Transport & Environment says new EU climate emissions law is weak

The new EU climate emissions law is weak says Transport & Environment
The new EU climate emissions law is weak says Transport & Environment

For the first time, all shipping companies calling at EU ports will have to measure and publicly report carbon emissions under a law approved by an overwhelming majority of the European Parliament’s Environment Committee. Sustainable transport group Transport & Environment says that the law is weak – it only monitors fuel consumption instead of directly reducing it, and only covers CO2 and not air pollutants like SO2 or NOx – but it can still trigger fuel savings indirectly.

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New Chemical Tanker Safety Guide published by ICS

tsg-coverA fully updated edition of the definitive industry guidance on the safe operation of chemical tankers has just been published by the shipping industry’s global trade association, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).

The new edition of the ICS Tanker Safety Guide (Chemicals) replaces the previous edition issued in 2002. ICS recommends that a copy is carried on board every tanker engaged in the carriage of chemical cargoes, and that copies are also held within shipping company technical departments.

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Antarctica Agenda outlined by Australian Government

Antarctica Agenda outlined by Australian Government
Antarctica Agenda outlined by Australian Government

The Australian Government has given outline plans and details of its 20 year Antarctica Agenda and Strategic Plan. The plan allows for Australia’s future engagement in the region and options to expand Tasmania’s role as the Antarctic science and logistics hub.

The report contains recommendations on a range of key issues, including:

• Protecting Australia’s national interests in Antarctica.
• Supporting and leading national and international Antarctic science.
• Building economic benefits for Tasmania as an Antarctic Gateway city.
• Australia’s future Antarctic station operations, transport and deep field traverse capabilities and support for large field-based research campaigns.
• Effective administration of the Australian Antarctic Territory.

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Arctic shipping routes cause concerns for marine insurers

The melting of sea ice presents opportunities for international marine transportation networks in the Arctic. Recent discoveries of oil and the potential financial and time savings are making the Arctic shipping routes more appealing to the shipping industry. Two viable Arctic sea routes exist, enabling ships to move between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, thus cutting the distance between East Asia and Western Europe.

These new routes offer viable alternatives, but they are not without risk. Extreme climate and weather conditions create unique hazards, including floating ice, thick fog, and violent storms. Despite new safety features, vessels remain vulnerable to ice damage, machinery breakdown, and more. The harsh environment also creates challenges for crews, few of which have been trained for or have experience in such conditions, according to insurance broker and risk adviser Marsh.

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TowerPower wind turbine project kicks off

TheTowerPowerLogo TowerPower wind turbine project provides for the continuous monitoring of the structural condition of the tower and supporting structure of floating and static offshore wind turbines.

In May, the eleven partners of the collaborative European project TowerPower met in Aix-en-Provence (France) to kick it off. The project aims to develop a remote real time monitoring system for the ageing diagnosis of offshore wind turbine structures. This development meets a real demand from the offshore wind park operators looking for maintenance cost reductions by increasing time between onsite inspections. The project will last 3 years within a budget close to 2million euros.

Coordinated by the cluster Capenergies (FR), the TowerPower project will involve:
• Associations having activities in the wind energy sector, who will carry out the dissemination and exploitation scheme of the innovation: Capenergies (FR), Cylsolar (ES) and Associazione Italiana Prouver non Distruttive – AIPnD (IT).
• Pilot SME’s interested by the technology, who will contribute to orientate the research work: Kingston Computer Consulting, Moniteye, Teknisk Data AS, WLB and TecopySA.
• Research centres in charge of the system design, development and validation: CETIM, Innora and TWI.

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RINA classification society to tackle noise pollution

The RINA classification society to tackle noise pollution
The RINA classification society to tackle noise pollution

IMO has recently published MEPC Circ. 833 ‘Guidelines For The Reduction Of Underwater Noise From Commercial Shipping To Address Adverse Impacts On Marine Life’, which sets out to advise on design and operational solutions that could be adopted to reduce underwater radiated noise.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed the (ISO/PAS) 17208-1 Acoustics, Quantities and procedures for description and measurement of underwater sound from ships. Part 1: General requirements for measurements in deep water and ISO/DIS 16554. Ship and marine technology. Measurement and reporting of underwater sound radiated from merchant ships and deep water measurement.

Paolo Moretti, Head of the Marine Business Line, RINA Services, said, “Noise is the new pollution. The international community has raised concern that the underwater noise generated by commercial shipping may have negative consequences on marine life, especially marine mammals.

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