Transport Canada has issued a ship safety bulletin SSB No. 06/2024 regarding maintaining fire safety systems and equipment.
This bulletin is to remind the marine community about maintaining fire safety systems and equipment.
The bulletin emphasizes the following points:
– Visually check systems and equipment as required.
– Confirm that systems and equipment are accessible and available for immediate use.
– Keep systems and equipment in safe operating condition.
– Consider the manufacturer’s instructions or recommendations when inspecting and maintaining systems and equipment. The maintenance requirements for fire safety systems and equipment can be found in Subsection 102(2) of the Vessel Fire Safety Regulations. The bulletin also provides guidelines for the maintenance and inspection of fire protection systems and appliances, fixed carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing systems, and marine portable fire extinguishers. It mentions the relevant sections of the Vessel Fire Safety Regulations, Small Vessel Regulations, and Fishing Vessel Safety Regulations that pertain to fire safety. Specific recommendations are provided for different fire safety components:
– Fixed fire-extinguishing systems: visually inspect components, check for proper condition, rust-free and damage-free, ensure leak-free system, correct valve positions, proper pressure gauges, and good condition flexible hoses. For foam systems, ensure adequate foam concentrate. For gas systems, check hydrostatic test date, verify instructions, and ensure clear and accessible portable actuation levers for CO2 cylinders.
– Fire detection: ensure flame and smoke detectors are working as per manufacturer’s specification, check audibility of alarms, and test detectors and replace batteries annually.
– Fire doors: ensure fire doors are clear and closed properly, never latch them in the open position with ropes, and test remote operation release annually.
– Portable fire extinguishers: ensure fully charged marine-type approved extinguishers, properly latched, rust-free, and easily accessible.
– Firefighter outfits/fire hoses: ensure complete and clean firefighting outfits stored in a dry cabinet, replace damaged equipment immediately, ensure fully charged radios and flashlights, and maintain records of annual air exchange in breathing air bottles. Compressors used for on-board refill must meet the requirements of CSA Standard Z180.1 for compressed breathing air and systems. Fire hoses must be easy to access, and damaged fire hose cabinets must be replaced.
Download SSB No. 06/2024: Maintaining fire safety systems and equipment