UK MAIB Safety Digest 2nd edition 2024

MAIB has issued its second Safety Digest of 2024
MAIB has issued its second Safety Digest of 2024

Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) has issued its second Safety Digest of 2024 featuring a collection of lessons learned from a variety of the latest marine accidents involving vessels from the merchant, fishing and recreational sectors.

The sole purpose of the Safety Digest is to prevent similar accidents from happening again. The publication examines and investigates all types of marine accidents to or on board UK vessels worldwide, and other vessels in UK territorial waters. It aims to draw the attention of the marine community to some of the lessons arising from investigations into recent accidents and incidents. Continue reading “UK MAIB Safety Digest 2nd edition 2024”

MAIB report: Fall from height on carrier Equinox Seas kills crewman

Fall from height on carrier kills crewman
Fall from height on carrier Equinox Seas kills crewman

On 17 April 2023, a crewman on board Equinox Seas was fatally injured when he fell 10m down an open ventilation trunk where a fan had been removed for maintenance by the shipyard.

Safety Issues
– The barrier controls in place in the fan room were insufficient to mitigate the risk of falling from height
– The specific risks associated with the fan removal had not been assessed or mitigated, which put staff at risk from those hazards
– Safety on board Equinox Seas was not effectively managed during the entire stay at the shipyard Continue reading “MAIB report: Fall from height on carrier Equinox Seas kills crewman”

MAIB report: Officer’s leg amputated after crane incident

Kommandor Orca deck arrangement image courtesy of
Kommandor Orca deck arrangement image courtesy of

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch has released a report after an officer had to have his leg amputated following a crush injury. On 16 August 2022, the second officer of the UK registered survey and supply vessel Kommandor Orca sustained crush injuries to his lower left leg while operating one of the rail-mounted deck cranes. His leg became caught in the crane’s rack and pinion traversing mechanism when he moved the crane aft for a lifting operation. A helicopter transferred the second officer to hospital, where his leg required amputation below the knee. Continue reading “MAIB report: Officer’s leg amputated after crane incident”

Small craft sector must inform and educate customers of dangers to avoid passenger injury says MAIB

Small craft passenger safety is pulled sharply into focus by recent events
Small craft passenger safety is pulled sharply into focus by recent events

Poor posture, inadequate seating and a host of other factors can lead to life-changing injuries on RIBs as small craft passenger safety is pulled sharply into focus by recent events in the small craft sector. If the sector’s reputation is to survive accidents like Seadogz, owners and operators need to start owning best practice, controlling the risks and demonstrating that their trips are safe, says MAIB (Marine Accident Investigation Branch). Continue reading “Small craft sector must inform and educate customers of dangers to avoid passenger injury says MAIB”

Safety warning issued following man overboard from potting vessel Kingfisher with loss of one life

Image source: MAIBSafety warning issued following man overboard from potting vessel Kingfisher
Safety warning issued following man overboard from potting vessel Kingfisher. Image source: MAIB

On 12 July 2024, the crew of the potting vessel Kingfisher (DH110) were engaged in manually shooting a string of creels. A deckhand became entangled in a creel’s leg rope and was pulled overboard, where his personal flotation device (PFD) inflated on immersion. Using the hauling winch, Kingfisher’s crew retrieved the backrope and recovered the now submerged deckhand on board within seven minutes. Despite the efforts of the vessel’s crew, members of a Royal National Lifeboat Institution lifeboat, a paramedic from a His Majesty’s Coastguard rescue helicopter and crew members of an attending Continue reading “Safety warning issued following man overboard from potting vessel Kingfisher with loss of one life”

Capsize and sinking of fishing vessel Angelena: MAIB report

Photo caption: Photograph of Angelena courtesy of TelsWeb
Photograph of Angelena courtesy of TelsWeb UK registered stern trawler Angelena capsized and sank

On 18 June 2021, the UK registered stern trawler Angelena capsized and sank about 8 nautical miles south-east of Exmouth while its fishing gear was being recovered by the lone skipper. The end of the net was full of sand, mud and fish and, once lifted clear of the water, the net swung to away from the vessel’s side and Angelena capsized. The skipper did not have time to raise the alarm before entering the water. The skipper was wearing a lifejacket fitted with a personal locator beacon and managed to swim to the vessel’s liferaft, which had floated free. The skipper activated the personal locator beacon once in the liferaft and was rescued unharmed by a nearby vessel. Continue reading “Capsize and sinking of fishing vessel Angelena: MAIB report”

MAIB report: Contact of chemical tanker Ali Ka with Oikos Jetty

 Damage to Ali Ka
Damage to Ali Ka

At 0436 on 25 October 2022, the Malta registered oil and chemical tanker Ali Ka made contact with the westernmost section of Oikos Jetty 2 at Canvey Island on the River Thames, England. The vessel was departing the berth under compulsory Port of London Authority (PLA) pilotage and without a tug in attendance. The impact caused minor damage to the ship but severe damage to the jetty. Ali Ka grounded close to the pier. Two tugs were deployed and Ali Ka was successfully recovered to Oikos Jetty 1. No one was injured and there was no pollution. It took eleven Continue reading “MAIB report: Contact of chemical tanker Ali Ka with Oikos Jetty”

£100k fine handed to operator for vessel modification resulting in two deaths

£100k fine handed to operator for vessel modification
£100k fine handed to operator for vessel modification

A Brixham, UK based fishing vessel operator has been ordered by a court to pay more than £100,000 after a vessel modification caused it to capsize, leading to the deaths of two people onboard. Joanna C had a major refit in 2019, including the addition of a whaleback, extension of the wheelhouse and raised bulwarks being added. That fatal incident happened in 2020 when the vessel’s gear snagged on the seabed. Its lack of stability meant it could not recover, causing the boat to sink rapidly. Only one crewmember of three survived. Continue reading “£100k fine handed to operator for vessel modification resulting in two deaths”

MAIB issue safety warning following fatal injury to recreational diver after contact diving support boat Karin

fatal injury to recreational diver after contact diving support boat Karin
Fatal injury to recreational diver after contact diving support boat Karin

On the morning of 28 September 2023, a recreational diver carrying out decompression stops died, almost certainly as a result of being struck by the rotating propeller of the UK registered diving support boat Karin. The diver had been diving from a second dive boat that was also supporting divers exploring the wreck of the German battleship SMS Markgraf, which was lying at a depth of 45m in Scapa Flow, Orkney Islands, Scotland.

Safety Issues
– The need to maintain an effective lookout at all times while a vessel Continue reading “MAIB issue safety warning following fatal injury to recreational diver after contact diving support boat Karin”

MAIB Report: Powerboat Awesome accident resulting in two fatalities

MAIB Report: Powerboat Awesome accident resulting in two fatalities
MAIB Report: Powerboat Awesome accident resulting in two fatalities

The MAIB has issued a report on its investigation of the powerboat Awesome accident near Little Thatch Island, British Virgin Islands on 2 October 2022, where the loss of control resulted in two fatalities.

On 2 October 2022, the mono-hulled offshore powerboat Awesome was returning to its home port when it unexpectedly veered to starboard, then rolled violently to port, ejecting 10 occupants. Awesome ended up in a vertical position, with its bow in the air, briefly staying afloat before it started to sink by the stern. Two of the occupants did not survive the accident. Continue reading “MAIB Report: Powerboat Awesome accident resulting in two fatalities”

UK MAIB Safety Digest 2024 published

UK MAIB Safety Digest 2024 published
UK MAIB Safety Digest 2024 published

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch has published its the MAIB Safety Digest 2024 spring edition. It features a varied collection of lessons learned from recent marine accidents involving vessels from the merchant, fishing and recreational sectors.

MAIB Safety Digest 2024 draws the attention of the marine community to some of the lessons arising from investigations into recent accidents and incidents. It contains information that has been determined up to the time of issue.

The information is published to inform the merchant and fishing industries, the recreational craft community and the public of the general circumstances surrounding marine accidents and to draw out the lessons to be learned. Continue reading “UK MAIB Safety Digest 2024 published”

MAIB report into the fatal Eder Sands man overboard incident

 fatal Eder Sands man overboard incident report published
fatal Eder Sands man overboard incident report published

On 7 October 2022, a deckhand from the UK registered gill netter Eder Sands fell overboard while the vessel was shooting a net approximately 150 nautical miles west of Ireland. Despite an extensive 21-hour search that involved other vessels and fixed-wing aircraft, the crew member was not found.

Safety issues
– The unwritten on board process for shooting nets was unsafe and required crew to work at height without appropriate guard rails or a safety harness and tether to protect them. Continue reading “MAIB report into the fatal Eder Sands man overboard incident”

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