On Wednesday 25 May, a group of nearly 30 IIMS members met at the impressive Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) headquarters and training facility at Poole in Dorset, UK. Their mission? Firstly to have a close look first hand at the RNLI All-weather Lifeboat Centre and the various workshops to see and understand the activities going on. Then after lunch, the group combined with the surveyors at their conference for an invaluable afternoon of training and knowledge sharing.

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Western Mediterranean training event proves popular and successful

Pictured is the group of surveyors who met for training in Palma
Pictured is the group of surveyors who met for training in Palma

A large and enthusiastic group of 20 plus IIMS member surveyors and non members arrived on the island of Mallorca for a two day training event in Palma on 28 and 29 April organised by the Western Mediterranean Small Craft Working Group under the leadership of John Walker. The event was once more timed to coincide with the rapidly growing and increasingly important Palma Superyacht Show.

The opening day of the Western Mediterranean training event was run by John Excell, IIMS Chairman of Yacht & Small Craft surveying, and was given over to an introduction to the IIMS Certifying Authority with advice and guidance as to what is required to become an MCA coding surveyor in the morning. After a splendid lunch at one of the show’s many nearby restaurants, the group reassembled for training in the afternoon on how to conduct tonnage measurements. Commencing with theory, John ran through the newly produced tonnage guidance manual on screen. Then despite inclement weather (most unusual for Palma at this time of the year), the group split in to three working groups and headed into the neighbouring STP yard to carry out some practical tonnage measurement training. John Walker had lined up three vessels for measurement. Measurements were taken and calculations made before the group headed back to the classroom to complete the exercise. Continue reading “Western Mediterranean training event proves popular and successful”

RNLI surveyors and IIMS SCWG team up for joint training day

The RNLI All-Weather Lifeboat Centre will host the IIMS small craft working group
The RNLI All-Weather Lifeboat Centre will host the IIMS small craft working group

Please note that the date for the Spring IIMS Small Craft Working Group has changed from the one previously published on 17 May to 25 May to accommodate this rare training opportunity.

The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) has invited the IIMS Small Craft Working Group to join their Annual Surveyors Conference for a joint training day on Wednesday 25 May at their head office and facility in Poole, Dorset, for what promises to be an exceptional day. This provides an excellent opportunity for surveyors to network with others and share ideas and thoughts with a different group of surveyors too.

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Report on IIMS ultrasonics small craft training day

Some of the group pictured who met at Watford for the IIMS small craft ultrasonics training day
Some of the group pictured who met at Watford for the IIMS small craft ultrasonics training day

A group of 20 plus IIMS members and non members braved the worst that storm Imogen, which was blanketing the south of the UK on Monday 8 February, could throw up for the first small craft training day of the year.

The group met at a hotel in Watford just a stone’s throw from Ralph Kitts’s yard, P&S Marine, where the afternoon’s practical use of ultrasonics testing equipment took place.

John Excell, IIMS Chairman of Small Craft Surveying, welcomed guests and scoped out the day ahead. He introduced veteran marine surveyor, Jeffrey Casciani-Wood, who put his many years of experience to good use Continue reading “Report on IIMS ultrasonics small craft training day”

IIMS Western Med Certifying Authority and SCWG training days

Details have been announced for the next IIMS Western Med Certifying Authority training event (28-29 April), which will take place in Palma, Majorca at the same time as the Palma Superyacht Show.

The event will take place over two days and follows a different theme to past events as it incorporates some Certifying Authority and tonnage education mixed with some small craft surveyor training.

Day One (Thursday 28 April) will be of interest to IIMS Certifying Authority members and any members wanting to become accredited to do tonnages. John Excell, IIMS Chairman of Small Craft Surveying and a member of the Certifying Authority committee, will lead the proceedings and training.

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IIMS Small Craft Working Group Ultrasonics Training Day

ultrasonicsThe first Small Craft Working Group training day of 2016 has been organised for Monday 8 February.

The day will focus solely on ultrasonic NDT equipment and its use in practice. This will be done by looking at how it works in theory in the morning and then in practice outside after lunch at P&S Marine. The location is Croxley Green, Watford.

The day’s agenda is as follows:

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UK Small Craft Working Group ‘Super Training’ day October

The IIMS Small Craft Working Group 'Super Training' day will take place on Monday 5 October 2015 at Portchester Sailing Club
The IIMS Small Craft Working Group ‘Super Training’ day will take place on Monday 5 October 2015 at Portchester Sailing Club

The speaker line up and schedule for what has been dubbed a ‘Super Training’ day has been confirmed by the IIMS for its small craft members and non-members.

Taking place at Portchester Sailing Club on Monday 5 October, the date has deliberately been set back to back with the Certifying Authority training day commencing the following morning (Tuesday 6 October) for those who wish to attend that event too. Subject to demand we plan to arrange an evening meal for surveyors who plan to stay overnight at a local restaurant.

The UK Small Craft Working Group ‘Super Training’ day is being kindly sponsored by Winter & Co (marine insurers) and Tritex NDT (suppliers of non destructive ultrasonic testing equipment). IIMS is grateful to both organisations for their generous support.

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Full on IIMS SCWG day in Palma

The IIMS Small Craft Working Group met for a training day at the Palma Superyacht show
The IIMS Small Craft Working Group met for a training day at the Palma Superyacht show

A group of IIMS members and non members assembled for what turned out to be a full on day at the IIMS SCWG Western Mediterranean  training day, held at the Palma superyacht show in Majorca. The event was made even more agreeable due to the splendid, early season, warm and sunny weather.

The day began with a couple of presentations by IIMS CEO, Mike Schwarz, given in an outdoor location within the show itself before the event opened. This attracted an audience approaching 40 people, which apart from member surveyors, also included representatives from local insurance companies, refit yards and yacht brokers. Mike spoke about the activities of the institute, operating in three core markets as a membership organisation, an educator and a certifying authority. He also explained the benefits of membership and talked about the values of engaging an IIMS member surveyor. After a short break, Mike concluded by speaking about the growing work of the Marine Surveying Academy in the area of accreditation for other marine and industry organisations.

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SCWG March training day voted a success

Nearly 30 marine surveyors were joined by IIMS head office staff at the SCWG training day, which was held at Portchester Sailing Club
Nearly 30 marine surveyors were joined by IIMS head office staff at the SCWG training day, which was held at Portchester Sailing Club

A group of nearly 30 small craft surveyors (the majority members of IIMS) met at Portchester Sailing Club on Monday 23 March for the first Small Craft Working Group training day of the year.

The agenda for this event looked rather different to previous ones and this was perhaps reflected by the numbers who turned up, in what was the largest such gathering for some considerable time.

The aim of the day was to mix some presentations about business management skills with more specific surveyor training and, judging from the feedback received at the end of the day, the format worked for the vast majority of delegates.

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IIMS Western Mediterranean Small Craft Working Group Training Day

The IIMS Western Mediterranean Small Craft Working Group Training Day is taking place at the Palma Superyacht Show
The IIMS Western Mediterranean Small Craft Working Group Training Day is taking place at the Palma Superyacht Show

The IIMS is holding its next Western Mediterranean Small Craft Working Group Training Day on Friday 1 May and has lined up a cracking event for delegates.

When: Friday 1 May 2015
Where: Palma Superyacht Show, Majorca
Cost: 50 GBP or 70 EUR

Included in the training day is a FREE pass to the Palma Superyacht Show for 1 May only and IIMS members are invited to a complimentary evening cocktail do after proceedings too (if they so wish).

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Revived IIMS SCWG meets in the Western Mediterranean

Members of the IIMS Western Mediterranean small craft working group who met in November at Palma
Members of the IIMS Western Mediterranean small craft working group who met in November at Palma

Words by Kim Skov-Nielsen

The Western Mediterranean IIMS Small Craft Working Group (SCWG) met for a training day in Palma de Mallorca in November, organised by John Excell and Kim Skov-Nielsen.

On Friday 7 November, a group of a dozen IIMS members met at the excellent training facility in the Port Authority building to hear a review of PI insurance and handling claims and disputes given by Karen Brain and Amanda Ridd of Matrix Insurance Ltd. Thanks are due to Karen and Amanda for coming over. Lots of feedback led to a lively discussion of terminology and different practices in Spain.

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