RMI has published its Annual Report on the investigation of Marine Casualties, revealing that it received reports of 806 very serious marine casualties, marine incidents, and occurrences in 2019. Accidental falls, enclosed space incidents and collisions-groundings during pilotage were the main issues of concern last year.
Specifically, during 2019:
– 17 very serious casualties were reported to the Administrator. Two very serious casualties resulted in the constructive total loss of a ship, while 11 others resulted in the loss of one or more lives. Additionally, four occurred on yachts and resulted in their constructive total loss due to fire.
– Accidental falls were the leading cause of death during 2019, with seven lives lost. Four of these fatalities were the result of falls from height and three were falls overboard. Improper enclosed space entry also resulted in the loss of two seafarers
– There were 331 marine casualties.
– Serious injuries (resulting in incapacitation for 72 hours or more) were by far the most frequently occurring marine Continue reading “RMI publishes its annual report on marine casualties”