Liberian Registry issues notice on recall of rocket parachute flares

The Liberia Maritime Authority has published marine advisory 04/2025 on the Voluntary replacement and recall of rocket parachute flares Kokusai Kakoh Co., Ltd / Type: KP-16.
Kokusai Kakoh Co., Ltd recalled the flare due to concerns regarding the specified altitude and burning time when fired.

The item in question:
• Product name/type: Kokusai Kakoh Co., Ltd. Rocket parachute flares Type: KP-16 ➢ Date of manufacture: From February 2021 to July 2024. The Liberian Maritime Authority recommends replacing these flares in accordance with information provided by the manufacturer, “Instructions (for outside of Japan)”. Continue reading “Liberian Registry issues notice on recall of rocket parachute flares”

MAIB safety bulletin into safety issues on Red Sea liveaboard dive boats

Image courtesy of Ali Aref, President of Dive Pro Liveaboard. Source: MAIB
Image courtesy of Ali Aref, President of Dive Pro Liveaboard. Source: MAIB

The UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch is aware that 16 Red Sea liveaboard dive boats have been lost over the last 5 years. Seven of these losses happened in the last 21 months, and three of these resulted in numerous fatalities including UK nationals.

In line with the principles of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Casualty Investigation Code, the UK has been registered as a substantially interested state in the Egyptian safety investigations into these accidents. Continue reading “MAIB safety bulletin into safety issues on Red Sea liveaboard dive boats”

Transport Malta: crewmember death after steam valve failure onboard Chemical Hunter

An able bodied seafarer (AB) on board Chemical Hunter was severely scalded by steam
An able bodied seafarer (AB) on board Chemical Hunter was severely scalded by steam

On 28 January 2024, an able bodied seafarer (AB) on board Chemical Hunter was severely scalded by steam. The accident happened during cargo tank washing and steaming operations. Chemical Hunter had just left the port of Altamira, Mexico when the accident occurred. The vessel returned to port where the injured crew member was transferred to a hospital. Despite the first aid given on board, and the more specialised treatment in hospital, the injured crew member succumbed to his injuries about two weeks after the accident.
The safety investigation determined that the failure mechanism of the steam inlet valve to the cargo tank cleaning water heater was most Continue reading “Transport Malta: crewmember death after steam valve failure onboard Chemical Hunter”

Special campaign in China on illegal enclosed space entry

Huatai Marine circular announces the start of a special campaign against illegal enclosed space entry onboard ships.
Huatai Marine circular announces the start of a special campaign against illegal enclosed space entry onboard ships.

P&I club Britannia has highlighted a Huatai Marine circular announcing the start of a special campaign against illegal enclosed space entry onboard ships.
The nine-month campaign, launched by the China Maritime Safety Administration (China MSA), began on 15 January and is intended to run until 14 October 2025. The campaign appears to target areas such as:
• The crew awareness of the dangers of enclosed spaces
• The identification and marking of enclosed spaces onboard
• The efficient and safe control of entry to enclosed spaces by permit Continue reading “Special campaign in China on illegal enclosed space entry”

DGS India investigation report into M T Patriot tanker explosion

Figure 1: Main deck area of M T Patriot after the explosion. Source: DGS Mumbai, India
Figure 1: Main deck area of M T Patriot after the explosion. Source: DGS Mumbai, India

The Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai has issued a casualty circular into the death on board a tanker while undergoing repairs at berth.
The circular highlights an incident on Indian-registered tanker M T Patriot that resulted in the loss of one life and injuries to three shore-contracted personnel on board.
The casualties occurred due to an explosion inside the port-side Slop tank while cutting of nuts and bolts, using hot work, was being carried out on the Inert Gas line at the main deck.
The tanker was undergoing repairs that included renewal of sections of the Inert Gas (IG) pipeline on main deck at the Port of Chennai at repair berth since 30th October 2023 after taking the necessary permissions Continue reading “DGS India investigation report into M T Patriot tanker explosion”

MAIB investigation into death on board motor yacht Baton Rouge

Image courtesy of Nigel Burgess Limited.
Image courtesy of Nigel Burgess Limited.

On the morning of 23 February 2024, the chief engineer on the Isle of Man registered motor yacht Baton Rouge was electrocuted while working on the engine room ventilation system. The chief engineer was replacing a damper actuator, which was situated in a ventilation overpressure duct compartment. The chief engineer’s heart could not be restarted, and he was pronounced dead later that morning.
The investigation found that the chief engineer commenced the actuator replacement without isolating the electric supply and without a permit to work for electrical maintenance in place. This was likely because he had rationalised the risk and wanted to avoid the limitations of restricting the vessel to emergency power. Continue reading “MAIB investigation into death on board motor yacht Baton Rouge”

Transport Malta investigation into boiler explosion death

Source: Transport Malta
Source: Transport Malta Boiler explosion death investigation report has been published

Transport Malta has released an investigation report into the boiler explosion on board oil/chemical tanker Torc, resulting in the death of a crewmember.

The incident took place on 8 January 2024 as the Maltese-registered ship was traveling between Agioi Theodorai and Genoa.
On 03 January 2024, Torc departed Agioi Theodoroi, Greece, after discharging part of its cargo of Paraffin. The vessel was bound for Genoa, Italy with an expected date of arrival of 10 January 2024. Shortly after departing from Agioi Theodoroi, the engineers changed over the boiler fuel consumption to very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO) for both boilers. However, the starboard boiler failed repeatedly to start. Continue reading “Transport Malta investigation into boiler explosion death”

Marshall Islands publishes Blue Cecil report after enclosed space entry deaths

Blue Cecil report published after enclosed space entry deathsSource: Republic of the Marshall Islands Maritime Administrator
Blue Cecil report published after enclosed space entry deaths Source: Republic of the Marshall Islands Maritime Administrator

The Republic of the Marshall Islands Maritime Administrator has released its report into the deaths of three crewmembers on bulk carrier Blue Cecil in 2023.
The vessel’s C/E, ETO and Fitter died after they were found unconscious inside of Cargo Hold No. 1. Despite a rescue attempt, with all three being recovered from the hold, they were unresponsive and did not respond to CPR. A post-mortem examination by the Philippine authorities determined their deaths was “asphyxia by suffocation.”

The following lessons learned were identified:
a) Entering a loaded cargo hold without authorization and without following established shipboard enclosed space entry and rescue procedures is extremely hazardous and should not be attempted. Continue reading “Marshall Islands publishes Blue Cecil report after enclosed space entry deaths”

IIMS Safety & Loss Prevention Briefings Compendium 2024

Edition IV of the IIMS Safety & Loss Prevention Briefings Compendium has been published and is available for download. This is an essential addition to every marine surveyor’s online library. As you read and browse the 172-page publication you will discover:

– A wealth of safety briefing information.

– Detail of incident and accident reports from last year.

– Vital loss prevention guidance and advice from leading P&I Clubs. Continue reading “IIMS Safety & Loss Prevention Briefings Compendium 2024”

EMSA Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents 2024

Dive of a ROV on 12th September 2023. Credit: EMSA
Dive of a ROV on 12th September 2023. Credit: EMSA

The EMSA has published its Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents 2024, which presents statistics on marine casualties and incidents that cover the period from 1 of January 2014 to 31 of December 2023.
In 2023, most of the indicators, such as the number of occurrences, ships lost, fatalities or injuries, are near or below the average values for the entire period from 2014 to 2023.
In 2023, 2,676 marine casualties and incidents were reported, which represent an increase of 49 marine casualties and incidents compared to 2022 and a decrease of 66 marine casualties and incidents compared to 2021. Continue reading “EMSA Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents 2024”

MAIB report: Man overboard from potting vessel Pioneer with loss of 1 life

The skipper of the UK registered potting vessel Pioneer (NN200) accidently entered the water as the vessel was heading back to its beach standing
The skipper of the UK registered potting vessel Pioneer (NN200) accidently entered the water as the vessel was heading back to its beach standing

On the morning of 29 July 2021, the skipper of the UK registered potting vessel Pioneer (NN200) accidently entered the water as the vessel was heading back to its beach standing in Hastings, England. Pioneer’s sole deckhand was unable to pull him back on board and the skipper was later recovered from the water with the help of a rescue helicopter’s winchman and airlifted to hospital, but he could not be revived.

The MAIB investigation found that Pioneer had a low bulwark at its aft deck, which did not prevent the skipper’s fall into the water. At the time of the accident neither the skipper nor deckhand were wearing a personal flotation device, although two were available on board. Continue reading “MAIB report: Man overboard from potting vessel Pioneer with loss of 1 life”

IMPA Safety Campaign annual results revealed

The latest IMPA Safety Campaign has revealed that pilot ladders remain the leading source of non-compliant observations.
The latest IMPA Safety Campaign has revealed that pilot ladders remain the leading source of non-compliant observations.

The latest IMPA Safety Campaign has revealed that pilot ladders remain the leading source of non-compliant observations.

The International Maritime Pilots’ Association (IMPA) highlighted that 9% of nom-compliant pilot ladders were not secured to a strongpoint.

Held between 1 – 15 October every year, this year’s survey stated that no significant change to historic non-compliance trends. This year it was supported for the first time by a native application which it is anticipated will help more maritime pilots actively participate in the future. Continue reading “IMPA Safety Campaign annual results revealed”

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