The Report Magazine March 2022

The key highlights of this 124 page edition of the Report include:

– Maritime Safety Report 2012-2021: a decade of progress
– Getting to zero coalition – Closing the Gap: A new report
– Superyacht building boom creates a supply crunch and crew shortage for ultrarich buyers
– Why are shipping containers lost at sea and where do they end up?
– Good bunkering practice and guidance
– Material obsession. From wood to window frames and rock, boatbuilding has never been so eclectic
– Aluminium versus steel boat hulls. Discuss
– Forensic Accounting in Marine Claims and Cargo Losses
– IIMS President speaks out about interpretation
– Four inefficient shipping regulations that no one talks about
– 3D Scanning and Fusion 360 in Traditional Boat Building

Read the March 2022 Report Magazine online in e-reader format or in pdf format: Report Magazine March 2022

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