SCWG March training day voted a success

Nearly 30 marine surveyors were joined by IIMS head office staff at the SCWG training day, which was held at Portchester Sailing Club
Nearly 30 marine surveyors were joined by IIMS head office staff at the SCWG training day, which was held at Portchester Sailing Club

A group of nearly 30 small craft surveyors (the majority members of IIMS) met at Portchester Sailing Club on Monday 23 March for the first Small Craft Working Group training day of the year.

The agenda for this event looked rather different to previous ones and this was perhaps reflected by the numbers who turned up, in what was the largest such gathering for some considerable time.

The aim of the day was to mix some presentations about business management skills with more specific surveyor training and, judging from the feedback received at the end of the day, the format worked for the vast majority of delegates.

The feedback on the presentations was as follows:

Presentation 1: How to give good customer care
82% said the content of this presentation was either very good or essential

Presentation 2: 15 Basic marketing tips
92% said the content of this presentation was either very good or essential

Presentation 3: Managing cashflow
73% said the content of this presentation was either very good or essential

Presentation 4: What makes a good website
55% said the content of this presentation was either very good or essential

Presentation 5: Small business marketing strategies
69% said the content of this presentation was either very good or essential

Presentation 6: Handling new build projects
100% said the content of this presentation was either very good or essential

Presentation 7: Top tips on how to write great survey reports
91% said the content of this presentation was either very good or essential

Presentation 8: Update on IIMS activities
91% said the content of this presentation was either very good or essential

Presentation 9: Report writing practical group exercise
85% said the content of this presentation was either very good or essential

Presentation 10: PI insurance for marine surveyors
100% said the content of this presentation was either very good or essential

Some of the verbatim comments written by those who attended the day were:
Very interesting and all of good use
Really useful and I’d like to see an IIMS head office update at every meeting
Good fun learnt a lot
Very good enjoyed the whole day
The report writing practical group exercise was particularly interesting
Very good content with many useful tips
Generally fit for purpose!
Very good as was the entire day

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