Another five casualities in holds highlights the dangers of solid bulk cargoes

An article titled Time to Rethink Safety with Solid Bulk Cargoes by Captain Kevin Cribbin published on December 18 last year highlighted that 24 people had died in ships’ holds while handling solid bulk cargoes during 2018.

There have already been five more fatalities on two bulk carriers this year. Two crew members are reported to have died on February 1 after inhaling toxic fumes while unloading wood chips on the MV Green World in Merak Port in Java, Indonesia.

Another three crew members, including the master and chief officer, died on February 24 on the MV Bahri Bulk in Damman, Saudi Arabia, Continue reading “Another five casualities in holds highlights the dangers of solid bulk cargoes”

IMO SDC 6 introduces SOLAS amendment for safer mooring

The draft SOLAS amendments and draft guidelines/guidance will now be forwarded to the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) in June, for approval.
The draft SOLAS amendments and draft guidelines/guidance will now be forwarded to the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) in June, for approval.

As part of its work to make ships mooring safer, IMO’s Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC 6), which took place on 4-8 February 2019, has introduced new requirements for appropriate and safe-to-use designs of mooring arrangements, a maintenance and inspection regime, as well as proper documentation.

The submissions at the meeting highlighted that mooring operations continue to pose a risk to ships’ crews, but also shore-based mooring personnel.

It is also one of the work situations where crew members are exposed to excessive dynamic forces (snap-back), detrimental heavy manual Continue reading “IMO SDC 6 introduces SOLAS amendment for safer mooring”

Pilot’s decision to proceed with unsecured deck hatches led to sinking

The US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued an investigation report on the sinking of the towing vessel ‘Ricky Robinson’ on the Lower Mississippi River, in December 2017, which caused death of the two crewmen onboard, oil discharge and significant damage of the vessel.

On 8 December 2017, about 11:26 local time, the Ricky Robinson capsized and sank on the Lower Mississippi River at mile 732.8 near Memphis, Tennessee, with two crewmembers on board, after the towing vessel began taking on water.

The pilot made a distress call just before the sinking; neither crewmember was found during the search and rescue operations that followed.

When the vessel was recovered 9 days later, the deckhand’s body was discovered inside the wreckage; the pilot is Continue reading “Pilot’s decision to proceed with unsecured deck hatches led to sinking”

Change in enforcement expectations for mild steel welding fume

There is new scientific evidence from the International Agency for Research on Cancer that exposure to mild steel welding fume can cause lung cancer and possibly kidney cancer in humans. The Workplace Health Expert Committee has endorsed the reclassification of mild steel welding fume as a human carcinogen.

With immediate effect, there is a strengthening of HSE’s enforcement expectation for all welding fume, including mild steel welding; because general ventilation does not achieve the necessary control.

Continue reading “Change in enforcement expectations for mild steel welding fume”

Leaking lube oil causes engine room fire on towing vessel

The speed of which the fire grew to encompass the engine room and the location of primary fire equipment within that same space together eliminated the opportunity for the crew to effectively fight the fir
The speed of which the fire grew to encompass the engine room and the location of primary fire equipment within that same space together eliminated the opportunity for the crew to effectively fight the fire.

The NTSB issued an investigation report on the engine room fire and explosion onboard the towing vessel ‘J.W. Herron’ on Big Bayou Canot near Mobile, Alabama in December 2017. The report identified leaking lube oil from a propulsion diesel engine hose or tubing fitting that was ignited off an exposed hot engine surface, as the key cause of the accident.

About 1340 local time on 13 December 2017, the towing vessel J.W. Herron was shifting barges on Big Bayou Canot near Twelvemile Island, approximately 8 miles north of Mobile, Alabama, when a fire began in the lower engine room and quickly spread.

After the crew of three partially secured the engines and fuel supply, heavy smoke and fire prevented them from Continue reading “Leaking lube oil causes engine room fire on towing vessel”

Operation on high thermal load damages engine

Photo for illustration purposes only.
Photo for illustration purposes only.

The Swedish Club has published some lessons learnt from a machinery failure. The six cylinder, medium speed type engine sustained serious damage serious damage and had to be renewed. Additionally, the turbo charger had to be overhauled.

The vessel in question was in ballast and at anchor, waiting for further instructions. After seven days the weather got worse and the ship’s anchor dragged. The anchor was heaved up and the vessel started to slow steam in the area.

After about a day, the differential pressure alarm of the main engine duplex lubrication oil filter sounded in the engine control room. The crew found aluminium and other metal inside the Continue reading “Operation on high thermal load damages engine”

Can test training pack launched by North Club P&I Club to address liquefaction risk

North P&I Club has launched a new series of bite-sized training packs to help seafarers and others avoid the contributing factors to workplace casualties, as well as unplanned events that had the potential to result in injury, illness, or damage. The first training pack focuses on the Can Test, the IMSBC test for bulk cargoes, to address suspected bulk cargo liquefaction, which has claimed the lives of an estimated 112 seafarers since 2007.

The Can Test provides ships’ crews with an indication of whether the cargo being loaded is potentially unsafe to carry. The Club’s delivery guide actually provides the background, instructions and content to support senior officers and superintendents delivering can test Continue reading “Can test training pack launched by North Club P&I Club to address liquefaction risk”

Failure of a throw bag rescue line during a boat capsize drill report published

The rescue line of the throw bag failed during a boat capsize drill

On the evening of 24 March 2018, the Warrington Rowing Club was carrying out a boat capsize drill in a swimming pool. At around 1830, as a young person was being pulled to the side of the pool using a throw bag rescue line, the line parted. The young person was uninjured during the incident. The parted line was examined and found to be made up of four pieces of rope thermally fused together, and it had failed at one of the joints. A customer notification campaign by the manufacturer, RIBER, and prompt publication of the incident in British Rowing’s newsletter, identified a total of ten throw bags with defective rescue lines. Laboratory tests conducted for the MAIB established that the joined sections were 12 times weaker than the rope itself.

Continue reading “Failure of a throw bag rescue line during a boat capsize drill report published”

Fire caused by moving cargo

One of the containers came loose and hit one of the flat racks with jerry cans.
One of the containers came loose and hit one of the flat racks with jerry cans.

The Swedish Club has released details about a cargo fire caused by moving cargo due to inclement weather conditions. The case has highlighted the importance of detailed planning and discussions among Master, Chief Officer, technical manager or charterer, when it is about critical cargo operations.

The RoRo vessel was underway and expected to sail through heavy weather with up to Beaufort scale 10 winds and eight metre high waves. The cargo onboard consisted mainly of vehicles, containers and jerry cans with fuel on flat racks.

Before loading, the Chief Officer went ashore to inspect the cargo. He inspected the jerry cans that were secured with quick lashings through the handles of each row and secured to bars on the flat racks.

He was concerned that the jerry cans were placed on flat racks and not in containers, as there were no walls around the racks to protect the jerry cans. The flat racks and containers were Continue reading “Fire caused by moving cargo”

Report issued by MAIB on the grounding of general cargo vessel Celtica Hav

Hull damage caused to the Celtica Hav
Hull damage caused to the Celtica Hav

At 1438 on 27 March 2018, the Bahamas registered general cargo vessel Celtica Hav grounded on a stone training wall in the approach channel to the River Neath, Wales.

The vessel had a harbour pilot on board at the time who had control of the steering and speed. Celtica Hav was quickly re-floated and manoeuvred clear of the training wall.

It suffered extensive shell plate damage to the bottom of its hull, which resulted in water ingress to several ballast tanks and flooding in the engine room.

The flooding was contained using the vessel’s bilge and ballast pumps, and submersible salvage pumps provided by the harbour authority.

There were no injuries to personnel and no damage to the environment. Continue reading “Report issued by MAIB on the grounding of general cargo vessel Celtica Hav”

Non adequate fire protection on boats is a concern says Sea-Fire

“In many ways, it is understandable that fire suppression on board is overlooked. The actual percentage of boat fires in relation to boat usage is very small”.
“In many ways, it is understandable that fire suppression on board is overlooked. The actual percentage of boat fires in relation to boat usage is very small”.

Most marine insurance policies state that boats must have adequate fire protection says Sea-Fire’s Richard Duckworth.

But he says many boatbuilders are fitting the minimum protection they can get away with and crossing their fingers it will never be put to the test.

“For the last 20 years, major production boat builders have recognised they have a duty of care to protect their customers and to fit as standard a comprehensive engine room fire suppression system using fully tested and marine approved components,” says Richard.

“Unfortunately, this is not mirrored across all the industry.”

And he said safety and fire suppression should Continue reading “Non adequate fire protection on boats is a concern says Sea-Fire”

RCR cites lack of vessel maintenance as reason for increasing number of call outs

RCR engineers frequently come across vessels with no smoke or CO alarms that have fire risks and ventilation issues.
RCR engineers frequently come across vessels with no smoke or CO alarms that have fire risks and ventilation issues.

River Canal Rescue (RCR) is urging boaters to pay more attention to vessel maintenance and safety following an increase in the number of call-outs for faults caused by what it describes as a general lack of maintenance.

In 2016, this amounted to 948 call-outs, in 2017 there were 1031 and in 2018 RCR had 1081 call-outs due to lack of maintenance and safety, together with continuing fires and CO poisoning incidents.

“Boaters who fail to maintain their vessels or pay attention to boat safety put themselves and others at risk,” said RCR operations director, Jay Forman.

He said, “With Continue reading “RCR cites lack of vessel maintenance as reason for increasing number of call outs”

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