Whitepaper Ammonium Nitrate fire risk on board ships

The risks posed by poor conditions of storage of this common compound, which is used extensively in the Fertilisers and Explosives industries, have been well documented but awareness of the dangers of fire during transportation by sea is less well known. The objective of this guide, entitled ‘Ammonium Nitrate Fire Risk on Board Ships’ is to outline best practice with respect to the management of risk on vessels chartered to ship the compound through ports around the world.

Ammonium Nitrate (NH₄NO₃), a white to grey odourless chemical has a melting point of 169 degrees C and decomposes at 210 degrees C. While it does not burn by itself, significantly it will accelerate burning of combustible material, producing toxic oxides of nitrogen and ammonia, which will support combustion, even in the absence of oxygen. Continue reading “Whitepaper Ammonium Nitrate fire risk on board ships”

Marine safety concerns about firefighting capabilities at Canadian ports raised in report

The Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) has released its investigation report regarding a fire incident that occurred aboard a bulk carrier near Windsor, Ontario in 2019. The TSB said the report raises a board safety concern regarding firefighting resources at some Canadian harbours and ports.

On December 15, 2019, a fire ignited in the engine room of the bulk carrier Tecumseh while it was transiting the Detroit River off Windsor, Ontario with 16 crew members on board. The crew attempted to extinguish the fire with the CO2 fixed fire suppression system. The investigation found that the onboard fire originated following the failure of a flexible fuel hose assembly supplying fuel to the ship’s port main engine. Continue reading “Marine safety concerns about firefighting capabilities at Canadian ports raised in report”

Recovery of Persons in Water, a Guide to Good Practice for Small Vessels published by British Tugowners Association.

The British Tugowners Association has released its latest guidance to industry, Recovery of Persons in Water (PIW), a Guide to Good Practice for Small Vessels.

“The guide looks to debunk and demystify various myths and fallacies within the industry, spurring on open debate and discussion with the intent being to save lives,” said BTA chairman and Svitzer Head of Marine Standards Scott Baker.

The intent of the guide is not limited to tugs but applicable across the small boat sector, whether crewboats, pilot boats, workboats or tugs, many of which share similar characteristics and equipment. Continue reading “Recovery of Persons in Water, a Guide to Good Practice for Small Vessels published by British Tugowners Association.”

Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week 2022

Captain Andrew Moll OBE shares some safety critical advice with boat users to mark the start of carbon monoxide awareness week 2022, reminding them of the hazards posed by this poisonous gas.

Many of us take steps in our homes to stay safe from carbon monoxide by installing CO alarms and having an annual boiler service, but are the same precautions being taken when out on the water?

The Marine Accident Investigation Continue reading “Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week 2022”

Admiralty court finds three vessels at fault in Suez collision

An admiralty court in London has found fault with all three vessels involved in a collision on the Suez Canal in 2018, including a bulker that struck two vessels within the span of a single day.

On July 16, 2018, the bulker Panamax Alexander was moored in the southern stretch of the Suez Canal, near the 150-km milepost in one of the narrowest sections of the waterway. She had been damaged the day before in a collision and grounding with the bulker Sakizaya Kalon, and her rudder stock and propeller blades were bent. Due to the damage, she was awaiting a tow to the Great Bitter Lake. In the meantime, the crew had made fast to bollards on the side of the canal with six lines. Continue reading “Admiralty court finds three vessels at fault in Suez collision”

Update on survival craft equipment requirements

The US Coast Guard has announced it is updating the type approval requirements for certain types of equipment that survival craft are required to carry on U.S. flagged vessels. The purpose of this rule is to update the requirements for 12 types of equipment required to be carried onboard survival craft on certain U.S. flagged vessels:

– Bilge pumps
– Compasses
– First-aid kits
– Fishing kits
– Hatchets
– Jackknives
– Signaling mirrors
– Emergency drinking water
– Sea anchors Continue reading “Update on survival craft equipment requirements”

IIMS 2022 Safety & Loss Prevention Briefings Compendium published

Following the surprise runaway success of the first edition of the Safety & Loss Prevention Briefings Compendium, published in January 2022 by the International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS), and subsequently downloaded many thousands of times, Edition II has been launched covering the period January to October 2022. It is now available to download and read in pdf or eReader formats.

Edition II builds on the success of the launch publication and extends to 160 pages. The simple aim is to highlight the dangers of working in the maritime industry, the ensuing accidents and some of the prevention measures available to mitigate disasters at sea. The publication blends a mix of incident and accident reports with essential loss prevention advice generated over the year. One significant new feature is a calendar, featuring some of the many accidents that have occurred during 2022, catalogued month by month. Continue reading “IIMS 2022 Safety & Loss Prevention Briefings Compendium published”

Planned maintenance on domestic commercial vessels safety alert from AMSA

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has published a safety alert to draw the attention of vessel operators to the importance of planned maintenance in ensuring the safe operation of domestic commercial vessels in Australia.

Planned maintenance is essential on domestic commercial vessels. Good maintenance work in port or at anchor can help avoid breakdowns and getting into hazardous situations at sea. Recent incidents have demonstrated the potentially serious consequences of a lack of effective maintenance that can pose serious risks to the safe operation of vessels. Analysis of 117 incident investigations since 2020 found that maintenance problems were a factor in 28% of incidents, including half of the very serious incidents and 27% of serious Continue reading “Planned maintenance on domestic commercial vessels safety alert from AMSA”

Crew unfamiliarity with fixed fire-extinguishing system contributed to towboat fire

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has released an investigation report on the towing vessel Capt. Kirby Dupuis, which experienced an engine fire on November 9, 2021.

On November 4, 2021, at 0600, the Capt. Kirby Dupuis departed Paducah, Kentucky (near mile 950), bound upriver for Steubenville, Ohio (near mile 68), pushing thirteen dry cargo barges filled with sand, rock, and steel. The vessel had a crew of six: the captain, pilot, a “deckineer”, and three deckhands. The deckineer was completing a company training program to be qualified as an engineer.

On the morning of November 9, the towboat was transiting with both engines about 1,275-1,290 rpm Continue reading “Crew unfamiliarity with fixed fire-extinguishing system contributed to towboat fire”

Disposal of marine pyrotechnics from the UK pleasure vessel sector to change

New arrangements for disposing of redundant marine pyrotechnics, known as flares, are being rolled out by the pleasure vessel industry in the UK. This will replace the voluntary and temporary scheme which His Majesty’s Coastguard has been providing since 2010 from 17 of its stations and the RNLI at its headquarters in Poole, Dorset. The new arrangements, supported by both British Marine and the Royal Yachting Association, will provide a website showing links to businesses offering disposal services across the United Kingdom.

On the 31 December 2022, the current HM Coastguard scheme will end and the Maritime and Coastguard Continue reading “Disposal of marine pyrotechnics from the UK pleasure vessel sector to change”

Closed main valve of cargo line resulted in serious injury

Belgium’s Federal Bureau for the Investigation of Maritime Accidents (FEBIMA) has issued its report following a serious incident onboard the mts Central Park, when a mist of sulphuric acid came into contact with the AB. The seafarer suffered second degree burns on his back, on the back of his neck, on his arms and his face.

On May 31st, 2021, Central Park was on her way to the port of Antwerp to load a cargo of sulphuric acid, a corrosive product. Around 10:00 hours, a cargo operations meeting was held in the cargo control room. The meeting was organised by the Chief Officer and attended by all crew involved in cargo operations. Continue reading “Closed main valve of cargo line resulted in serious injury”

Insulation panels contaminated with oil caused fire

Photo credit: FEBIMA
Photo credit: FEBIMA

Belgium’s Federal Bureau for the Investigation of Maritime Accidents (FEBIMA) has released its investigation report into the fire that broke out on board TSHD UILENSPIEGEL resulting in damage to the engine room.

On 26 January 2021,TSHD UILENSPIEGEL was moored at pier 0 at Lisnave shipyard, Setubal, Portugal. The vessel was afloat again after a period in dry dock where maintenance had been carried out, including an overhaul of the vessel’s main engines. The ship’s crew had been involved in the overhaul task, together with shipyard personnel and a service engineer from MAN, the manufacturer of the main engines. On the morning of 26 January, the running in of the main engines commenced. Continue reading “Insulation panels contaminated with oil caused fire”

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