What a marine surveyor needs to know about dynamically positioned vessels eBook


More than 50 years ago, Shell built a 400T core drilling vessel with automatic heading and position control; the Eureka. Heading and position was maintained by two 200 horse power steerable thrusters. Control was by analogue computer. Since then, of course, things have changed beyond recognition and dynamic positioning is now an essential part of the modern day maritime world and a subject many marine surveyors embrace in a routine fashion, although to some it remains a mystery.

In ‘What a marine surveyor needs to know about dynamically positioned vessels’, Hugh Raynor sets out to explore the subject and explain in simple terms what dynamic positioning is and why it is needed. He says that DP has evolved into a highly complex beast, and in many ways the systems now in place on modern vessels are every bit as sophisticated and safe as can be found on any new jet airliner.

To fully describe and explain DP within a few pages is not possible; however, through this guide Hugh offers an insight into the mysterious world of DP, explaining its uses and functions.

Author: Hugh Raynor
ISBN: 978-1-911058-08-3
Size: 60 pages
Also available in paperback format priced at £20. Click link below.

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