What caught my eye: March 2023

Well here’s another collection of slightly off-piste marine-related stories that might have passed you by during March.

Philippines charges 15 crew members for smuggling P400 million worth of sugar

Now here’s a strange tale indeed. Smuggling the ‘white stuff’ usually has a very different connotation, but in this instance, it refers to nothing more harmful than sugar! Apparently, on Friday 17th February, the Philippines Agricultural Department charged 15 crew members of a cargo ship for smuggling sugar. The sugar cargo with a value of P400 million led authorities to charge the captain of MV Sunward and the rest of the crew with smuggling.

The incident happened in Batangas. The arrested persons’ identities are said to be 7 Chinese, 6 Indonesian Continue reading “What caught my eye: March 2023”

What caught my eye: February 2023

So here we go again with an eclectic mix and round-up of the news stories and events that grabbed my attention and caught my eye during February 2023.

Robots to collect litter from surface and deeper regions of the Mediterranean
Photo credit: Subsea Tech
Photo credit: Subsea Tech

Once again, I take my hat off to the ingenuity of people. Here is yet another fine example of innovation at work that deserves to succeed. After the success of the first autonomous robotic system designed to search for, identify, and collect seafloor litter, a consortium of European researchers will develop a team of robots to collect litter from the surface and deeper regions of the Mediterranean. Continue reading “What caught my eye: February 2023”

What caught my eye: January 2023

For the past 18 months or so, I have published a regular column in the monthly IIMS news bulletin entitled ‘what caught my eye’, but have now decided to share this content here through my blog additionally.  Some of the maritime stories I have souced have been important ones, some fascinating and some just downright daft. But I hope you will enjoy what I have chosen for you this month (and in future months to come too). Continue reading “What caught my eye: January 2023”

Carnage at sea in August. What’s happened and why?

Superyacht Hooligan pictured. Photo credit - Nomme Rescue Unit, Tallin
Superyacht Hooligan pictured. Photo credit – Nomme Rescue Unit, Tallin

We hear all the time about exciting breakthroughs in new technology and enhanced safety management systems designed to keep lives and assets safe at sea. We read in various reports that, in general, the number of serious incidents and accidents is falling year on year. So, what on earth went wrong in August? If you can help me to make sense of it all, please do so!

The number of incidents, mishaps, and accidents last month all over the world at sea and in ports is eyewatering – beyond belief – and frankly, more than anyone would agree is acceptable. In many instances, the cause and recommendations that come from the incidents, Continue reading “Carnage at sea in August. What’s happened and why?”

Looking back over a difficult month for world affairs

Geoff Waddington (pictured left) being presented with his President's medal by Paul Homer
Geoff Waddington (pictured left) being presented with his President’s medal by Paul Homer

Rarely am I lost for words, but I have found updating this blog at this time harder to compose than usual. You know full well why this is of course, given the state of the world currently. My colleagues and I have been appalled at the situation developing in Ukraine. The invasion has dominated the marine headlines, as well as the general news, for several weeks now – and rightly so, for it is the only news in town that matters currently.

The immediate threat to shipping and crews was not apparent when the invasion began but is far clearer now. There are many in the Continue reading “Looking back over a difficult month for world affairs”

From shipping catastrophe to Reality TV via defective lifejackets!

Photo credit: The Dubrovnik Times
Photo credit: The Dubrovnik Times

Mike Schwarz casts his eye back over last month’s eventful and eclectic marine news.

Another maritime accident of catastrophic proportions as MV X-Press Pearl sinks
Those who have followed my writing over the years will know my feelings about such events very well. Yes, we all know shipping is a dangerous business, of course. But yet again, here, on the face of it is another example of an accident that could have been prevented according to initial reports. Obviously, it would be inappropriate to pre-empt the outcome of the investigation.

Like many others, I watched in disbelief as this tragedy unfolded before my eyes over a period of two weeks, following the devastating fire Continue reading “From shipping catastrophe to Reality TV via defective lifejackets!”

What caught my eye last month

Is your new bike stuck in the Suez Canal on the Ever Given?
Is your new bike stuck in the Suez Canal on the Ever Given?

There is never a shortage of news stories as far as the shipping and boating world is concerned, many of them bearing bad tidings of more incidents and accidents the have happened at sea. In fact, daily maritime news feeds fill my inbox to capacity. Some of these articles are of great importance and relevance, others rather more frivolous by nature. There is room for both of course.

Sometimes these articles leave room for further thought and require more digging around to really understand what is at stake, often creating more questions than they answer. Anyway, here are three news items from the last month that caught my eye. Continue reading “What caught my eye last month”

Who knows where the time goes?

A new entry to my blog is long overdue. As an aside, the title of this blog –  ‘Who knows where time goes’ – is one of my favourite songs, written by the talented and much missed Sandy Denny, and sung by her when with Fairport Convention, one of my favourite bands. Perhaps that plug will get me a free ticket to a future gig? But although I digress shamelessly, the fact is that one day simply merges into the next due to the pandemic and the current lockdown in the UK, as time slips easily by. With the inability to do much at the moment, a work day in the week is little different to the weekend it seems. Our lives are disrupted and mundane, but for good reason. Let’s hope this pandemic clears through soon. And yes, these are challenging times, not just for many working marine surveyors who are finding it hard to go about their lives as normal, but for many others too. Please stay safe and if you are working at this time, do carry out enhanced risk assessments. Continue reading “Who knows where the time goes?”

The IIMS surveyor network is proving its worth

Strange and positive things can and do happen at times of great adversity it seems. And let’s face it, the world is facing adversity like no other most of us will have seen. I repeatedly hear from small craft surveyors around the world that they have had their busiest ever year. Yes, the rules of survey have changed, but many people in the world have decided this is the perfect time to purchase a boat remarkably. Equally cargo and commercial ship surveyors are reporting that they too are busy. But again, the rules of engagement and survey are different now.

A number of members have informed me that they are Continue reading “The IIMS surveyor network is proving its worth”

With a spate of incidents and accidents what price human life at sea?

Of course, we have always known that the sea can be and is a treacherous place at times; but the past few weeks have seen a spate of distressing incidents and accidents, seemingly occurring on an almost daily frequency and resulting in the loss of life with substantial damage to vessels and cargoes around the world. Before I became involved in my role as CEO of IIMS, I was blissfully unaware of the sheer number of lives lost at sea, as indeed are most members of the general public. The reason for that is simply that most marine accidents, apart from the really major ones, never make the general news agendas. When I tell my friends and family about the tragedies that routinely happen at sea, they are disbelieving.

The personal distress I have felt having seen details of one incident after another dropping into my inbox has compelled me to write a blog Continue reading “With a spate of incidents and accidents what price human life at sea?”

Mid pandemic and IIMS finally secures its new flagship head office, Murrills House

Murrills House is the new permanent flagship headquarters for IIMS
Murrills House is the new permanent flagship headquarters for IIMS

The news has been so downbeat and tragic for so many people in recent months for the reasons we all know, so it is a good feeling to be able to share a rather more positive news story.

Back in 2018, IIMS members at the AGM voted and mandated me to find office accommodation to purchase as an asset for the Institute when our rental term expired. Little did I know that a little over two years on, we would complete the purchase of Murrills House (offices we had rented for the past 10 years) and which we now own. Yes, on Friday 31st July 2020, we formally completed the deal and are now the proud owners of a delightful Grade II Continue reading “Mid pandemic and IIMS finally secures its new flagship head office, Murrills House”

Coronavirus makes an urgent rethink for the marine surveying profession mandatory

Since I recently published my most recent Coronavirus advice to marine surveyors who travel internationally for work, the situation surrounding the pandemic has worsened dramatically in just a few days. The world we knew has ended abruptly. Put simply, marine surveyors are certain not to be travelling cross-border for work given the alacrity with which most countries are racing to close their borders.

This presents a challenge to the marine surveying profession like never before and one which none of us has witnessed in our lifetimes – and there is no easy or obvious solution either.

Continue reading “Coronavirus makes an urgent rethink for the marine surveying profession mandatory”

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