Lithium Storage Solutions safety bulletin published by the MCA

MCA has published a safety bulletin regarding Lithium Storage Solutions.
MCA has published a safety bulletin regarding Lithium Storage Solutions.

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) has published a safety bulletin regarding Lithium Storage Solutions.
It reads: “As the UK Market Surveillance Authority for marine equipment, [the MCA] is aware that Lithium Storage Solutions Ltd claim on their website that their product, the Lithium Safety Store® is “Fully compliant with MGN 681 (M), Fire safety and storage of small electric powered craft on yachts, section 4 storage and charging” and also claims “Fully certified for sea and air transport and storage” under MGN 681. Continue reading “Lithium Storage Solutions safety bulletin published by the MCA”

Paris MoU concerned over FIC on fire doors results

The Paris MoU is emphasising the importance of FIC on fire doors
The Paris MoU is emphasising the importance of FIC on fire doors

The Paris MoU is emphasising the importance of fire door compliance after a recent Focused Inspection Campaign (FIC) recorded a 13.9% non-compliance rate.

As part of an ongoing investigation into possible efficiency improvements regarding inspection campaigns, the member authorities of the Paris MoU held an unannounced FIC on fire doors from 1 to 28 July this year.

The findings of this FIC raised concerns for the Paris MoU, as 13.9% of non-compliance was recorded. Of this 13.9%, 30% was considered to be a lack of implementation of the ISM Code. Continue reading “Paris MoU concerned over FIC on fire doors results”

Isle of Man advisory on enclosed space entry and CO2 hazards issued

Advisory on enclosed space entry and CO2 hazards issued
Advisory on enclosed space entry and CO2 hazards issued

The Isle of Man Ship Registry has published Technical Advisory Notice 005-24 regarding enclosed space entry, gas detection, and CO2 hazards. The advisory primarily targets dry cargo operators, as they experience the highest incidence of enclosed space accidents. It emphasizes the need to assess hazards from cargoes before loading, particularly those that emit CO2, such as organic cargoes like coal. A recent incident resulted in the deaths of three stevedores, highlighting the risks of oxygen depletion and CO2 toxicity from organic materials.

This advisory serves as a supplement to previous Technical Advisory Notices (007-19 and 008-19), which also addressed issues related to enclosed space safety. Continue reading “Isle of Man advisory on enclosed space entry and CO2 hazards issued”

Liberia: New checklist for safety inspections of Liberian ships

New checklist for safety inspections of Liberian ships
New checklist for safety inspections of Liberian ships

Liberia Maritime Authority has published a marine notice with an update to safety inspections of Liberian ships.

The update now includes an annex with a separate form for additional checklist to be used for passenger ships only. The notice was published 30 September and supersedes Marine Notice INS-001, dated 05/24.

The checklist for passenger ships contains 14 parts with questions focusing on: Continue reading “Liberia: New checklist for safety inspections of Liberian ships”

ClassNK releases updated Guidelines for Liquefied Hydrogen Carriers

ClassNK has released its Guidelines for Liquefied Hydrogen Carriers (Edition 3.0)
ClassNK has released its Guidelines for Liquefied Hydrogen Carriers (Edition 3.0)

ClassNK has released its Guidelines for Liquefied Hydrogen Carriers (Edition 3.0), which covers essential details to examine the safety of carriers to spur related technological developments.

To construct a supply chain for hydrogen, which is expected to be a clean energy source in a decarbonized society, the development of liquefied hydrogen carriers that enable large-scale and efficient transportation is progressing actively.

IMO has worked on establishing safety requirements for liquefied hydrogen carriers that must keep cargo at an extremely low temperature Continue reading “ClassNK releases updated Guidelines for Liquefied Hydrogen Carriers”

Classification societies join forces to form YSEC: Yacht Safety and Environmental Consortium

Classification societies join forces to form YSEC
Classification societies join forces to form YSEC

Leading global classification societies Lloyd’s Register (LR), RINA, DNV, Bureau Veritas (BV) and ABS, announce the establishment of the Yacht Safety and Environmental Consortium (YSEC) at the Monaco Yacht Show 2024.

The new consortium is committed to driving forward the safety and environmental performance of yachts, promoting and advising on achieving the best practices in the industry.

The yacht sector has a considerable need for a unified consortium Continue reading “Classification societies join forces to form YSEC: Yacht Safety and Environmental Consortium”

CINS releases Comprehensive Guidelines for Carriage of Charcoal in Containers

The carriage of charcoal in containers poses significant fire risks due to the potential for self-heating and spontaneous ignition.
The carriage of charcoal in containers poses significant fire risks due to the potential for self-heating and spontaneous ignition.

The Cargo Incident Notification System (CINS) explains that charcoal is a widely used material for various purposes, including cooking, heating, and industrial processes and it is often transported in shipping containers. The carriage of charcoal in containers poses significant fire risks due to the potential for self-heating and spontaneous ignition.

Charcoal is described in the IMDG Code as “Black material originating from organic sources. Particularly includes carbon blacks, of animal or vegetable origin other non-activated carbon materials and Continue reading “CINS releases Comprehensive Guidelines for Carriage of Charcoal in Containers”

Hazards when transporting biological liquid cargo

NMA has issued an update following explosion
NMA has issued an update for transporting biological liquid cargo following explosion

The Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) has issued an update for transporting biological liquid cargo following explosion after hot work was carried out near a vent from a tank containing fish silage.

Fish silage is fresh fish residue and formic acid. The acid conserves the residue and delays the process of decomposition. When organic material decomposes in environments where there is little air, hazardous gases may form. Continue reading “Hazards when transporting biological liquid cargo”

Small craft sector must inform and educate customers of dangers to avoid passenger injury says MAIB

Small craft passenger safety is pulled sharply into focus by recent events
Small craft passenger safety is pulled sharply into focus by recent events

Poor posture, inadequate seating and a host of other factors can lead to life-changing injuries on RIBs as small craft passenger safety is pulled sharply into focus by recent events in the small craft sector. If the sector’s reputation is to survive accidents like Seadogz, owners and operators need to start owning best practice, controlling the risks and demonstrating that their trips are safe, says MAIB (Marine Accident Investigation Branch). Continue reading “Small craft sector must inform and educate customers of dangers to avoid passenger injury says MAIB”

Enclosed space deaths spark calls for change

Enclosed space deaths spark calls for change
Enclosed space deaths spark calls for change

Appalled that deaths in enclosed spaces continue to be all too frequent occurrences in the shipping industry, the Maritime Professional Council of the United Kingdom (MPC) has announced its support for fundamental changes to ship operation and design.

MPC member InterManager has been at the forefront of raising this issue where, it says, seemingly innocuous compartments, cargo holds and fuel tanks, vital for storage and operation on board any vessel, have become graveyards for far too many seafarers due to a lack of attention, regulation, and understanding. Continue reading “Enclosed space deaths spark calls for change”

Updated guidance for MGN 436 (M+F) issued by the MCA on mitigating against the effects of shocks and impacts on small vessels

Updated guidance for MGN 436 (M+F) issued by the MCA
Updated guidance for MGN 436 (M+F) issued by the MCA

MGN 436 (M+F) Amendment 4 gives guidance for operators, managers, owners and builders of small vessels on mitigating the risk of injury from whole body vibration (WBV) on small vessels, and in particular severe and repeated shocks (RS) as a result of impacts.

There have been a number of incidents involving small craft, travelling at a wide range of speeds, receiving predominantly vertical shock impact when coming off a wave, resulting in injury to one or more persons on board. The effects of crossing seas and side-on waves can also cause injury. Incidents have occurred on inland waters and estuaries as well as at sea, Continue reading “Updated guidance for MGN 436 (M+F) issued by the MCA on mitigating against the effects of shocks and impacts on small vessels”

IMPA and NCEMP to assess the impact of remote pilotage

IMPA is collaborating with the NCEMP and the Canadian Coast Guard to assess the feasibility, readiness, and impact of remote pilotage.
IMPA is collaborating with the NCEMP and the Canadian Coast Guard to assess the feasibility, readiness, and impact of remote pilotage.

The International Maritime Pilots’ Association (IMPA) is collaborating with the Canadian National Centre of Expertise on Maritime Pilotage (NCEMP) and the Canadian Coast Guard to assess the feasibility, readiness, and impact of remote pilotage. This initiative aims to provide comprehensive insights into the current and future use of remote pilotage, particularly for conventional ships and those potentially navigated by autonomous systems. Recognizing the crucial role of qualified maritime pilots, the International Maritime Organization emphasizes their importance in ensuring safe navigation in challenging conditions, such as ports. Continue reading “IMPA and NCEMP to assess the impact of remote pilotage”

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