show, in partnership with MYBA, is now a firm fixture on the yachting calendar. Running concurrently with the 32nd Boat Show Palma, this Mediterranean season opener takes place from 30 April to 4 May 2015.

Jane Thompson, Coordinator of the Palma Superyacht Show, says, “Avoiding comparisons with Cannes or Monaco, the Palma Superyacht Show has established its own clear identity as a brokerage and charter show of excellence, perfectly timed before the summer season. Designed to coincide with 1 May, a public holiday in most European countries, as well as the UK’s Monday ‘May Day’, we hope visitors will take a long weekend break in hospitable Palma, enjoy the sunshine and see a great selection of top quality yachts.”

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ClassNK register passes the 230 million gross tons mark

ClassNK has announced that its register has surpassed the 230 million gross tons mark in 2014 for the first time
ClassNK has announced that its register has surpassed the 230 million gross tons mark in 2014 for the first time

Leading classification society ClassNK has announced that its register topped 230 million gross tons for the first time. The announcement was made following a meeting of the Society’s Classification Committee, which certified that the NK Register listed 8,826 vessels totaling 231.34 million gross tons at the end of November 2014.

As ClassNK finished 2013 with some 220.9 million gross tons on its register, the achievement means that ClassNK has added a net total of more than 10 million gross tons to its register in the first 11 months of the year, continuing the leading classification society’s stunning growth over recent years. Continuing recent trends for the Society, transfers of vessels from other classification societies accounted for more than one third of the vessels joining the ClassNK Register, setting a new record for the Society.

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Royal Huisman to build 56 metre classic ketch

An impression of what the new 56 metre classic ketch to be built by Royal Huisman will look like
An impression of what the new 56 metre classic ketch to be built by Royal Huisman will look like

A classic ketch for family oriented Caribbean cruising and more is being built for an American couple, Royal Huisman has announced. The 183’7” (56-metre) megayacht, to be christened Aquarius, is set for delivery in late 2017.

Aquarius bears styling and naval architecture by Dykstra Naval Architects. The wood clad deckhouse, teak decks, long overhangs, rich-blue hull, and oval ports give her the profile the owners wanted. Royal Huisman has yet to release full specifications on her sailplan and structural dimensions, though the yacht is intended for good performance in light airs. Aquarius may further participate in some bucket regattas.

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USMRC and ClassNK sign MOU for future technical cooperation

USMRC and ClassNK have signed an MOU to work together for future technical cooperation
USMRC and ClassNK have signed an MOU to work together for future technical cooperation

classnkThe United States Maritime Resource Center (USMRC) based in Middletown, Rhode Island and ClassNK, a leading ship classification society located in Tokyo, Japan, are pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) laying out a framework for future technical cooperation to carry out joint research and development activities for the maritime industry.

This will mark the first time a major ship classification society has teamed with a prominent marine operations simulation center engaged in specialized training and research in North America.

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