Report on two recent IIMS India Branch events

Capt. Mukesh Gautama presents a gift of appreciation to Tony Fernandez
Capt. Mukesh Gautama presents a gift of appreciation to Tony Fernandez

An IIMS Member Meet was held at Hotel VITS, Mumbai on 06th June 2019.

At the outset, the IIMS India Branch Committee thanked Tony Fernandez for readily accepting to deliver a session on mentoring and to act as mentor. He returned from abroad only the previous evening and in spite of jet lag and his health conditions, he came to the venue much earlier to deliver his speech. He also shared informative case study examples on General Average Claims during his speech.

The following attended the meeting:
Pervez Kaikobad – Regional Director, IIMS, India.
AWJ (Tony) Fernandez – Honorary Fellow Member and Mentor Speaker
T.S.Shrinivaasan – Chairman and Member
Milind Tambe – Fellow Member
Subash Chander – Member
Mandeep Pruthi – Secretary and Member
Capt. Andley
Capt. Xerxes Aga
Capt. Sahoo
Nischal Saini – Offing Member

IIMS Workshop and Members Meet held at Chennai on 13th September 2019.

A total number of 33 persons participated who were welcomed by IIMS India Branch Chairman Mr. T.S.Shrinivaasan.

Prior to the start of the workshop, mourning of two surveyors Mr. R.K. Ilango, a Senior Insurance Surveyor from Trichy and Capt. C.K. Mani, a Senior Marine Surveyor from Jam Nagar who expired recently, were observed.

The Workshop was opened by Pervez Kaikobad, Regional Director of IIMS, India Region.

The forenoon session was handled by Mr. Milind Tambe on the subject of Imaging Techniques for Surveyors. He made a concise reprise of his original presentation on the subject which normally lasts up to 3 days. Nevertheless, he touched upon the intricacies and explained right from early stage of photography until digital photography the different features in a camera, how to store, preserve and the retrieval of images.

The afternoon session was handled by Mr. A.W.J.(Tony) Fernandez with an innovative method of Interactive Case Study of a Cargo and Hull claim. Members actively participated and Tony kept the audience alive with his in depth knowledge on marine insurance and shipping.

The Branch Chairman proposed a vote of thanks and the workshop concluded by all present singing together the National Anthem.

After workshop concluded, a Members Meet was held.

The following Members were present:
Mr. AWJ (Tony) Fernandez
Mr. P. Sridharan
Mr. Milind Tambe
Mr. Pervez Kaikobad
Mr. T.S.Shrinivaasan
Capt. Mukesh Gautama
Capt. Lalith Kumar
Mr. Kushal Roy
Mr. Koteeswar Rao

Brief minutes of the meeting:
a) Registering of Indian Branch was discussed. As there was problem in ROC (Registrar of Companies) to have words like “International” or “India” in the name, Capt. Lalith Kumar and Mr. Kushal Roy volunteered to sort out through their known sources. Mr. Pervez also keeps trying by naming differently other than IIMS.
b) Next Member Meet is planned to be held at Gandhidham sometime in December 2019. The Gujarat Members would gear up now onwards with venue, date and content.
c) Year 2020 is the tenth Anniversary of the IIMS India Branch and the event is to be celebrated on a grand scale. To mark the tenth year, it is felt we have to celebrate on a two-day basis either in Goa or elsewhere.

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