The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has published its report on a towboat sinking incident in which three towboats and an unnamed deck barge sank in the Illinois River while moored at the Jersey County Grain Company facility in Hardin, Ill. No crewmembers were aboard any of the vessels. Approximately 2,800 gallons of diesel fuel were released into the river and mostly recovered. Damage to the vessels, deck barge, and facility totaled an estimated $920,000.
Four vessels were involved in the towboat sinking: the 47-foot-long towing vessel Chattie Sue Smith, built in 1963, the 55-foot-long Mary-R, built in 1964; the 54-foot-long Mary Fern, built in 1978; and the 50-foot-long Teddi B, built in 1989, which was moored with the other vessels on the day of the accident but did not sink. The towboats, all equipped with twin propellers, were moored with a 50-foot-long-by- 18-foot-wide steel deck barge.
On July 5, 2019, the four vessels and the deck barge were moored on the right descending bank of the Illinois River at mile Continue reading “Triple towboat sinking report published by NTSB”