Always inspect all pilot and embarkation ladders to ensure they are genuine

LISCR has published a notice to ensure people are checking pilot ladders are genuine
LISCR has published a notice to ensure people are checking pilot and embarkation ladders are genuine

The Liberia Maritime Authority (LISCR) has published a notice to provide guidance to vessel owners, operators and managers on compliance and maintenance of pilot and embarkation ladders, including notification on counterfeit products and the latest developments from IMO.

The Flag Administration says that several advisories have been issued recently concerning counterfeit pilot and embarkation ladders. In one case, a company copied a certified product and created their own counterfeit certificate for their pilot ladder and then sold the counterfeit product to customers who thought they were purchasing the genuine item. Continue reading “Always inspect all pilot and embarkation ladders to ensure they are genuine”

Transport Malta investigation into fatality on oil tanker Seaprincess

Photo of oil tanker Seaprincess at port
Photo by Thenamaris Ships Management Inc. Taken from Transport Malta Marine Safety Investigation Report on Seaprincess.

The Malta Transport Marine Safety Investigation Unit has released a report into a fatality on board oil tanker Seaprincess. The Maltese-registered ship entered TK Tuzla Shipyard, Türkiye, for its planned dry-docking on 29 July 2023.  At the time of arrival in the dry-dock, all cargo and slop tanks had been washed, cleaned and dried, and declared gas free.  The compartments were tested on a daily basis and while they had been declared to be gas free, they were only suitable for entry provided a personal gas monitor was worn.  Moreover, the compartments’ environment was declared unsafe for hot work.

Continue reading “Transport Malta investigation into fatality on oil tanker Seaprincess”

Mental health struggles amongst yacht crew highlighted in ISWAN YachtCrewHelp 2023 Annual Review

The ISWAN YachtCrewHelp 2023 Annual Review highlights growing mental health issues for yacht crew
The ISWAN YachtCrewHelp 2023 Annual Review highlights growing mental health issues for yacht crew

Data from the ISWAN YachtCrewHelp 2023 Annual Review indicates that yacht crew were more likely to contact ISWAN in relation to mental health concerns or experiences of abuse, bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence (ABHDV) than seafarers working in other maritime industries, particularly merchant shipping.

In 2023, the proportion of contacts relating to ABHDV on YachtCrewHelp was more than double the level received by SeafarerHelp, accounting for 7.3% of all issues raised compared to 3.1% on SeafarerHelp. Women were more than five times more likely to report an Continue reading “Mental health struggles amongst yacht crew highlighted in ISWAN YachtCrewHelp 2023 Annual Review”

TSB concerned about Canada’s marine emergency preparedness following investigation into a fire aboard container vessel ZIM Kingston

investigation into a fire aboard container vessel ZIM Kingston raises concerns on Marine Preparedness
Investigation into a fire aboard container vessel ZIM Kingston raises concerns on Marine Preparedness

The Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) issued two safety concerns following the 2021 loss of containers and fire on board the container vessel ZIM Kingston (M21P0297), off Vancouver Island, British Columbia (BC).

The first safety concern relates to the risk of a phenomenon called parametric rolling, which led to the loss of containers, and the second concern addresses gaps in Canada’s preparedness to respond to marine emergencies. Continue reading “TSB concerned about Canada’s marine emergency preparedness following investigation into a fire aboard container vessel ZIM Kingston”

Design flaw caused Staten Island ferry fire is report finding

Design flaw caused Staten Island ferry fire is report finding
Design flaw caused Staten Island ferry fire is report finding

The design of a new passenger ferry’s fuel oil return system and inadequate follow-on training for engineering crewmembers led to the 2022 fire aboard the Staten Island Ferry Sandy Ground, the National Transportation Safety Board said.

The fire broke out in the engine room of the Sandy Ground in New York Harbor with 884 persons aboard on December 22, 2022. The crew’s actions to contain and extinguish the fire, combined with a quick response from good samaritan vessels, resulted in the safe evacuation of all onboard. Damage to the vessel totaled $12.7 million. Continue reading “Design flaw caused Staten Island ferry fire is report finding”

Importance of emergency beacons reminder after AMSA rescue three from sinking boat

emergency beacons reminder issued by AMSA
emergency beacons reminder issued by AMSA

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) have issued an emergency beacons reminder after they coordinated the rescue of three people after their recreational vessel sank near Block Reef, nearly 90km north-east of Airlie Beach.

​At 10.15pm (local time), 25 July 2024, AMSA detected the vessel’s emergency beacon, tasking the Cairns-based Challenger rescue aircraft and two rescue helicopters – CQ Rescue helicopter from Mackay and QG Air Rescue helicopter from Townsville – to the scene. Continue reading “Importance of emergency beacons reminder after AMSA rescue three from sinking boat”

MCA releases MGN 548 (M+F) Amendment 1 – Servicing Requirements for SOLAS Inflatable Life-Saving Appliances

MCA releases MGN 548 (M+F) Amendment 1
MCA releases MGN 548 (M+F) Amendment 1

The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) has published an amended MGN 548 that details how SOLAS-certificated life-saving appliance servicing stations can gain the necessary approval from the UK Secretary of State to act as a UK Approved Service Station. It also provides some essential considerations for vessel owners.

Before submitting a SOLAS-certificated inflatable life-saving appliance (LSA) to a service station, owners, masters, or skippers of Continue reading “MCA releases MGN 548 (M+F) Amendment 1 – Servicing Requirements for SOLAS Inflatable Life-Saving Appliances”

Loss of propulsion of ro-ro cargo vessel Mazarine: Transport Malta Report

The vessel Mazarine dramatically stuck on Wolf Rock
The vessel Mazarine dramatically stuck on Wolf Rock

Transport Malta’s Marine Safety Investigation Unit has published an investigation report into the loss of propulsion and subsequent grounding of the Maltese-registered ro-ro cargo vessel Mazarine, on Wolf Rock off Land’s End, UK on 10 July 2023.

At about 1040, the Maltese-registered, ro-ro cargo vessel, Mazarine ran aground on Wolf Rock, UK. The vessel sustained structural damage to the underwater section of the hull. In addition to the hull perforations, several deformations were observed, mostly on the port Continue reading “Loss of propulsion of ro-ro cargo vessel Mazarine: Transport Malta Report”

InterManager issues call for industry-wide accident reporting

Captain Kuba Szymanski, InterManager Secretary General
Captain Kuba Szymanski, InterManager Secretary General

Accidents onboard ships are not decreasing, according to latest accident statistics submitted to the International Maritime Organization by InterManager.

The Association says the number of seafarers injured in falls has remained fairly consistent year on year, as has the number of injuries resulting from rescue and survival craft accidents. However, the Association warns that the casualty rate for enclosed space accidents has almost doubled. InterManager has submitted its figures, which span several decades, to the 10th session of the IMO’s Sub-Committee Continue reading “InterManager issues call for industry-wide accident reporting”

How well do you know your lifeboat?

How well do you know your lifeboat?
How well do you know your lifeboat?

The American P&I Club has issued guidance highlighting the importance of in-depth training, robust familiarity with the specific lifeboat onboard each vessel, and rigorous maintenance routines to ensure the safety and reliability of lifeboats.

There are several types of lifeboats used aboard ships, each designed to meet specific safety requirements. Open lifeboats, lacking a roof, are the most basic and least safe, typically propelled by hand-operated oars. Closed lifeboats, either partially or fully enclosed, provide a Continue reading “How well do you know your lifeboat?”

£100k fine handed to operator for vessel modification resulting in two deaths

£100k fine handed to operator for vessel modification
£100k fine handed to operator for vessel modification

A Brixham, UK based fishing vessel operator has been ordered by a court to pay more than £100,000 after a vessel modification caused it to capsize, leading to the deaths of two people onboard. Joanna C had a major refit in 2019, including the addition of a whaleback, extension of the wheelhouse and raised bulwarks being added. That fatal incident happened in 2020 when the vessel’s gear snagged on the seabed. Its lack of stability meant it could not recover, causing the boat to sink rapidly. Only one crewmember of three survived. Continue reading “£100k fine handed to operator for vessel modification resulting in two deaths”

New Zealand Interislander ferry refloated after running aground near Picton

The Aratere was travelling from Picton to Wellington when it ran aground approximately 1.5nm north of Picton in Titoko Bay
The Aratere was travelling from Picton to Wellington when it ran aground approximately 1.5nm north of Picton in Titoko Bay Photo credit: Marlborough District Council and Skyworks

The Aratere was travelling from Picton to Wellington when it ran aground approximately 1.5nm north of Picton in Titoko Bay. The Ro-Ro ferry ran aground in Titoko Bay, New Zealand following a reported steering issue on 21 June.

It was successfully refloated at high tide the following evening after investigative works confirmed the grounding pressure of the boat and vessel design using divers and with input from naval architects and technical experts. Oil spill booms had also been put in place to protect against any possible environmental effects. The local council’s environmental science team conduct environmental surveys to assess any impact to the site. Continue reading “New Zealand Interislander ferry refloated after running aground near Picton”

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