Best practice guidelines to reduce the risk of cargo liquefaction before and during loading published

Cargo liquefaction is a Master's worst nightmare, but new guidance from London P&I Club might help
Cargo liquefaction is a Master’s worst nightmare, but new guidance from London P&I Club might help

The London P&I Club has published a booklet to provide guidance about the risk of cargo liquefaction. It offers practical advice on the loading and the carriage of bulk cargoes which may liquefy and the risks associated with liquefaction, plus the precautions to be taken to minimize these risks.

Cargo liquefaction is described as the phenomenon that is triggered by an increase in water pressure that makes solid bulk cargoes (granular materials that are loaded directly into a ship’s hold) turn from a solid-state into a liquid state, causing a ship to tilt and potentially capsize. It can occur when cargo is loaded into the hold – this often involves a fall from significant heights, or when it is Continue reading “Best practice guidelines to reduce the risk of cargo liquefaction before and during loading published”

DMAIB report: Loss of rescue boat stresses importance of wire rope maintenance

The Danish Maritime Accident Investigation Board has published its investigation report on the accidental fall of a rescue boat from the oil products tanker TORM MAREN while off the coast of Guinea on 1st April 2020. The investigation established that the wire rope maintenance and condition was not recognised as being detrimental to the functioning of the rescue boat system.

On 1 April 2020 TORM MAREN was located approximately 115 nm off the coast of Guinea. While adrift, it was decided to conduct a rescue boat drill and thus the boat was lowered with three persons on board. After having sailed for approximately 1.5 hours the boat was brought alongside and attached to the rescue boat hook and hoisted to deck level.

As the crew was about to bring the rescue boat into the cradle, the boat fell into the sea, from a height Continue reading “DMAIB report: Loss of rescue boat stresses importance of wire rope maintenance”

Crucial safety flaw is key finding of investigation into Bourbon Rhode sinking and fatalities

The Bourbon Rhode investigation report has revealed a potentially serious safety flaw
The Bourbon Rhode investigation report has revealed a potentially serious safety flaw

An accident investigation report by the Luxembourg authorities into the sinking of the vessel Bourbon Rhode with the tragic loss of four people on 26 September 2019 in the Atlantic Ocean has revealed a serious safety flaw of significance. The Luxembourg authorities have released an urgent safety bulletin as a consequence.

The Bourbon Rhode, an anchor handling tug, sank on September 26 in the Atlantic Ocean during a transit voyage from Las Palmas to Guyana.

The Bourbon Rhode was equipped with a system called shark jaws, which is installed in the aft Z-Drive compartment to secure chains or Continue reading “Crucial safety flaw is key finding of investigation into Bourbon Rhode sinking and fatalities”

Missing gasket leads to cargo hold flooding

The Swedish Club in its monthly safety bulletin describes a case history about the cargo hold flooding which was attributed to a tank missing a gasket to the manhole. Also, the bilge sensor was broken and heavily corroded, although it had been inspected a couple of days previously and found at the time to be in good condition.

When the container vessel arrived in port, it was instructed to anchor and wait until its berth was available. While the vessel was waiting for the berth, the Chief Officer decided to carry out a routine ballast tank inspection. The second completed a Permit for entry into the Continue reading “Missing gasket leads to cargo hold flooding”

Life saving appliances service schedules should be maintained warns Survitec

Survitec says the service schedule of life saving appliances should be maintained

With an increasing number of vessels returning to service following the easing of Covid-19 restrictions, Survitec is advising that ships’ life saving appliances are maintained according to their original service schedules in order to avoid delays.

Operators must have a valid safety certificate in place before their vessels can return to service after lockdown and while some flags have allowed three to five month extensions, there are concerns that there will be a backlog of equipment requiring service, which could render the vessel unable to return to service until certificates of compliance have been issued or extensions approved.

Survitec singles out the cruise and ferry segment, which is set to return to service in the fourth quarter, as posing a particular challenge Continue reading “Life saving appliances service schedules should be maintained warns Survitec”

With a spate of incidents and accidents what price human life at sea?

Of course, we have always known that the sea can be and is a treacherous place at times; but the past few weeks have seen a spate of distressing incidents and accidents, seemingly occurring on an almost daily frequency and resulting in the loss of life with substantial damage to vessels and cargoes around the world. Before I became involved in my role as CEO of IIMS, I was blissfully unaware of the sheer number of lives lost at sea, as indeed are most members of the general public. The reason for that is simply that most marine accidents, apart from the really major ones, never make the general news agendas. When I tell my friends and family about the tragedies that routinely happen at sea, they are disbelieving.

The personal distress I have felt having seen details of one incident after another dropping into my inbox has compelled me to write a blog Continue reading “With a spate of incidents and accidents what price human life at sea?”

Fishing vessel owners found guilty of safety breaches in MCA prosecution

The owners of Sea Lady (pictured) were found guilty of safety breaches
The owners of Sea Lady (pictured) were found guilty of safety breaches

The company owners of two UK-registered fishing vessels which went to sea without the correct certification have been found guilty in a prosecution by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and fined a total of £4,000.

Philomena Trawlers Ltd and D&G Seafoods Ltd were represented by defence lawyer Paul Rogers at the hearing at Southampton Magistrates Court on Friday, August 28.

Both companies pleaded guilty to charges of offences Contrary to Regulations 5(1)(b) and 5(4) of the Fishing Vessels (Codes of Practice) Continue reading “Fishing vessel owners found guilty of safety breaches in MCA prosecution”

Transport Malta draws attention to the dangers of sheathed steel wires

The dangers of sheathed steel wires onboard ships
The dangers of sheathed steel wires onboard ships

Following three incident investigations, Transport Malta has issued a safety notice to draw attention to the dangers of sheathed steel wires onboard ships. Their concern surrounds the restricted access to the wire rope for a thorough inspection and the possibility that corrosion might exist.

It is recommended that all concerned must check the condition of all lashings, lifting slings/strops and other loose gear as specified in the manufacturer’s instructions for the use, size and construction of the wire. This advice is in addition to a recent warning by Tokyo MoU, highlighting the dangers of sheathed steel wires on board ships.

The Transport Malta notice also highlights that all Flexible Steel Wire Ropes (FSWR) and Extra Flexible Steel Wire Ropes (EFSWR) should conform to the design requirements recognised by a relevant International Standard.

Companies should consider means to ensure that the inspection of lifting slings or the FPD encased in plastic sheathing and Continue reading “Transport Malta draws attention to the dangers of sheathed steel wires”

ABS updates Fatigue Assessment of Offshore Structures guide

ABS Guide: Fatigue Assessment of Offshore Structures
ABS Guide: Fatigue Assessment of Offshore Structures

ABS has released its updated Fatigue Assessment of Offshore Structures guide, which incorporates updated approaches for addressing fatigue including new S-N curves and guidance regarding fatigue strength based on fracture mechanics.

Fatigue assessment is a process where the fatigue demand on a structural element is established and compared to the predicted fatigue strength of that element. One way to categorize a fatigue assessment technique is to say that it is based on a direct calculation of fatigue damage or expected fatigue life. Three important methods of assessment are the Simplified Method, the Spectral Method and the Deterministic Method. Alternatively, an indirect fatigue assessment may be performed by the Simplified Method, based on limiting a predicted (probabilistically defined) stress range to be at or below Continue reading “ABS updates Fatigue Assessment of Offshore Structures guide”

Ignition of gas vapor onboard barge Alaganik the cause of fatal explosion reveals NTSB Report

Barge Alaganik: Photo courtesy of Alex Fefelov for The Cordova Times
Barge Alaganik: Photo courtesy of Alex Fefelov for The Cordova Times

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has published an investigation report on the explosion and subsequent sinking of barge Alaganik in the Canal Passage, off Alaska in July 2019, which resulted in one fatality. The investigation identified ignition of gasoline vapor from a fuel cargo tank as key cause of the accident.

On 7 July 7 2019 an explosion occurred on the barge Alaganik as it was moored port side to the end of the Delong Dock in Whittier, Alaska. The vessel was serving as a platform for pumping fish cargo ashore from fishing vessels and tenders that came alongside. It also provided diesel fuel and gasoline to the fishing vessels. No cargo operations were ongoing when the explosion occurred.

Despite the efforts of shore-based responders to fight the ensuing fire, the vessel eventually sank in 60–80 feet of water. The Continue reading “Ignition of gas vapor onboard barge Alaganik the cause of fatal explosion reveals NTSB Report”

Four new White Papers by GMCG Global give a glimpse into the post-pandemic maritime world

Four new White Papers by GMCG Global that look at the maritime world post COVID-19 are freely available
Four new White Papers by GMCG Global that look at the maritime world post COVID-19 are freely available

The global maritime world has changed and four new White Papers by GMCG Global outline the realities and new ways of working following the COVID-19 pandemic.

As the world’s shipping industry comes to terms with the issues of post-pandemic operations, new health and safety operational parameters and the realities of the IMO’s global sulphur cap, there are still concerns about how the maritime world will cope with this accumulation of business pressures.

These White Papers by GCMG Global are freely available from the company’s website or can be downloaded from the individual links Continue reading “Four new White Papers by GMCG Global give a glimpse into the post-pandemic maritime world”

RMI publishes its annual report on marine casualties

RMI publishes its annual report on marine casualties
RMI publishes its annual report on marine casualties

RMI has published its Annual Report on the investigation of Marine Casualties, revealing that it received reports of 806 very serious marine casualties, marine incidents, and occurrences in 2019. Accidental falls, enclosed space incidents and collisions-groundings during pilotage were the main issues of concern last year.

Specifically, during 2019:
– 17 very serious casualties were reported to the Administrator. Two very serious casualties resulted in the constructive total loss of a ship, while 11 others resulted in the loss of one or more lives. Additionally, four occurred on yachts and resulted in their constructive total loss due to fire.
– Accidental falls were the leading cause of death during 2019, with seven lives lost. Four of these fatalities were the result of falls from height and three were falls overboard. Improper enclosed space entry also resulted in the loss of two seafarers
– There were 331 marine casualties.
– Serious injuries (resulting in incapacitation for 72 hours or more) were by far the most frequently occurring marine Continue reading “RMI publishes its annual report on marine casualties”

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