A successful IIMS UAE Branch Conference 2015

Delegates at the IIMS UAE Branch Conference pose for a group photo
Delegates at the IIMS UAE Branch Conference pose for a group photo

The 4th Biennial UAE Branch Conference entitled: “Marine loss, prevention and warranty”, (kindly sponsored by DGS Marine Group), was hailed a great success by all those who attended. Held at the stunning waterfront Jumeriah Beach Hotel conference venue and facility on 24/25 November, the quality and standard of presentations was very high indeed. As a consequence, the feedback forms showed a most positive response and high approval rating.

Branch Chairman, Uday Moorthi, was generous in his praise for those who gave their time to ensure the success of the event. He particularly singled out the Branch Committee for their diligence and duty.

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IIMS reaches out to Nigerian surveyors

Prince Bambo in earnest conversation with Mike Schwarz, IIMS CEO
Prince Bambo in earnest conversation with Mike Schwarz, IIMS CEO

IIMS Chief Executive, Mike Schwarz, accepted an invitation that had been given to him by IIMS Nigerian members at the London Conference in September to present the inaugural Annual Public Lecture in Lagos. The lecture, given on behalf of the Centre for Marine Surveyors Nigeria, took place on Friday 27 November at the Lagos Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

The Centre for Marine Surveyors Nigeria was borne out of the need to sanitise the profession and to provide a platform for self regulation about those who are practising surveyors. In 2011, a group of interested parties in the marine surveying business came together to form the Centre. The mission of the Centre is ‘Commitment to enhancing knowledge while providing and expanding opportunities for growth and also regulation of professional marine surveying standards and practices’.

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SCWG Scotland training day successful

The annual IIMS UK Small Craft Working Group Scotland training day, which attracted a dozen IIMS members, took place on Monday 16 November at the splendid Royal Northern & Clyde Yacht Club at Rhu near Helensburgh under the chairmanship of Tom Elder.

Mike Schwarz opened up proceedings with an overview of IIMS and MSA activities. He was followed by Certifying Authority Chairman, Fraser Noble, who gave a full and comprehensive update on the work of the IIMS CA. He also talked about surveyor standards.

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SCWG Scotland Training Day

SCWG-ScotlandThe annual IIMS UK Small Craft Working Group Scotland training day is taking place on Monday 16 November. The location for this event is the splendid Royal Northern & Clyde Yacht Club at Rhu near Helensburgh.

After the day’s training, a group dinner is being organised at a venue to be decided in nearby Helensburgh.

On Tuesday 17 November, there is a special trip organsied to the GalGeal Trust in Glasgow. A tour is offered of the vessels that are in the process of being traditionally built plus a review of traditional boat building techniques.

The training days starts on Monday at 09.30 with coffee and formally opens at 10.00.

The agenda for the day is as follows:
• Surveying basics
• Boats – new model issues
• Boat – laying up and storage
• Best practice
• Certifying Authority Update by Fraser Noble
• Update on IIMS head office news and initiatives by Mike Schwarz
• Group discussion – unusual vessels input from all attending
• Safety Discussion – RNLI/Ocean Safety

The cost of the one day’s training on Monday 16 November is £50.

To reserve your place at this event, please email Tania Bernice or call her on 023 9238 5223.

International Institute of Marine Surveying to launch new Professional Qualifications

The IIMS Professional Qualifications in Yacht & Small Craft and Commercial Ship Marine Surveying are run on a distance learning basis.
The IIMS Professional Qualifications in Yacht & Small Craft and Commercial Ship Marine Surveying are run on a distance learning basis.

Recently the IIMS was notified by Pearson Edexcel, the external awarding body of the current IIMS HNC and HND in marine surveying, that they intended to stop supporting specialist, customised course providers such as ours. We were not alone in receiving this startling news, taken by Pearson Edexcel for reasons known only to them. The final intake for students wishing to gain an HNC/HND is mid October. The scheme will then close for new student registrations, but will remain open for those already registered to complete their studies by 31 October 2018.

On receiving the news, the IIMS education committee met a couple of times to consider the best way forward and quickly came to a consensus. A proposal was submitted to the Board and duly approved. The result is a positive outcome and provides an excellent and proactive way forward.

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Two new Fellowships announced

Capt  Chris Kelly receiving his Fellowship award from IIMS President, Capt Bertrand Apperry
Capt Chris Kelly receiving his Fellowship award from IIMS President, Capt Bertrand Apperry

At the International Institute of Marine Surveying’s Annual General Meeting that took place at Watermen’s Hall in the city of London on Tuesday 8 September, two new Fellowships were announced.

Mr Adam Brancher, IIMS Vice President and Capt Chris Kelly, Chairman of the IIMS Professional Assessment Committee were both awarded Fellowships.

Due to other commitments, Adam was unable to be at the event to receive his certificate. However, Chris Kelly was at the meeting and received his Fellowship certificate with pride from IIMS President, Capt Bertrand Apperry.



Certifying Authority October training day agenda released

The next IIMS CA training day will take place on 6 October
The next IIMS CA training day will take place on 6 October

The agenda for the Certifying Authority Training Day taking place on Tuesday 6 October 2015 is available to view below.

The training day is taking place at Portchester Sailing Club, Waterside Lane, Castle St, Portchester PO16 9QN

The programme is as follows:

The day will commence at 10:00 hrs
Welcome and introduction

MCA news and updates
New Workboat Code Consultation closing 5 October
Yellow / Blue Codes Update in Draft and due for Consultation soon
CA Surveyors Standards Working Group
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IIMS launches handy guide publishing programme

The IIMS has launched a new series of reasonably priced handy guides
The IIMS has launched a new series of reasonably priced handy guides

The International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS) has launched a series of self help handy guides under the title ‘What a marine surveyor needs to know about’.

The guides are available in a compact and handy A5 size. The series is launched initially with four titles, but over the next year, it is expected to expand to cover over thirty different subjects and topics.

Typically the guides are published at various price points between £20 and £30, equivalent to about US$30 to US$45. The publications are currently only being sold directly from IIMS in paperback, but will also soon be available electronically to download as e-books through the web site as well as via Kindle.

Commenting on this striking new initiative, Mike Schwarz, IIMS CEO, said, ”It occurred to me that there is a gap in the market place for a range of sensibly priced books that would be of direct benefit to IIMS members as well as many other surveyors and those associated with the marine and maritime world in general. The range of scheduled specialist topics is vast and I expect the series to grow to 30 plus booklets over the coming year.“

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A tiring end to an emotional and successful week

The IIMS President (Capt Bertrand Apperry) and I aboard HMS Belfast at the Conference Dinner
The IIMS President (Capt Bertrand Apperry) and I aboard HMS Belfast at the Conference Dinner

So it has been an emotional and mentally draining week, but one which will linger long in my mind and one that I will look back at with great pleasure and pride. I am referring of course to the IIMS London Conference 2015 that took place on Monday and Tuesday of this week.

To put on an event of this scale takes many months of meticulous planning and preparation. I am grateful to those around me who supported and helped me thus ensuring we were able to deliver a great outcome for the sponsors (DGS Marine Group, Constellation Marine Services and Britannia Maritime Security) and the delegates who attended. Add in the fact that we are catering for a truly international audience; and the need to appeal equally to small craft as well as commercial ship surveyors. I believe we got it about right!

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IIMS London Conference proves to be a hit with delegates

Ken Hickling in full flow at the IIMS London Conference 2015
Ken Hickling in full flow at the IIMS London Conference 2015

The culmination of six months of planning and preparation came to fruition when the IIMS London Conference 2015 took place at the Old Library in the Lloyd’s of London building on 7 and 8 September. Probably the only library in London not to house any books, this excellent, historic and graceful space provided the perfect venue in which to meet.

Members and others from the marine world came from all parts of the globe for what proved to be a great conference if the positive feedback that has been received is anything to judge by.

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Jeffrey Casciani-Wood receives IIMS Lifetime Achievement Award

Jeffrey Casciani-Wood proudly holding his lifetime achievement award
Jeffrey Casciani-Wood proudly holding his lifetime achievement award

At the IIMS London Conference Dinner 2015 on Monday 7 September aboard HMS Belfast, Jeffrey Casciani-Wood was presented with a lifetime achievement award by IIMS President, Capt Bertrand Apperry. The award was unanimously agreed by the Management Board at a recent meeting and is a fitting and suitable recognition of Jeffrey’s 70 years of service to the boat, ship and marine surveying profession.

In his citation, Mike Schwarz, IIMS CEO, said, “This lifetime achievement award recognises a 70 year association, or should that be obsession, with the boating, shipping and marine surveying sectors.”

In a moving ceremony, the 100 plus dinner guests rose to their feet as one to applaud Jeffrey as he came forward to receive and accept his crystal gift from The President to mark the occasion.

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Obituary Capt Paul Townsend FIIMS

Capt Paul Townsend FIIMS who has sadly passed away
Capt Paul Townsend FIIMS who has sadly passed away

News has reached the IIMS head office of the sad death of Capt Paul Townsend, who passed away after a long illness fought with courage and fortitude. He died on 28 August 2015 at a hospice on the Isle of Wight, UK. He was 76 years old.

Paul was a Fellow of the Institute and an active member of the IIMS Management Board. Until recent months, he was a regular contributor to that forum. He also regularly attended Certifying Authority training days. He joined IIMS in 2002 and was made a Fellow in 2010.

Paul joined the Merchant Navy as a Cadet with Clan Line, studying at Warsash Maritime College, Hampshire, UK and obtained his Master’s Certificate in 1969.

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