New report data highlights urgency of maritime industry in tackling growing cyber threats

Only 1 in 6 shipowners fully understand what a cyber-secure vessel should look like upon delivery, highlighting a critical gap in the industry’s approach to maritime cybersecurity. The report, jointly published by Thetius, CyberOwl, a DNV company and HFW, explores key stakeholder challenges and approaches to managing cybersecurity and cyber threats across the lifecycle of a vessel.

The Lifecycle Dilemma: Navigating Cybersecurity Risks Across Designing, Constructing and Operating a Vessel delves into the shifting risks and disconnected approaches in cybersecurity across each stage from initial design Continue reading “New report data highlights urgency of maritime industry in tackling growing cyber threats”

Cyprus reports key PSC trends and deficiencies 2022-2024

The Republic of Cyprus Shipping Deputy Ministry has published a report on the Port State Control (PSC) Performance of the fleet of Cyprus.

In its fourth Report on Cyprus Fleet Port State Control Performance, the organisation includes the Statistical Data Analysis of Cyprus flagged Detained Ships worldwide for the last three consecutive years (2022-2024). Key findings from the report are as follows: Continue reading “Cyprus reports key PSC trends and deficiencies 2022-2024”

ABS Port State Control 2024 Q4 Report

ABS has released its latest Quarterly Port State Control (PSC) Report which provides information about deficiencies identified on ABS vessels during inspections carried out by the various PSC regimes globally during the last quarter of 2024.

There were 465 total detained vessels in the fourth quarter per Paris MoU, Tokyo MoU and USCG. Of those detained, only 22 vessels were ABS classed vessels. For period 1 October to 31 December 2024, the top categories for Port State Control (PSC) detentions on ABS vessels in the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Tokyo MoU and the United States Coast Guard (USCG) database are as follows: Continue reading “ABS Port State Control 2024 Q4 Report”

U.S. Coast Guard 2023 Flag State Control Domestic Report

The U.S. Coast Guard’s Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance has published its 2023 Flag State Control Domestic Annual Report. This report highlights U.S. domestic fleet inspection, deficiency, and marine casualty statistics and serves as a powerful tool that highlights trends, identifies key performance indicators, and draws attention to findings over the past calendar year.

The report presents information reflecting the U.S. Flag fleet including barges, cargo vessels, passenger vessels, vessels operating on the Outer Continental Shelf, research and school ships, fishing vessels, and towing vessels. Continue reading “U.S. Coast Guard 2023 Flag State Control Domestic Report”

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