Unit 35. Business Management


A smart marine surveyor needs to be a smart business person. Successful business people come in all shapes and sizes; but there is never any guarantee of success in business. Having a good product or offering the best marine surveying services on its own does not guarantee success. It is an important start for sure, but to be truly successful you need a good mix of ingredients. Indeed, there are many ways and styles to do business and you have to find the way that works best for you. That said, there are also recognised key pointers and signposts that will help you towards your goal.

This module contains a mix of business theory and practical advice to make the learning process a meaningful and realistic one. There are some topics which have been excluded from this module such as communication skills, research and development, interviewing techniques, and employing staff. However, perhaps the biggest omission is information technology. The reason for this is that there are so many options for a small business owner to consider these days. Word versus Mac? Storage in the cloud? What sort of email client? Laptop, PC, tablet or smartphone? You just need to find the right blend for your business needs and constantly re-evaluate.

Please note.
By choosing to buy this Unit you are not entering into the full educational programme but you can complete an assignment for this Unit and receive an IIMS Certificate on successful assessment. Further details of this will be sent to you when you make your purchase. If you decide to take the full Educational Course at a later date you may be able to use your successful pass to make up part of your qualification.  Please be reminded that this cost covers one download of a .pdf document, there is NO hard copy. There is no refund available. Please call the Education Team direct if you have any queries: 023 92 313012 or 023 92 313015

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