Canal & River Trust responds to awful annual boaters’ survey findings

CRT responds to awful annual boaters' survey findings
CRT responds to awful annual boaters’ survey findings

The UK Canal & River Trust (CRT) says it will be doing all it can to make improvements following the publication of its annual boaters’ survey, which has revealed a decrease in overall boater satisfaction from 54 per cent to 46 per cent from a year ago.

The organisation says it is greatly concerned to see the fall in boater satisfaction, and that the fall continues a downward trend since 2017.

In a statement, CRT says, “The trust is committed to doing whatever we can within our means to provide all of our boating customers with the experience and service they expect. This disappointing result confirms that we need to re-double our efforts to improve this. Continue reading “Canal & River Trust responds to awful annual boaters’ survey findings”

Transforming Places and Enriching Lives Report by the Canal & River Trust

Transforming Places and Enriching Lives Report by the Canal & River Trust
Transforming Places and Enriching Lives Report by the Canal & River Trust

The Canal & River Trust has published a report for partners, funders and supporters of the UK’s canal network showcasing the benefits delivered by the Trust and its canals. The Impact Report entitled Transforming Places and Enriching Lives, tells the stories of how canals make a positive impact on people’s lives and help contribute towards some of the most significant challenges facing society.

Building upon an earlier study that aggregates the social value and economic benefits of canals to society, the Transforming Places and Enriching Lives Report brings to life the stories and testimonies, partnerships and projects that sit behind the monetary values. In Continue reading “Transforming Places and Enriching Lives Report by the Canal & River Trust”

UK Boat Safety Scheme governance changes announced

UK Boat Safety Scheme governance changes announced
UK Boat Safety Scheme governance changes announced

The Canal & River Trust, Environment Agency, Broads Authority, and the Association of Inland Navigation Authorities have announced some governance changes to the Boat Safety (BSS) Scheme which will see it become a not-for-profit company. As a company limited by guarantee, Boat Safety Scheme Limited has been incorporated to take on the work of the existing Scheme from 1 April 2024.

The Scheme’s structure remains unchanged, with all income returned into the running costs and continuing the safety improvements brought about by the Scheme since its inception in 1995. Continue reading “UK Boat Safety Scheme governance changes announced”

Towpaths for Everyone is a new policy document from the Canal & River Trust

Towpaths for Everyone is a new policy document
Towpaths for Everyone is a new policy document

With the UK’s canals attracting record numbers of visitors and more people using towpaths than ever before, a policy document entitled Towpaths for Everyone has been published by the Canal & River Trust (CRT) setting out how these vital, historic and typically narrow routes can be sustainably used, managed, and made more accessible for the benefit of all.

Towpaths for Everyone

Alongside the canals’ core use for boating and angling, Towpaths for Everyone outlines the key role that the 2,000-miles of towpaths play in public life, Continue reading “Towpaths for Everyone is a new policy document from the Canal & River Trust”

Fund Britain’s Waterways announces weekend of action to raise awareness

Fund Britain’s Waterways has announced it is planning a weekend of action over the UK’s May Day holiday weekend
Fund Britain’s Waterways has announced it is planning a weekend of action over the UK’s May Day holiday weekend

Campaign group Fund Britain’s Waterways has announced it is planning a weekend of action over the UK’s May Day holiday weekend from 4-6 May 2024. The aim of the weekend’s activities is to raise awareness of the current challenges facing Britain’s canals and rivers.

The group, which was launched in June 2023, has created a coalition of over 100 member organisations, representing hundreds of thousands of users and supporters of inland waterways. A public petition has astonishingly attracted nearly 50,000 signatures.

The group has organised three campaign cruises which will take place in Birmingham, Gloucester, Continue reading “Fund Britain’s Waterways announces weekend of action to raise awareness”

Leisure boaters move closer to using subsidised biofuel in battle to decarbonise waterways

Leisure boaters move closer to using subsidised biofuel
Leisure boaters move closer to using subsidised biofuel

A subsidised biofuel, which will help decarbonise the waterways, has been given the green light for more widespread use on leisure boats by the UK Government. DfT provided written clarification over the Renewable Transport Fuel Certificates (RTFC’s) subsidy after the HVO Joint Working Party – representing Inland Waterways Association (IWA), RYA and the Cruising Association – met with officials from the DfT in Westminster, London, UK.

Leisure boaters looking to reduce their carbon footprint while cruising will be able to take greater advantage of a government managed Continue reading “Leisure boaters move closer to using subsidised biofuel in battle to decarbonise waterways”

Sticky diesel is causing multiple fuel problems on the UK inland waterways

A massive increase in diesel fuel related breakdowns have been due to sticky diesel.
A massive increase in diesel fuel related breakdowns have been due to sticky diesel.

By Darrell Broscomb.

In my work as a marine engineer at Tooley’s boatyard in Banbury, I see many different mechanical issues throughout the year, but during 2023 we have been seeing a massive increase in diesel fuel related breakdowns due to sticky diesel.  At present, we have four boats requiring attention because of fuel issues. This is not ‘diesel bug’ but something else entirely.  With this particular sticky diesel scenario, the fuel goes dark, smells different and leaves sticky tar-like deposits in the fuel system. Continue reading “Sticky diesel is causing multiple fuel problems on the UK inland waterways”

Boater Report 2023 by published by CRT

Boater Report 2023 by published
Boater Report 2023 by published

The Boater Report 2023 summarises the work undertaken to keep the canal network open and available for navigation and sets out how the Canal & River Trust (CRT) generates the income needed to support boating and the wider use of the waterways.

Covering the period from April 2022 to March 2023, The Boater Report 2023 illustrates how navigation is the core of the CRTs day-to-day spending and objectives. A link to the Report will be included with new boat licences and boat licence renewals.

In a challenging year which illustrated the vulnerability of the ageing canal network and its exposure to extreme and more frequent weather events brought about by climate change, Continue reading “Boater Report 2023 by published by CRT”

Electric drive narrowboats guide published

New guide to electric narrowboats published by the Inland Waterways Association
Electric drive narrowboats guide published by the Inland Waterways Association

The Inland Waterways Association (IWA) has published An Introduction to Electric Drive Narrowboats guide.

IWA believes that it is vital for members of the inland waterways community to make their contribution to a more sustainable environment. IWA’s Sustainable Boating Group has been looking at how inland waterways leisure boating can become more sustainable since 2019 and published its Vision Paper in 2020, covering propulsion, the existing fleet and domestic energy on boats. Continue reading “Electric drive narrowboats guide published”

Fire safety warning issued by RCR

River Canal Rescue (RCR) is calling upon boaters to be aware of the fire risks on their vessels, after finding more and more cases of poor electrical wiring, including under-sized wiring, overloaded circuits, and sub-standard connections and cable routing, which can rapidly turn into a loom meltdown or a fire.

Managing director Stephanie Horton says with BSS certification failing many boaters, RCR is having to report regularly on boats that are dangerous or at risk.

If you are leaving your vessel for a period of time, it’s important to isolate the batteries and disconnect your shore power if you have it. Continue reading “Fire safety warning issued by RCR”

Fund Britain’s Waterways makes urgent call on Government to stop inland waterways falling into disrepair

Fund Britain’s Waterways makes urgent call on Government

Britain’s unique and well-loved network of canals and navigable rivers is deteriorating because of inadequate funding. At a time of unprecedented challenges caused by the climate emergency and high inflation, the government is failing to respond. Fund Britain’s Waterways (FBW), a coalition of organisations representing hundreds of thousands of users and supporters of inland waterways, is campaigning for national and local governments to act now and protect our waterways’ public benefit and natural capital.

Management of Britain’s 5,000 miles of navigable inland waterways is fragmented. The Canal & River Trust (CRT) is responsible for Continue reading “Fund Britain’s Waterways makes urgent call on Government to stop inland waterways falling into disrepair”

Inland waterways users urged to help in battle against invasive water plant

Environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy, in partnership with the Environment Agency, has launched its #PennywortAlert scheme for 2023 as it urges the public to report sightings of the harmful aquatic weed, floating pennywort, on waterways. Floating pennywort can grow up to an astonishing 20cm per day in late summer. It forms dense mats of kidney-shaped leaves on the water’s surface, depleting oxygen levels, blocking out vital sunlight for our native aquatic plants and, ultimately, threatening fish, invertebrates, insects and our wider native ecosystems. Continue reading “Inland waterways users urged to help in battle against invasive water plant”

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