SCWG Scotland training day successful

The annual IIMS UK Small Craft Working Group Scotland training day, which attracted a dozen IIMS members, took place on Monday 16 November at the splendid Royal Northern & Clyde Yacht Club at Rhu near Helensburgh under the chairmanship of Tom Elder.

Mike Schwarz opened up proceedings with an overview of IIMS and MSA activities. He was followed by Certifying Authority Chairman, Fraser Noble, who gave a full and comprehensive update on the work of the IIMS CA. He also talked about surveyor standards.

Tom Elder introduced the afternoon session using unusual photographs sent in by members of the group before the training day to stimulate debate and discussion. They ranged from a series of corrosions photos to various images of distressed yachst exhibiting various faults as a guide for surveyors to be aware of.

Tom then revealed the results of a survey that attendees had completed.

Some of the group enjoyed dinner at the Marsala Twist in Helensburgh before joinging up the following morning to have a tour around the GalGeal Trust in nearby Glasgow. They were able to observe at first hand traditional boat building skills.

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