Special campaign in China on illegal enclosed space entry

Huatai Marine circular announces the start of a special campaign against illegal enclosed space entry onboard ships.
Huatai Marine circular announces the start of a special campaign against illegal enclosed space entry onboard ships.

P&I club Britannia has highlighted a Huatai Marine circular announcing the start of a special campaign against illegal enclosed space entry onboard ships.
The nine-month campaign, launched by the China Maritime Safety Administration (China MSA), began on 15 January and is intended to run until 14 October 2025. The campaign appears to target areas such as:
• The crew awareness of the dangers of enclosed spaces
• The identification and marking of enclosed spaces onboard
• The efficient and safe control of entry to enclosed spaces by permit
• Ensuring the onboard atmosphere testing devices are calibrated and in date
• That regular enclosed space rescue drills are conducted.
Whilst all the targeted areas of inspection can be considered as standard onboard procedures and practices, Britannia is encouraging ships visiting China during this period to refresh and confirm their understanding of how this hazardous activity is properly controlled and managed onboard.

Download the PDF: China MSA Special Campaign on Enclosed Space Entry
Read the circular: Huatai Marine PNI [2025] 01


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