What types of biofuels could ships burn in 2030?

What types of biofuels could ships burn in 2030?
What types of biofuels could ships burn in 2030?

Shipping is the backbone of the global economy, responsible for about 90% of world trade. But it also accounts for almost 3% (and rising) of man-made carbon dioxide emissions. The industry’s regulator set a series of emission-cutting targets back in 2018 aimed at driving a transition away from high-polluting fossil fuels. If the more ambitious goals are to be hit, the world’s ships will need to start burning new, clean fuel by 2030; such as biofuels. The question is, which one?

1. What are the bio-bunker options for ships after 2030?
Ships burn about 5 million barrels of fossil fuel every day, pumping a constant stream of CO2 and other chemical nasties into the atmosphere. Yet figuring out the fuel of the future isn’t just about emissions. It’s got to have enough power to propel gigantic tankers around the globe, be storable and transportable, and, of course, not too costly. Here’s a list of the front- Continue reading “What types of biofuels could ships burn in 2030?”

Why oh why oh why are deaths still occurring in enclosed spaces?

Yves Vandenborn, of the Standard Club, asks why enclosed space entry fatalities are still happening on a regular basis. This article is reprinted from the July/August edition of Maritime Risk International.

Despite the well-known risks and the numerous publications and articles available on the topic, enclosed space entry fatalities continue to account for a significant proportion of deaths at sea to date. More drastic measures are required if the industry wishes to turn this tide.

The most recent in a long list of such incidents is the death of a chief officer who entered a fumigated hold to inspect the cargo condition. In this case, detailed instructions for the fumigation of the cargo were given to the vessel clearly stating that the fumigant was potentially Continue reading “Why oh why oh why are deaths still occurring in enclosed spaces?”

Carriage of Dangerous Goods on Workboats good practice guide published by Workboat Association

The new Carriage of Dangerous Goods on Workboats good practice guide released by the Workboat Association
The new Carriage of Dangerous Goods on Workboats good practice guide released by the Workboat Association

The Workboat Association has published a good practice guide and it is printed and ready for distribution.

“The Carriage of Dangerous Goods on Workboats good practice guide has been developed between the industry and regulators, providing a zero to hero knowledge on both the regulations and best practice associated with the transport of Dangerous Goods by sea on board Workboats,” said Kerrie Forster, Workboat Association CEO.

Written with Seafarers, the vessel management, stakeholders and end-clients all in mind, this guide is set to be an unmissable tool from the education and training of those wishing to operate, work with or contract workboats of any nature.

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Education paper on maritime accidents and how they can be prevented entered into Congressional Record

A recent education paper exploring maritime accidents and how they can have prevented if regulations are followed has been entered into the Congressional Record. The educational maritime paper, titled Spotlight on Safety: Why Accidents Are Often Not Accidental, discusses major marine accidents and tragedies.

The paper looks at causal effects behind calamities that could have been prevented if promulgated Maritime Regulations were followed.

“In the shipping economy, however, commercial pressures may lead to conflicts with the regulatory regime. It is therefore no surprise that failure to comply with the regulatory regime is a factor in many maritime casualties,” the paper reads.

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Insurers pinpoint the complex causation of container casualties

A webinar organised by the Thomas Miller managed insurance mutuals, container freight specialist TT Club and protection & indemnity insurer, UK P&I Club, revealed the diverse range of factors important to safe container ship operations and the security of the container stacks they carry. ‘Container Casualties – the sum of the parts’ looked in detail at the complex range of moving parts involved in these operations and concluded that each must be considered individually and collectively in order to keep collapse of stow incidents to a minimum.

In chairing the session, UK P&I Club’s Loss Prevention Director, Stuart Edmonston set the scene, “Container loss Continue reading “Insurers pinpoint the complex causation of container casualties”

MCA detains six fishing vessels in safety effort due to breaches of legislation

Fishing vessels detained: Zara Annabel (pictured) has been detailed by MCA surveyors
Fishing vessels detained: Zara Annabel (pictured) has been detailed by MCA surveyors

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency has detained a further UK flagged fishing vessel following its failure to get its mandatory intermediate survey done in time. Owners of the scallop dredger, Zara Annabel, have been served with the notice to ensure the vessel makes for the nearest suitable port and to notify the crew that its UK Fishing Vessel Certificate is no longer valid. It brings to a total of six the number of UK flagged fishing vessels detained by the MCA over the past two weeks after being found to be non-compliant with multiple areas of legislation under the Merchant Shipping Act.

The Olivia Jean was detained by MCA surveyors at Fraserburgh in Aberdeenshire on 31 July. Earlier in the Continue reading “MCA detains six fishing vessels in safety effort due to breaches of legislation”

Safety measures for yachts operating in polar waters highlighted in Cayman Maritime shipping notice

Cayman Maritime shipping notice
Cayman Maritime shipping notice

In May 2018, IMO MSC considered various proposals for safety measures for non-SOLAS ships operating in polar waters. Guidelines on Safety Measures were finalized by the Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction in February 2020 and were due to be adopted by MSC in May 2020. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, MSC did not meet in May 2020 and it is not known when the Guidelines on Safety Measures will be formally adopted at IMO. Cayman Maritime Shipping Notice has been issued referring to the Safety Measures finalised at IMO in February 2020 to Cayman Islands yachts of 300GT and above, not engaged in trade and operating in polar waters.

Cayman Maritime shipping notice highlights that firstly, it is important to confirm the suitability of pleasure yacht not engaged in trade to Continue reading “Safety measures for yachts operating in polar waters highlighted in Cayman Maritime shipping notice”

MOL Prestige engine room fire caused by poor maintenance reveals accident report

Maintenance related issues led to the engine room fire on board the container vessel MOL Prestige in Haida Gwaii, British Columbia (BC) in January 2018, the Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) are revealed in its investigation report, now published.

On 31 January 2018, a fire broke out in the engine room of the 6,350 TEU MOL Prestige while the vessel, managed by Japan’s Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) was at sea 146 nautical miles SSW of Haida Gwaii. There were 22 crew Continue reading “MOL Prestige engine room fire caused by poor maintenance reveals accident report”

Tony Goldsmith named as new Head of Marine & Trade by Hill Dickinson

Tony Goldsmith has been appointed as Head of Marine and Trade at UK headquartered international law firm Hill Dickinson. Tony Goldsmith is a former seagoing master mariner who joined Hill Dickinson in 1993 and became founder and managing partner of the firm’s Singapore office when it opened in 2009. He will succeed the firm’s current Head of Marine, David Wareing, who is due to retire in the autumn having held the position since 2017.

“I am absolutely delighted to be taking over the helm from David, with the full support of the team,” said Goldsmith. “Our Marine Group has benefited hugely from David’s wise stewardship, helping to reinforce our position as an industry leader in the many sectors for which we are known. There are exciting and challenging times ahead as the world emerges from lockdown, and it is a privilege that I have been entrusted to take over the baton.”

Hill Dickinson chief executive Peter Jackson said: “Tony Goldsmith is hugely respected as a maritime law specialist, Continue reading “Tony Goldsmith named as new Head of Marine & Trade by Hill Dickinson”

The importance of manifold and first foot samples at load ports

importance of manifold and first foot samples
importance of manifold and first foot samples

Following the standard tanker practices of sampling when loading petroleum products could save owners millions of dollars in claims and save loss of time and ensuing losses for charterers and shipowners says P&I Club, Gard. When it comes to dealing with liquid cargo contamination claims, the majority of the losses could have been avoided if the vessel had followed basic tanker seamanship practice. Gard has previously highlighted the importance of manifold samples as the multimillion dollar samples for tankers. This alert focuses on the importance of the manifold and first foot samples, and the lessons learnt from cases arising in the Black Sea ports. A recent notification from Gard’s correspondents, Novorissiysk Insurance Company Nostra Ltd., highlighted several cases of flash point depression in gasoil Continue reading “The importance of manifold and first foot samples at load ports”

Clean Cargo report shows reduction in CO2 emissions for container shipping

Clean Cargo report shows reduction in CO2 emissions
Clean Cargo report shows reduction in CO2 emissions

According to a new report by Clean Cargo, carbon dioxide emissions from 17 of the world’s leading ocean container carriers, representing approximately 85 percent of global containerized shipping, continued to fall in 2019. Global industry averages for CO2 emissions per container per kilometer decreased by 5.6 percent and 2.5 percent for Dry and Reefer (refrigerated) indexes, respectively. The annual report indicates that container shipping continues to improve its fleet-wide environmental efficiency whilst ensuring the smooth functioning of global trade.

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Allianz Safety and Shipping Review 2020 published

The 2020 Allianz Safety and Shipping Review shows a decrease in shipping losses last year
The 2020 Allianz Safety and Shipping Review shows a decrease in shipping losses last year

The 2020 Allianz Safety and Shipping Review has been published and reveals an improving picture. Given the global shipping industry is responsible for transporting as much as 90% of world trade, the safety of its vessels is critical. The sector saw the number of reported total shipping losses of over 100GT decline again during 2019 to 41 – the lowest total this century and a close to 70% fall over 10 years. Improved ship design and technology, stepped-up regulation and risk management advances such as more robust safety management systems and procedures on vessels are some of the factors behind the long-term improvement in losses.

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