Shipbuilding Acquaint Course

Broadreach Marine Ltd in conjunction with the International Institute of Marine Surveying offers an on-demand masterclass in modern shipbuilding, delivered through 10 videos, each covering a specific area of the shipbuilding process. The total combined video run time is in excess of 17 hours. Peter Broad, Managing Director of Broadreach Marine Ltd, is the lead tutor and these units were presented and recorded in 2022.

    Should you would wish to register your interest in completing the full Shipbuilding Acquaint Course, please complete these fields and click the submit button.

    Peter has spent his entire 30 years plus career in shipping and has always worked to the highest possible standards. Over the years, he has worked with and managed a number of multinational and multicultural teams and values highly the diversity of these relationships. Peter has authored white papers for Government, two marine engineering-related books, and a number of bespoke marine-related training packages. He is an expert witness, a Chartered Marine Engineer, a Fellow of IMarEST and of the IIMS (as well as its next President).

    This on-demand content is suitable for individuals who have a basic knowledge of shipping and want to expand their practical knowledge of shipbuilding. It will also appeal to marine surveyors and those who are working for a shipping company, or related marine industry, such as P&I Insurance Clubs, Maritime law firms and so on.

    View Peter’s short video introduction below to the course and its contents.

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